Tommy's Tortoise Garden

Tommy's Tortoise Garden Egy menedékhely a mai torz, rideg világban a teknősök számára! With Friendly Members And knowledgeable/Helpful Admin The Group Has Been Running Smoothly.

I Set Up This Site For People to Buy/Sell Tortoises/Equipment, I Then Decided To Change It To An Information Group, Since Then The Group Has Grown And Continues To grow To This Day! Lets Keep Our Group Friendly And Informative So We Can Continue To Grow

Welcome new Members...please take a few moments of your time to go through the groups files (top Right of this page), we have a Tortoise care sh

eet plus other Tortoise related files. SITE RULES...
1. No advertising of businesses, selling pages or any other links to groups unless you have had permission from the site owner (Tommy J Freeman)
2. No advertising for charities/requesting money for sponsorships/donations and “click here to help me win this competition”.
3. No posting of adverts from Preloved/Gumtree/other pet groups/sites at any time to help rescue a tortoise – we cannot help them all, unfortunately.
4. No bad language.
5. No arguing…be polite and play nice!
6. Whilst we do not want to tell people what they can or can't do, we can not allow any photos of Torts with other animals or pets. If any photos are posted like this they will be deleted without explanation.
7. Do NOT block admin, doing so will get you removed from the group.





Ha szeretnél elsőként tudomást szerezni Tommy's Tortoise Garden új bejegyzéseiről és akcióiról, kérjük, engedélyezd, hogy e-mailen keresztül értesítsünk. E-mail címed máshol nem kerül felhasználásra, valamint bármikor leiratkozhatsz levelezési listánkról.

