-011- ALKOTÓCSOPORT SZÍNHÁZI ÉS FILMES CSOPORT Where in a concentrated moment I can feel the pouring rain, last year’s love, the fantasy comics or my latest family meal.

“Every theatre production has to create a unique world, system in which the spectator can recognize the events important for him through a series of partial truths; he can put the pieces together like in a puzzle. A good theatre is like the rabbit’s hole for us, where space and time changes every minute, where the actor turns into something different, he is a machine, a plant, an animal and human,

statue and animation. Where the memories of our subconscious are connected to the main storyline with a thousand threads, where the numerous manifestations of the world around us can be animated within moments. Where the scenes don’t follow each other in a linear way, but every small unit can stand on its own as an individual vision, social message or even just an impression, but if I want, I can add to the plot by simply creating a story and going on writing my own story. The question ‘what is this scene or sentence doing here?’ cannot come up in theatre. It has to create a system in which these specks of dust roll by themselves and I can either identify myself with them or they disturb me. If the theatre doesn’t carry this kind of freedom, this kind of interpretation network, then it becomes predictable and transparent. Just another tally in the file where they tried to force a message on me instead of letting me arrive to an interpretation in my own rhythm.”


Hajós Utca 14


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