Blessed Borders - The Working Dogs

Blessed Borders Kennel – ZárszóA tavalyi évvel együtt a tenyésztéstől is elbúcsúztam.Az életem regényének ez a fejezete ...

Blessed Borders Kennel – Zárszó

A tavalyi évvel együtt a tenyésztéstől is elbúcsúztam.

Az életem regényének ez a fejezete véget ért. Furcsa érzés elengedni a lapokat, amiket már olvastam, nem tudva, hogy mi áll a még olvasatlan oldalakon.

Hálás vagyok ezért a fejezetért – a sok színes élményért, a tapasztalatokért, a nehézségekért, a sikerekért, a barátokért és az ellenségekért - azért, amivé váltam általa.

Ha megkérdezitek, hogy tenyésztőként mit értem el, milyen örökséget hagytam, akkor beszélhetnék a tőlem származó kutyák eredményeiről, a kennel kiemelkedő egészségügyi statisztikáiról, stb., ezek mind jó dolgok, de az igazi eredmény számomra az, hogy a kutyáim tízen év tartalmas, boldog élet után azokból a kezekből távoznak el, amelyek kölyökként magukhoz vették őket.

Szeretnék szívből köszönetet mondani mindenkinek, aki bármilyen módon gazdagította, színesítette ezt a történetet!

Elsősorban a kutyáim gazdáinak, nektek, akik megtiszteltetek a bizalmatokkal (többen második vagy akár harmadik alkalommal is - vagy akár BB unokát választottatok más kennelből - ami számomra a legnagyobb elismerés), a kutyáknak csodálatos, boldog, aktív életet biztosítottatok és biztosítotok ma is. Köszönöm a korrektségeteket, a józanságotokat, a lelkesedéseteket, az időtöket, a munkátokat, a szereteteteket, és hogy felvállaljátok mindazt, amivel a kutyás élet jár!

Nagyon hálás vagyok a kennel állatorvosainak, hogy nyugodt szívvel rátok bízhattam(/hatom) a kutyáimat, mert amellett, hogy szakmailag kifogástalan munkát végeztetek, emberileg is rengeteget tettetek hozzá a kennel életéhez.

Végül, de nem utolsó sorban, szeretném megemlíteni a tenyésztőket, akiktől a kutyáim származnak, és akikkel együttműködtünk az évek során. Köszönöm, hogy mindig korrektek és őszinték voltatok és barátsággal fogadtatok!

Nem fogadkozok, hogy soha többé… hiányozni fognak az almok, a kiskutyákkal járó rutinok, amik már teljesen beleivódtak a mindennapjainkba… de nem tervezek. Talán egyszer, 2-3-4 év múlva egy almot, csak a ti kedvetekért, akik azon aggódtok, hogy honnan vesztek majd kutyát, ha én nem tenyésztek tovább. :) Talán…

Szóval nincs terv, élvezem a pillanatot, a kutyáim társaságát, a felszabadult időt, amit velük tölthetek és lassan belelapozok a következő fejezetbe.

Nem jelölök meg senkit a posztban, tudjátok, hogy nektek szól! :)

Nip x Grip ismételt párosításból 3 fekete-fehér kan kiskutya keresi még az ideális otthonát!KEEPER (bal oldalon)Robbanék...

Nip x Grip ismételt párosításból 3 fekete-fehér kan kiskutya keresi még az ideális otthonát!

KEEPER (bal oldalon)
Robbanékony, energikus, önálló, de megfelelni akaró, játékos, nyitott, kiegyensúlyozott és elég domináns kiskutya. Mindenképpen sportos gazdánál a helye! Terelés, agility, obedience - minden is jöhet neki!

CAPTAIN (középen)
A világ legcukibb kiskutyája. Ő egy főnyeremény, ha valaki kedves-bújós, nagyon megfelelni akaró, emellett 100%-on dolgozó kutyát szeretne. Mindent is megcsinál, csak hogy a gazdi örüljön. Mellette is a gazdi választhat sportágat, mindent is szívesen csinál.

SOUL MATE (jobb oldalon)
Nem véletlenül a neve, ő egy igazi kis társ, akivel egy élmény együtt élni és a jelenléte elfeledtet minden problémát. Igazából ugyanaz mondható el róla is, mint a testvéreiről, kiegyensúlyozott, megfelelni akaró és játékos, szívesen sportol majd bármit.

Több infót az alom albumában a leírásnál találtok:

NIP (ISDS HU377691) x BLESSED GRIP (ISDS HU/374226)Nafani Vebber (FCI) x Blessed Borders Quick Grip (FCI)This is a repea...

Nafani Vebber (FCI) x Blessed Borders Quick Grip (FCI)

This is a repeat mating. Puppies are expected in March 2022!

Nip and Grip are two of my best working dogs, friends and companions.
You can see their first litters' album here:

Here you can find some more photos and videos of Nip and Grip here:

Both are health tested with normal and free results.

Please find some words from the owners of their first pups below:

„Sage is a dog with a fantastic character, he’s extremely smart, easy learning, courious and unbelievably kind natured. He considers himself being a lapdog and though he gets bigger and bigger, he still folds himself onto my lap. He learns the basics of agility and carries out all excercises easily. ” – Kinga (H)

„Yuki is fantastic, she is our little hurricane! She loves to run and learns very quickly. She will do great in agility later I think with her running She loves playing, fetching and grabbing things. She knows a lot of tricks! Always cheerful and happy. Eager to work! All of our horses, ducks, cats and other dogs are fine. Sometimes she has to observe, but once she's done that, she goes for it She is soo funny and sometimes a bit naughty but I like that! She makes people smile with her sweet character!” – Melissa (NL)

„Dream is very smart and attentive, learns quickly. Friendly, treats people and dogs well. She’s engaged with sheep.” – Marina (RU)

„Halley is a very kind natured little dog who learns fast, is easy to motivate, fast, friendly and opened to both humans and dogs. She learns the basics of agility. She was born for me! ” – Bence (H)

„Heart is a dog with a high level of energy, very intelligent, always looking for interaction, play and stimulation. He learns training commands very quickly, has an extraordinary focus and a great ability to maintain attention. He is very affectionate and social, with an obedient temperament. He has never been in conflict with other dogs and has not been agressive. Heart is very focused on working with frisbee, showing agility and speed. He loves balls, frisbee, puzzle toys and toys that produce sounds. In interaction with other animals he has a positive behavior, showing curiosity without being agressive. For exemple, with our parrot he is very careful, always approaching him slowly, carefully, cautiously and curiously. I don't think I could have made a better decision în choosing a dog than this one. ” - Camelia (RO)

Gem, a very spcial, loyal and great working boy lives with us and our pack. - Blessed Borders Kennel (H) :)

Puppies of Nip & Grip are 1 week old today.Black-white males are available.

Puppies of Nip & Grip are 1 week old today.
Black-white males are available.

Nafani Vebber (FCI) x Blessed Borders Quick Grip (FCI)

This is a repeat mating. Puppies are expected in March 2022!

Nip and Grip are two of my best working dogs, friends and companions.
You can see their first litters' album here:

Here you can find some more photos and videos of Nip and Grip here:

Both are health tested with normal and free results.

Please find some words from the owners of their first pups below:

„Sage is a dog with a fantastic character, he’s extremely smart, easy learning, courious and unbelievably kind natured. He considers himself being a lapdog and though he gets bigger and bigger, he still folds himself onto my lap. He learns the basics of agility and carries out all excercises easily. ” – Kinga (H)

„Yuki is fantastic, she is our little hurricane! She loves to run and learns very quickly. She will do great in agility later I think with her running She loves playing, fetching and grabbing things. She knows a lot of tricks! Always cheerful and happy. Eager to work! All of our horses, ducks, cats and other dogs are fine. Sometimes she has to observe, but once she's done that, she goes for it She is soo funny and sometimes a bit naughty but I like that! She makes people smile with her sweet character!” – Melissa (NL)

„Dream is very smart and attentive, learns quickly. Friendly, treats people and dogs well. She’s engaged with sheep.” – Marina (RU)

„Halley is a very kind natured little dog who learns fast, is easy to motivate, fast, friendly and opened to both humans and dogs. She learns the basics of agility. She was born for me! ” – Bence (H)

„Heart is a dog with a high level of energy, very intelligent, always looking for interaction, play and stimulation. He learns training commands very quickly, has an extraordinary focus and a great ability to maintain attention. He is very affectionate and social, with an obedient temperament. He has never been in conflict with other dogs and has not been agressive. Heart is very focused on working with frisbee, showing agility and speed. He loves balls, frisbee, puzzle toys and toys that produce sounds. In interaction with other animals he has a positive behavior, showing curiosity without being agressive. For exemple, with our parrot he is very careful, always approaching him slowly, carefully, cautiously and curiously. I don't think I could have made a better decision în choosing a dog than this one. ” - Camelia (RO)

Gem, a very spcial, loyal and great working boy lives with us and our pack. - Blessed Borders Kennel (H) :)

NIP (ISDS HU377691) x BLESSED GRIP (ISDS HU/374226)Nafani Vebber (FCI) x Blessed Borders Quick Grip (FCI)This is a repea...

Nafani Vebber (FCI) x Blessed Borders Quick Grip (FCI)

This is a repeat mating. Puppies are expected in March 2022!

Nip and Grip are two of my best working dogs, friends and companions.
You can see their first litters' album here:

Here you can find some more photos and videos of Nip and Grip here:

Both are health tested with normal and free results.

Please find some words from the owners of their first pups below:

„Sage is a dog with a fantastic character, he’s extremely smart, easy learning, courious and unbelievably kind natured. He considers himself being a lapdog and though he gets bigger and bigger, he still folds himself onto my lap. He learns the basics of agility and carries out all excercises easily. ” – Kinga (H)

„Yuki is fantastic, she is our little hurricane! She loves to run and learns very quickly. She will do great in agility later I think with her running She loves playing, fetching and grabbing things. She knows a lot of tricks! Always cheerful and happy. Eager to work! All of our horses, ducks, cats and other dogs are fine. Sometimes she has to observe, but once she's done that, she goes for it She is soo funny and sometimes a bit naughty but I like that! She makes people smile with her sweet character!” – Melissa (NL)

„Dream is very smart and attentive, learns quickly. Friendly, treats people and dogs well. She’s engaged with sheep.” – Maria (RU)

„Halley is a very kind natured little dog who learns fast, is easy to motivate, fast, friendly and opened to both humans and dogs. She learns the basics of agility. She was born for me! ” – Bence (H)

„Heart is a dog with a high level of energy, very intelligent, always looking for interaction, play and stimulation. He learns training commands very quickly, has an extraordinary focus and a great ability to maintain attention. He is very affectionate and social, with an obedient temperament. He has never been in conflict with other dogs and has not been agressive. Heart is very focused on working with frisbee, showing agility and speed. He loves balls, frisbee, puzzle toys and toys that produce sounds. In interaction with other animals he has a positive behavior, showing curiosity without being agressive. For exemple, with our parrot he is very careful, always approaching him slowly, carefully, cautiously and curiously. I don't think I could have made a better decision în choosing a dog than this one. ” - Camelia (RO)

NIP (ISDS HU377691) x BLESSED GRIP (ISDS HU/374226)Nafani Vebber (FCI) x Blessed Borders Quick Grip (FCI)


Nafani Vebber (FCI) x Blessed Borders Quick Grip (FCI)

AVAILABLE! (Only serious inquieries please!)Blessed Deal (ISDS HU/380892) / Blessed Borders Deal Closed 💙Sire: NIP (ISDS...

AVAILABLE! (Only serious inquieries please!)

Blessed Deal (ISDS HU/380892) / Blessed Borders Deal Closed 💙
Sire: NIP (ISDS ROM HU/377691) / Nafani Vebber
Dam: Blessed Grip (ISDS HU/374226) / Blessed Borders Quick Grip
DOB: 06 June 2021
More info:

Blessed Borders New Challenge "Bello" - avagy a név kötelez.Szívből gratulálunk Kingának és Bellonak!Mindemellett a tere...

Blessed Borders New Challenge "Bello" - avagy a név kötelez.
Szívből gratulálunk Kingának és Bellonak!
Mindemellett a terelés is jól megy nekik. 🙂💪💯

Blessed Borders New Challenge 'Bello' - nomen est omen.
They're excelling in herding as well. 🙂💪💯


Malom út 0203/13


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