Outlaw American Bulldogs Kennel

Outlaw American Bulldogs Kennel Outlaw American Bulldogs Kennel, Kisállat-tenyésztő, Kecskemét elérhetőségei, térképes helyadatai és útbaigazítási információi, kapcsolatfelvételi űrlapja, nyitvatartási ideje, szolgáltatásai, értékelései, fényképei, videói és közleményei.

Outlaw puppies are in their new families🥰

Outlaw puppies are in their new families🥰

💎Outlaw American Bulldogs Diamond💎11 weeks old male puppy50Cent x Panda👀 4 new family🥰

💎Outlaw American Bulldogs Diamond💎

11 weeks old male puppy

50Cent x Panda

👀 4 new family🥰

🎉BIRTHDAY BOY🎉🎂10 YEARS OLD TODAY🎂J.Ch. J.s.Ch. H.Ch. Turul Bulls 60 Jr. aka Dominic Toretto of Outlaw American Bulldogs...


J.Ch. J.s.Ch. H.Ch. Turul Bulls 60 Jr. aka Dominic Toretto of Outlaw American Bulldogs

Long live Dom!🥰

J.Gr.Ch. H.Ch. Gr.Ch. Atp.Ch. Outlaw American Bulldogs 50Cent   X   Atp.J.Ch. Bomberbulls Panda of Outlaw American Bulld...

J.Gr.Ch. H.Ch. Gr.Ch. Atp.Ch. Outlaw American Bulldogs 50Cent X Atp.J.Ch. Bomberbulls Panda of Outlaw American Bulldogs

💎Blue eyed Chocolate and White Male💎

J.Gr.Ch. H.Ch. Gr.Ch. Atp.Ch. Outlaw American Bulldogs 50Cent X Atp.J.Ch. Bomberbulls Panda of Outlaw American Bulldogs💎...

J.Gr.Ch. H.Ch. Gr.Ch. Atp.Ch. Outlaw American Bulldogs 50Cent X Atp.J.Ch. Bomberbulls Panda of Outlaw American Bulldogs

💎Blue eyed Chocolate and White Male💎
👀 4 🏠

Health tested parents

Worldwide shipping

J.Gr.Ch. H.Ch. Gr.Ch. Atp.Ch. Outlaw American Bulldogs 50Cent X Atp.J.Ch. Bomberbulls Panda of Outlaw American Bulldogs💎...

J.Gr.Ch. H.Ch. Gr.Ch. Atp.Ch. Outlaw American Bulldogs 50Cent X Atp.J.Ch. Bomberbulls Panda of Outlaw American Bulldogs

💎Blue eyed Chocolate and White Male💎
🍫Choco and White Male🍫
🎱Black and White Female🎱

Health tested parents

Worldwide shipping

🤎5 weeks old Outlaw American Bulldogs puppies🖤50Cent x Panda

🤎5 weeks old Outlaw American Bulldogs puppies🖤

50Cent x Panda

Female & Male puppy 🥰

Female & Male puppy 🥰



After a few years' absence, we visited this year's OTK Club Show, which was also organized as a world show for breeds no...

After a few years' absence, we visited this year's OTK Club Show, which was also organized as a world show for breeds not recognized by the FCI.

We had a great day with our homebred Outlaw American Bulldogs.

05/04/2024 Budapest, OTK Club and WW show:

Outlaw American Bulldogs Hemi (3 years)
Open class
K1. CAC, Clubwinner, WW

Outlaw American Bulldogs Amanda Nunes (4 years)
Open class
K1. CAC, Clubwinner, WW
Best adult female 🏅

Outlaw American Bulldogs Bounty aka Boost (18months)
Junior class
K1. CAC, Clubwinner, WW
Best adult male 🏅

Last but not least, the blessing of our last litter 😄
Outlaw American Bulldogs Marshall aka Ice (6 months)
Owner: Viktor Zsóka
Puppy class
K1. Puppy Clubwinner, PWW
Best puppy🏅
Best in Show 1.🏆

Judge: Zoltán Tibor Vasszi

We are very proud of our small team.☺️

Special thanks to our friend Tamás Molnár and Viktor Zsóka for the great inclusion of Ice on the show.

Outlaw American Bulldogs Dawn ☀️

Outlaw American Bulldogs Dawn ☀️





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