Alten Farben Hovawart & Kooikerhondje kennel

Alten Farben Hovawart & Kooikerhondje kennel Hovawart & Kooikerhondje

HONEY még gazdát keres!Ma ismét magammal vihettem az idősek otthonában! Fantasztikusan viselkedett, nagyon gyorsan tanul...

HONEY még gazdát keres!
Ma ismét magammal vihettem az idősek otthonában! Fantasztikusan viselkedett, nagyon gyorsan tanul! 🥰

HONEY is looking for family!
She came with me to the old people again and she did a super nice job! She is learning so fast! 🥰

😍 New mating! 😍Mother: C.I.E. Enormous Absolute ExtremeFather: C.I.E. Chasey von Alten FarbenWe hope beautiful puppies i...

😍 New mating! 😍
Mother: C.I.E. Enormous Absolute Extreme
Father: C.I.E. Chasey von Alten Farben

We hope beautiful puppies in the middle of March after two amazing dogs. Both of them are Interchampions and have wonderful people loving temperament. Taima is an official Therapy Dog.

🇭🇺 5,5 éves, tenyészetemből származó Hovawart kan kutyusnak keresek új családot. Több mint egy hónapja velem él. Kiváló ...

🇭🇺 5,5 éves, tenyészetemből származó Hovawart kan kutyusnak keresek új családot. Több mint egy hónapja velem él. Kiváló házőrző, kedves és irányítható kutya. Emberekkel magabiztos, más kutyákkal izgatott, de barátságos (kanokkal nyilván nem mindig). Ivartalanított.
🇬🇧 My lovely boy Corleone von Alten Farben is looking for a new family! He was born in 21.05.2019. (Avery x Jantar). He is healthy and neutered, real Hovawart! For more information pls pm me!

❤️ Honey von Alten Farben ❤️     ❤️ Honey is looking for family! ❤️⚠️ She is VWD, ENM, PM FREE! ⚠️D.o.B.: 02. March 2024...

❤️ Honey von Alten Farben ❤️

❤️ Honey is looking for family! ❤️
⚠️ She is VWD, ENM, PM FREE! ⚠️
D.o.B.: 02. March 2024.
Mother: Evita Dog from Wonderland "Sunny" (VWD free, ENM carrier, PM free, Patella 0/0, Eyes free, HD-A, full scissor bite) BH-VT, THERAPY DOG
Father: Brahmi Serenity Hill "Akim" (VWD free, ENM free, PM free, Patella 0/0, Eyes free, full scissor bite)
✅ FCI pedigree
✅ EU passport

❤️ Honey is looking for family! ❤️⚠️ She is VWD, ENM, PM FREE! ⚠️D.o.B.: 02. March 2024.Mother: Evita Dog from Wonderlan...

❤️ Honey is looking for family! ❤️
⚠️ She is VWD, ENM, PM FREE! ⚠️
D.o.B.: 02. March 2024.
Mother: Evita Dog from Wonderland "Sunny" (VWD free, ENM carrier, PM free, Patella 0/0, Eyes free, HD-A, full scissor bite) BH-VT, THERAPY DOG
Father: Brahmi Serenity Hill "Akim" (VWD free, ENM free, PM free, Patella 0/0, Eyes free, full scissor bite)
✅ FCI pedigree
✅ EU passport

❤️ REMY ❤️ is 4 years old today! Now she is an amazing therapy dog and mother of E-litter! 🥰🥳🎂

❤️ REMY ❤️ is 4 years old today!
Now she is an amazing therapy dog and mother of E-litter! 🥰🥳🎂

Szinkron alvás 😁 Honey & Hayden ❤️

Szinkron alvás 😁 Honey & Hayden ❤️


Happy birthday D-litter Kooikerhondjes von Alten Farben! ❤️😘🥳

❤️ Taima got her official FCI - C.I.E. title! ❤️

❤️ Taima got her official FCI - C.I.E. title! ❤️

Update: found new home! Thanks for sharing!❤️ Gaya is looking for her forever famliy ❤️ 👍 DM free and D-locus free by pa...

Update: found new home! Thanks for sharing!

❤️ Gaya is looking for her forever famliy ❤️

👍 DM free and D-locus free by parentage 👍
D.o.B.: 23rd February 2024
Mother: Enormous Absolute Extreme "Taima" (HD-A, DM N/N, Eyes free, D-locus D/D, JB, ZTP, THERAPY DOG)
Father: C.I.E. Yenkis Kráľovská stráž (HD-A, DM N/N, Eyes free, D-locus D/D, JB, ZTP, BH-VT)
🏆 Both parents fullfilled the conditions of C.I.E. title!
✅ EU passport
✅ all vaccinations

❤️ Gaya and Harry von Alten Farben ❤️Hovawart & Kooikerhondje

❤️ Gaya and Harry von Alten Farben ❤️
Hovawart & Kooikerhondje


Még éppen elférünk a padon! 😂❤️😉

❤️ Hayden von Alten Farben ❤️

❤️ Hayden von Alten Farben ❤️

“These boots are made for walking…” 😂❤️ Honey von Alten Farben ❤️

“These boots are made for walking…” 😂
❤️ Honey von Alten Farben ❤️

My wonderful Taima is 3 years old today!Happy birthday Taima and all the brothers and sisters!

My wonderful Taima is 3 years old today!
Happy birthday Taima and all the brothers and sisters!

D.o.B.: 05.06.2021.
Parents: Aggy Oldtyr x Enormous Just One Look
Breeding: JB (50/50p), ZTP (97/100p)
Health: HD-A, DM N/N, D-locus D/D, Eyes free
International Show Champion C.I.E.
European Best Puppy '21
Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner
Hungarian Puppy Grand Winner
Hungarian Junior Champion
HHK Clubwinner '22
Hungarian Show Champion
Champion of Champions BOB '22
Hungarian Grand Champion
Viharsarok Winner '23
Champion Romania
Zagreb Winner '23

❤️ Jenny ❤️ 11 y 4 m and no grey hair 😂

❤️ Jenny ❤️ 11 y 4 m and no grey hair 😂


Happy birthday
von Alten Farben




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