OneMind Dogs edzések Magyarországon

OneMind Dogs edzések Magyarországon Agility mindenkinek, a kutya szemszögéből!

A kutyák több mint száz szabályt tanítottak nekünk! 🐾Használd őket te is, hogy kutyád legjobb csapattársa lehess az agil...

A kutyák több mint száz szabályt tanítottak nekünk! 🐾
Használd őket te is, hogy kutyád legjobb csapattársa lehess az agility-pályán is. ❤️

A kutyák többsége ösztönösen követi ezeket a szabályokat. 🐕

A OneMind Dogs alapítói és az edzők folyamatosan együttműködnek, és megosztják egymással a tapasztalataikat.

Az egyik lecke, amit megtanultak négylábú társaiktól:

💡A kutya csak abba az irányba tud fordulni, amelyik lábára éppen terhel. Ha a bal a vezető láb, akkor balra, ha a jobb, akkor jobbra. Ha a kutya éppen balra terhel, de jobbra kellene fordulnia, akkor előbb lépést kell váltania.💡

A vezető láb az a mellső láb, amelyik a legjobban előre nyúlik vágtában. A kutya mindig valamelyik lábára terhel, még egyenes vonalon is: egy adott pillanatban vagy éppen a bal vagy a jobb a vezető láb.

Dogs have taught us more than 100 rules, that most of them naturally follow! 🐕

OneMind Dogs Coaches and founders regularly collaborate and share insights gained from observing hundreds of dogs, uncovering valuable lessons from the dogs themselves. One of these lessons is:

💡 A dog can only turn to the side of his leading leg. 💡

To be able to turn right he needs to have his right leg leading, and to turn left, the left leg needs to be leading. If the dog needs to turn left from being on the right lead, he needs to perform a lead change.

Learn more dog's rules and see how they apply in real life in our online course, Distance Handling with Janita:

A kutyák több mint száz szabályt tanítottak nekünk! 🌟Használd őket te is, hogy kutyád legjobb csapattársa legyél az agil...

A kutyák több mint száz szabályt tanítottak nekünk! 🌟

Használd őket te is, hogy kutyád legjobb csapattársa legyél az agility-pályán is. 💖A kutyák többsége ösztönösen követi ezeket a szabályokat.

🐾 A OneMind Dogs alapítói és az edzők folyamatosan együttműködnek, és megosztják egymással a tapasztalataikat.
Az egyik lecke, amit megtanultak négylábú társaiktól:

💡A legtöbb kutya oda törkeszik, ahol a felvezető van, vele egy vonalba.💡

A felvezető pozíciója fontos információ a kutya számára. Ha a felvezető a kutya előtt van, a kutya oda törekszik, ahol a felvezető van. Ha azt szeretnénk, hogy a kutya nyújva, nagy sebességgel ugorjon, messzebb kell lennünk, ha pedig azt szeretnénk, hogy összeszedje a lépéseit és fékezzen (például egy szűk fordulás előtt), akkor sokkal közelebb kell lennünk az akadályhoz.

Dogs have taught us more than 100 rules, that most of them naturally follow! 🌟

OneMind Dogs Coaches and founders regularly collaborate and share insights gained from observing hundreds of dogs, uncovering valuable lessons from the dogs themselves. One of these lessons is:

💡 Most dogs aim to be on the same level as the handler. 💡

The handler’s position on the course gives important information to the dog. When the handler is ahead of the dog, the dog aims to where the handler is. When the dog should jump in extension, the handler should be further behind the obstacle than when collection is needed for example.

Learn more dog's rules and see how they apply in real life in our online course, Distance Handling with Janita:

Puppy Diary and Agility Reality Show 😁🐾Only 40 EUR per month (20 EUR for my former and actual online students)Sign up he...

Puppy Diary and Agility Reality Show 😁🐾
Only 40 EUR per month (20 EUR for my former and actual online students)
Sign up here:

Agility training diary with Holman's Minden (17. 9. 2023) and Anna Eifert OneMind Dogs coach 🎥 You can see our foundation videos from the very beginning. There are no lessons and notes here, but you can ask any time. 💶 40 EUR per month 📧 Confirmation and payment information per email


Cynosoprt World Games 2023

❤️First of all, it was so good to see my old agility friends from all over the country, especially Eileen and Suzan!

🐾Although Cynosport got slightly smaller than before, the 20” class was very competitive. The courses were nice and fluent but easier than our A3 courses in Europe, so the dog’s speed was more in focus than other skills.

💲Let’s start with Steeplechase because my handling mistake in the finals still hurts… After the 9. place in the Quarterfinals, we advanced from the Semifinals on the 7. place. I knew we must give everything in the finals to step on the podium because she’s not the fastest dog here. I made that blind cross at #10, even without layering #15. She was on the perfect line after the tunnel; she hit the AF contact, and then I don’t know what happened. At the course walking, it was the only place I couldn’t tell in advance if I would be ahead enough to spin the jump after the AF or do an American turn. Then I did both. I thought I was late, and she turned wide, and then I turned towards her too and pulled her off the poles. Looking at the video, her turn was perfect. Ironically, we ended up in the 6. place, which was the best placement in the Steeplechase runs. Without the bobble, it would have been the 4. place or maybe the 3. place; it’s hard to tell. Shame on me, she was perfect during the whole week, she didn’t knock a single bar in 12 runs.

🐾Grand Prix Quarterfinals: one mistake, as usual, she missed the DW contact. I never ever advanced from a GP GF, LOL.

🐾Biathlon: clean in jumpers; in Standard, she went to the backside after the teeter, my feet were facing the bar, but probably I was too close to her. I should have trusted her teeter and made a side-change after that jump.

🏆Team!!! If you have done it once, you probably know how hard it is to win. You need three very good dogs and three handlers who get the job done, whatever happens.

🐾We started with Gamblers on Thursday. I made up my plan quickly and looking at the results (my group ran last), I only added a little loop with two jumps, and the teeter to get 61 points. Two dogs in 20” scored 60 points, so I went for 61 points. And what can I say? The plan was perfect… A little bobble took time, we got only 56 points.

🐾The same thing happened in Snooker on Friday, but it was worth trying. I made up my plan quickly, and when I saw the first 20” dog getting 56 points, I was sure I’d have enough time for my original plan and earn 57 points. The plan was perfect again… I only changed how to do the last 7 and didn’t cue early enough a tight turn after the tunnel. (I should have done the weave poles first). So we haven’t finished in time and got only 50 points.
We don’t have these strategic games in Hungary, so it’s still a sweet feeling that my plans were perfect. Next time, I’ll execute them also perfectly, I promise!

Our team was 3. after Gamblers and Snooker!

On Saturday, all three dogs ran clean in Jumpers, placed after each other on the 9., 10. and 11. place, the times were 22.97, 23.01, and 23.10, how cool is that!
My teammates had already mastered their Standard, we ran last, and we did it without any mistakes, landing in 7th place out of 140 dogs.
And we jumped to the top of the list out of 72 teams!!!!

🥇Only the best 20 teams ran the relay on Sunday in the main ring. Each of us ran their favorite part of the relay, our team ran last. I ran first, and finally, we could use our weave poles skills. I was so calm, somehow I knew we would make it, and we did it! Nebraska, Mystery, and Snap! are Cynosport Team Champions!
Thank you so much, my excellent teammates Mystery with Alice Cinotto and Snap! with Steve Schwarz!

Our videos:


Játékos agility-alapozás: kevés ismétléssel hatékony tanítás

🌸🌷OMD Tavasz 2023 🌹🌼Szuper volt, mint mindig, sokat nevettünk, futottunk, tanultunk, és szemmel láthatóan a kutyák is na...

🌸🌷OMD Tavasz 2023 🌹🌼

Szuper volt, mint mindig, sokat nevettünk, futottunk, tanultunk, és szemmel láthatóan a kutyák is nagyon élvezték.
💪 A karácsonyi pályákhoz képest, most a bevállalós jumping és a snooker is nehezebb volt, de ezzel párhuzamosan a résztvevők tudása és tapasztalata is nőtt, úgyhogy senkinek sem okozott gondot a “szintlépes.”
👏 Kellemes meglepetés volt, hogy milyen jól ment az orosz rulett azoknak is, akik most játszották először.
🥇 Mindenkinek szívből gratulálunk, egy párost vagyok “kénytelen” kiemelni, mert mindent megnyertek: Holti Krisztina és Onix - 1. hely jumping, 1. hely snooker, 1. hely orosz rulett, 1. hely csapat! Veronika Nagy

FCI Tryouts 3/53 Open Jumping, judge: Karel Havlicek

FCI Tryouts 3/53 Open Jumping, judge: Karel Havlicek


FAQ: What's the difference between our Foundation for Agility and our Agility Premium subscription? 🤔

Answer: Check out the image! 👌

Get started now:


OMD Tavasz 🐾 március 26.
DogFlow Arena

Jelöld be a barátodat, ha szeretnéd, hogy nyerjen!

Jelöld be a barátodat, ha szeretnéd, hogy nyerjen!

🎁 Tag a friend to WIN 🎁

We have some Agility PREMIUM 3 month gift cards (value: € 119.7) to give away this holiday season! 🎄

Tag a friend in the comments who you think we should give one to (bonus points if you also mention why👌) and we will choose 3 lucky winners in both Facebook and instagram on December 20th.

Spread the magic of OneMind Dogs! ✨🐶🐕

Grab some more puppy, foundation or agility gift cards for your friends and family here:

We can basically divide the dogs into two groups: some of them can make the necessary lead changes independently, while ...

We can basically divide the dogs into two groups: some of them can make the necessary lead changes independently, while the others have issues with them. Dogs in the last group knock bars especially over S-lines, if they don’t get enough help from the handler. Regarding handlers, very simply said, some of them help the lead changes and some of them not.
👉 If a less talented - or not well trained - dog doesn’t get the necessary help from the handler, the risk of dropping bars is very high. If a very talented - or very well trained - dog gets help from the handler, the success is guaranteed: under ideal circumstances (ground and weather) this dog won’t knock any bar.
👉 The other two possible combinations can be very successful too: however, in one case the dog, in the other case the handler will be working more for the success.
‼️ Therefore only in one combination out of the possible four, one can see clearly the problem, that’s why many handlers have no idea how dogs can struggle with this situation on the course.

Történelmi pillanat, magyar aranyérem az FCI Agility Világbajnokságon! 🥇A mini csapat 28 ország közül végzett az első he...

Történelmi pillanat, magyar aranyérem az FCI Agility Világbajnokságon! 🥇
A mini csapat 28 ország közül végzett az első helyen.
🐾 A csapat tagjai:
Naggyőr Dalma - Welle (sheltie)
Novák Réka - Blue (sheltie)
Ray Brigitta - Sinistra (papillon)
Wéber Krisztina - Nils (Parson Russell terrier)
A midi csapat pedig ugyancsak 28 csapat közül a második legjobb lett, ezüstérmet szereztek. 🥈
🐾 A csapat tagjai:
László Zsombor - Ark (sheltie)
Maros Gergely - Dance (sheltie)
Mészáros Petra - Kiito (uszkár)
Szakál Evelin - Sasha (uszkár)


2x2 szlalomtanítás, első alkalom. Megvezetés+offering.


Egy kölyökkutya is könnyedén irányítható testbeszéddel: a kutya felé forduló mellkas és a fej átfordítása egyaránt lépésváltást eredményez - így működik a “francia” és az “olasz” felvezetési technika.


Do you need help with threadles in agility? 🙌

A threadle describes a situation on an agility course where the dog has to come towards the handler to approach an obstacle from the non-obvious side.

There are many ways to handle this situation in a way your dog will naturally understand, without the need to train a verbal cue. The handling technique you choose will depend on the context of the course.

Premium members can find out more in our online course here 👉

The most important thing about handling a threadle situation is to give your dog the information on time. ⏰ You will need to use your handling elements to cue collection and a turn for your dog at least one stride before he takes off for the jump prior to the threadle.

The image below shows approximately where your dog will need information from you about the turn from jump #2 to jump #3 and again from jump #4 to tunnel #5. The more obstacle-focused your dog is, the earlier that cue will need to be given.


Napraforgó Utca 31


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