Bay du Nord kennel

Bay du Nord kennel FCI Landseer kennel Bay Du Nord was officialy registered in 2019. The kennel is co-work with Bellissima GlemBell kennel.


first swim in 2025… 4 degree🤦🏼‍♀️

24.01.2025 Nitra 3*CACIB🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🎀Champion class: exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS🏆We finished ...

24.01.2025 Nitra 3*CACIB

🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🎀

Champion class: exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

🏆We finished the Slovak Champion title!🏆

Judge: Peter Supuka (SK)
Handler: me🙋🏼‍♀️
(We entered only today)


she is meeting horses for the first time, I love her nature that she loves all animals ❤️

In Slovakia…with her 🎀

In Slovakia…with her 🎀

Miss ballerina🎀

Miss ballerina🎀

when the castle is only ours….❤️Proud of my Girl🎀

when the castle is only ours….❤️
Proud of my Girl🎀

Always take care of Effie❤️Mindig a legjobb kezekben❤️

Always take care of Effie❤️
Mindig a legjobb kezekben❤️

02.11.2024 Esztergom 2*CAC(We entered only afternoon)C.I.B., Junior C.I.B., HJCH, HCH, HSCH, HPW, HMPGW, MULK Puppy Club...

02.11.2024 Esztergom 2*CAC
(We entered only afternoon)

C.I.B., Junior C.I.B., HJCH, HCH, HSCH, HPW, HMPGW, MULK Puppy Club Winner, MMKE JCW, Epeiros JW, MMKE Special Winner'23, Jugend Danube Winner, Bundesjugendsieger, MMKE Club Winner'24, Bundessieger'24, BOS BIS II
🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys "Effie"🎀
Champion class: excellent 1, CAC, BOS
and we finished the 🏆Hungarian Grand Champion🏆 title.
Judge : Andrea Spiriev
Grooming & Handling : me🙋🏼‍♀️

Conditions for obtaining the Hungarian Grand Champion (HGCH) title:
The conditions for obtaining the HGCH are 4 Champion CAC titles, which must be gained in Champion class in Hungary, from at least three different judges and one of the titles must be followed by Best Of Breed (HFGY/BOB).Only results achieved AFTER the issuance date of the HCH or HSCH certificate are considered.

Autumn🍂In the deep forest🐾

In the deep forest🐾

30.09.20243*CACIB in Komárom (we entered only today)🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🎀Champion class: exc1, ...

3*CACIB in Komárom (we entered only today)

🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🎀
Champion class: exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Today we finished the
🏆Hungarian Show Champion🏆 title!

Judge: Zoltán Baffia
We got nice words, thank you!
Handler : Beatrix Fábián (they worked together with Effie first time) perfectly🥰
Grooming: me🙋🏼‍♀️(She is in verrrry summer coat🥹)

🐾Conditions for obtain Hungarian Show Champion (HSCH):
The conditions for obtaining the HSCH are 6 CAC titles, which must be gained at FCI shows organised in Hungary, in intermediate-, open-, working-, or champion class, from at least three different judges. From the 6 CAC titles, minimum 3 must be obtained at CACIB Shows organised in Hungary (out of which one must be obtained at a MEOE Alliance centrally organised CACIB show) and the remaining titles can be obtained at any other CAC Show in Hungary. Between the first and the last CAC titles one year plus one day must pass (366 days). Obtaining the HSCH, one of the CAC titles can be acquired at a breeding organisation or breed club’s annual Clubshow. It can replace one of the CAC titles gained at CACIB show, with the condition of strict observance, that one CAC title must be obtained at the MEOE Alliance centrally organised CACIB show. Titles used for performing the HCH, can be also used for the HSCH.

Effie......Shhh🤫🎀❤️Csepke Kutyapanzió és Kutyanapközi 🥰

Csepke Kutyapanzió és Kutyanapközi 🥰




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A Vállalkozás Elérése

Üzenet küldése Bay du Nord kennel számára:


