Bay du Nord kennel

Bay du Nord kennel FCI Landseer kennel Bay Du Nord was officialy registered in 2019. The kennel is co-work with Bellissima GlemBell kennel.

we started in the forest  and the ended the day at the lake Balaton🥰 so proud of HEREffie🎀

we started in the forest and the ended the day at the lake Balaton🥰 so proud of HER

26.08.2024- happy world dog day❤️Effie🎀

26.08.2024- happy world dog day❤️


Effie vs Drone 🥰


Sunday Morning❤️

Late night cinema🎀

Late night cinema🎀

She would like to go there….🙈🥰Effie🎀

She would like to go there….🙈🥰

🇬🇧This "Romeo & Juliet" balcony scene post confirmed the fact that this post should be written after it or no...

🇬🇧This "Romeo & Juliet" balcony scene post confirmed the fact that this post should be written after it or not, the instinct to preserve the species does not play and should not be confused with nervousness / aggression! As we know, aggression is a disqualifying factor for Landseer, BUT! Don't confuse it with the super-species instinct, which is stronger than anything else at alpha male! It is unfortunately hard for anyone who has not lived with such an alpha to imagine this! But the phenomenon is exists, and it's because of these males that we can have different breeds (because in the past there was no artificial insemination, even through frozen s***m). I would very much like to ask those "expert" "breeders" who have not lived with a male for more than two minutes to stop labeling males with the adjective weak-minded, because he grunted back at another male in the middle of bi***es in a strange place (based on a case that happened:
it happened after a World Dog Show(2024), when a Caucasian dog growled at a Landseer male who had just arrived with a female who is almost in heat and a week before he mated another female and dared to grumble back, our “dear breeder” went to congratulate to the WW male ‘ owner as follows: this male is not bad, but he is weak in mentally ……it's a good thing I wasn't there😂🤦🏼‍♀️ but all her words describe her and especially her "understanding" to the dogs!-> and sorry if i Congratulate to someone thats all….after, i never say anything especially bad things !!!! -> IQ=0)
Unfortunately, today's exhibition rules allow the exhibition of heating bi***es (I never agreed with this, because handling / holding/ mentally keeping a male who is 70-80 kg in this situation is an art).
I will be curious when there will be "tragedies" sooner or later in certain countries, because in this too "muddy" world, these countries are starting to ban the chain handlers that can hold these males or the guarding and protective giant dogs ... whatever ... so no, these Males are shy / mentally weak...I would rather say this to those dogs who are afraid due to inadequate socialization either in the ring or in the doctor's office.
We should rather be proud of a confident Male (for example, Baileys didn't give up even when he was 9 years old if he wasn't respected...I just flew at the Austrian club after him when we ran for the title of the best male, the younger male in front of us kept growling back during the run, he put up with it for a while, then a after a while he got bored and won the title in a form that belies young people and no, he was not mentally weak, he lived in a yard for 10.5 years with another Landseer male who was neutered at the age of 6 and there was never a fight between them!) believe me, I see quite a few weak-minded dogs at exhibitions that very frustrating, I know the difference between behavior and behavior, I am extremely grateful to the judges who spend time teaching/explaining during the joint work, it is very important to know our dog (it is no coincidence that I usually recommend dog school and close "living together" ), the point is to know our dog's and our limits!

🇭🇺A “Rómeó & Júlia” erkély jelenetes poszt erősített meg abban hogy mégiscsak meg kellene írni ezt a posztot….tetszik vagy nem a fajfenntartási ösztön nem játék és nem összekeverendő az ideggyengeséggel / agresszióval! Mint tudjuk a Landseernél kizáró ok az agresszió, DE! Ne keverjük össze a fajfenntartási ösztönnel, ami mindennél erősebb, főleg egy alfa kannál! Aki nem élt egy ilyen kannal az sajnos nehezen tudja ezt elképzelni! De attól a jelenség létezik , és ezek miatt a kanok miatt lehetnek köztünk a különböző fajták (mert ugye régen nem volt mesterséges megtermékenyítés akár fagyasztott s***ma útján is). Nagyon szépen megkérem azokat a “hozzáértő” “tenyésztőket” akik nettó kettő percnél többet nem éltek együtt egy kannal hogy ne bélyegezzünk már meg kanokat olyan jelzővel hogy ideggyenge, mert idegen helyen vissza morgott egy másik kanra tüzelő szukák közepette (megtörtént eset alapján: egy Világgyőztes cím után történt meg, amikor egy kaukázusi rá morgott egy landseer kanra aki épp egy tüzelni készülő szukával érkezett és előtte egy héttel fedezett egy másik szukát és vissza mert morogni, kedves emberünk ment gratulálni a következőképp: jó ez a kan, de ideggyenge…még jó hogy nem voltam ott😂🤦🏼‍♀️ de minden szava őt jellemzi és főleg a “hozzáértése”mutatkozik meg nagyon!)
Sajnos a mai kiállítási szabályok megengedik a tüzelő szukàk kiállítását (ezzel sosem értettem egyet, mert ilyenkor egy 70-80 kg de akár a 20-50kg súlyú Kant kezelni / felvezetni / megtartani/ agyban a földön tartani: művészet ).
Kiváncsi leszek majd bizonyos országokban mikor lesznek előbb utóbb “tragédiák” mert ebben a túl “píszí” világban ezek az országok kezdik betiltani a láncos felvezetőket, amik meg tudják tartani ezek a kanokat vagy az őrző védő óriástestű kutyákat …na mindegy …szóval nem, ezek a kanok nem ideggyengék…ezt inkább mondanám azokra a kutyákra akik a nem megfelelő szocializáció miatt rettegnek akár a ringben vagy akár az orvosi rendelőben. Egy magabiztos Kanra inkább legyünk büszkék, (nálam pl Mackó 9 évesen sem hagyta magát ha nem tisztelték…épp az osztrák klubon repültem utána mikor futottunk a legjobb kan címért , az előttünk lévő fiatalabb kan folyamatosan vissza morgott futás közben, na ő egy darabig tűrte aztán egy idő után megunta majd megnyerte a címet 🥰 fiatalokat meghazudtoló formában és nem nem volt ideggyenge 10,5 évig élt egy udvarban egy másik landseer kannal aki 6 évesen lett ivartalanítva és soha nem volt közöttük harc!) higgyétek el elég sok ideggyenge kutyát látok a kiállításokon ami nagyon elkeserítő, tudom mi a különbség viselkedés-viselkedés között, rendkívül hálás vagyok azoknak a bíróknak akik a közös munka során fordítanak időt a tanításra / magyarázásra, nagyon fontos hogy ismerjük a kutyánkat (nem véletlenül szoktam javasolni a kutyasulit és a szoros “együtt élést”), a lényeg, hogy tudjuk a kutyánk és a mi határainkat!🐾

Sunday early Morning 🌤️

Sunday early Morning 🌤️

Our sweet Grandpa❤️100%

Our sweet Grandpa❤️

A rajzom vásznon, csodaszép fotót kaptam, köszönöm ❤️ 😊

Early Morning 🍎☀️Effie🎀

Early Morning 🍎☀️

🏆successes of our offspring in Switzerland 🏆The young Bay du Nord boys and one of GrandDaugther of Baileys Aneska-Arthem...

🏆successes of our offspring in Switzerland 🏆
The young Bay du Nord boys and one of GrandDaugther of Baileys Aneska-Arthemis vom Baslerland🥰

P R O U D 🏆

P R O U D 🏆

07.06.2024 Tulln CACIB🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🎀Champion class: sgJudge: Monika Blaha, C. Bofinger08...

07.06.2024 Tulln CACIB
🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🎀
Champion class: sg
Judge: Monika Blaha, C. Bofinger
08.06.2024 not entered
09.06.2024 Tulln CACIB
🎀Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🎀
Champion class: exc1, CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB🏆
Judge: Siroka Masa

So in 2023 She got the BUNDESJUGENDSIEGER title with BOB and

in 2024 She got the BUNDESSIEGER title with BOB too🙏🏻🏆

Soooo proud of you my Girl!!!🎀
Grooming: me🙋🏼‍♀️
Handling: me🙋🏼‍♀️

🐾I didn't guess that I would have to explain myself because of what happened……. but for everyone to understand (I hope this gets to the right person as well as the other post...I swear some people are better than Interpol 😂) I don't understand German perfectly, but I understand, rather I speak in English! On Friday, my problem was not that we got SEHR GUT……but with the way! The judging in the ring before us was interesting too with the other breeds…. this is sad from a professional point of view->this is my opinion after the last 4years experience in the “other side”.
So I know my dog mistakes and we're working on it (she’s back is narrow a little bit in movement).
So the two people are “fighting” with each other: fat isn't fat, and then they talk to each other for a while and in the end of their discussion they told me with a smile Danke …..thats all, and i saw on the board sg1.
If i know well we entered because of the judge's opinion, advice, since in principle they are the experts!🤷🏼‍♀️ Not for the nothing🙃
And yes the judge on Sunday did this, she trained Effie very thoroughly, ran her several times, explain to the woman who sitting at the table the different of the two dogs (the other landseer ), then stood up, honored us, came over and explained what she saw, what she didn't like and what could be improved! Please, this is the correct review!
There is no place for personalization here, it is not worthy of the profession! I write the personalization because that person has been blocked for quite a few years ago (i dont know why because we never spoke with each other before) and tried to put cross it to us in last year because of the litter B!
Sorry but One SEHR GUT is not enough to hurt to us 😉, fortunately before that, several well-known internationally recognized judges judged us with wonderful results and we often were not alone in the class, so I am aware of my dog's talents! Thank you for Friday as well, this proved the character that I have heard about this person many times!
And we than i learned many years ago in this disgusting word: never give up💪🏻😘

And yes, my life, my experience, my opinion, my dog, my page🙏🏻❤️

In summer coat🎀

In summer coat🎀

Finally, after 3 week prison….😂🤦🏼‍♀️🙈

Finally, after 3 week prison….😂🤦🏼‍♀️🙈

Healthy Treat!3📝Ingredients:- 100% Apple puree (important! Without Sugar & sweetener)- turmeric ( a pinch of curcuma / 5...

Healthy Treat!3


- 100% Apple puree (important! Without Sugar & sweetener)
- turmeric ( a pinch of curcuma / 5 body mass kg)
- 100% coconut grease

🐾Mix the turmeric with the Apple puree.
🐾Spread the silicone mold with coconut grease, after put the Apple paste in the silicone mold and put it into the Freezer.

After the freeze give it to your doggie! 🐶

Miss Shopping Lady🥰

Miss Shopping Lady🥰

Dear Baileys!Your Daughter Bella-Ymmi will be mother soon from a beautiful Male Myrsky! ❤️Puppies will be born in week 2...

Dear Baileys!

Your Daughter Bella-Ymmi will be mother soon from a beautiful Male Myrsky! ❤️

Puppies will be born in week 26!🙏🏻
Breeder: Jonna Räisänen
Kennel: Saunamajurin in Finland

We are so Happy & Proud❤️

Healthy Treat2!🐾📝Ingredients:- 100% coconut grease- Bananagrease the baking tray with coconut grease, put into the oven ...

Healthy Treat2!🐾

- 100% coconut grease
- Banana

grease the baking tray with coconut grease, put into the oven -> bake 120celsius, 90 minutes🐶

12.05.2024 MMTE - MMKE Klubkiállítás és Tenyészszemle 🐾Hungarian Molosser Club Show🐾🔥Ingrid Gyöngye Egon🔥Champion class:...

MMTE - MMKE Klubkiállítás és Tenyészszemle
🐾Hungarian Molosser Club Show🐾

🔥Ingrid Gyöngye Egon🔥
Champion class: exc1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB

🔥Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🔥
Champion class: exc1, CAC, Club Winner, BOS

Best in show:
Owned handler with Effie: BIS2🏆
Dog couple: BIS3🏆
🏆BOS BIS:2 from 8 dog!!!🏆
Judges: Zoltán Baffia, András Vinnai, Gábor Hargitai

Handler: me🙋🏼‍♀️

Sooooooo Happpppy and Proud❤️
Thank you everything to the Club!🙏🏻
Perfekt organization and amazing place!🥰
Thank you 🐾

Healthy Treat!📝Ingredients:- 100% peanut butter(important‼️Without Sugar & sweetener)- stalk of celeryPut into the Freez...

Healthy Treat!


- 100% peanut butter(important‼️Without Sugar & sweetener)
- stalk of celery

Put into the Freezer, after the freeze give it to your doggie! 🐶

Next tip soon 😉

Hello May🌸Effie🎀

Hello May🌸

🙏🏻❤️Dear Grandpa….i think now you are Happy and Proud in the Heaven as us🙏🏻❤️I am soooo proud of my young girl!28.04.202...

🙏🏻❤️Dear Grandpa….i think now you are Happy and Proud in the Heaven as us🙏🏻❤️

I am soooo proud of my young girl!
28.04.2024 Croatia-Zagreb World Dog Show

🔥Ingrid Gyöngye Fairy tale of Baileys “Effie”🔥
(Roy vom Libris Hort*Ingrid Gyöngye Beauty “Kamilla”)
Open class: Exc2, res.CAC
Grooming : Me🙋🏼‍♀️

I am so proud of my young girl, the judge said that little bit loose her hock….but She has time, i think so 😉Nothing wrong we will work on it! 🙏🏻
I am double proud of my girl because that was the first time that i could not there with her😩 but She was/is in good hands🙏🏻

And i am so proud of Egon too!!!
🔥Ingrid Gyöngye Egon🔥
(Ingrid Gyöngye Batman*Ballihara Royal Formenos Gil)
Open class:
🏆Exc1/3, CAC, CACIB, World Winner🏆

Judge: Michael Forte (Ireland)

🙏🏻Both young star is Grandchildren of my Baileys!🙏🏻

Thank you Melinda Juhász who was the Handler of both dog!
She always did great work with them❤️

And last but not least thank you so much Ingrid Gyöngye Ágnes , your support, your trust…everything 🙏🏻
Love you all of them❤️

After the WDS ….not so many dogs on the Croatia winner show too😩altogether 4💁🏼‍♀️

After the WDS ….not so many dogs on the Croatia winner show too😩
altogether 4💁🏼‍♀️

Final statistics of the WDS Zagreb 2024 which will be the end of April😱 the number of the Landseer is not so much....🥺Fi...

Final statistics of the WDS Zagreb 2024 which will be the end of April😱 the number of the Landseer is not so much....🥺
First column Male/ second Female

We received the judging description by e-mail!We are very Happy 🥰 we got nice words from the judge ….forntunatelly She g...

We received the judging description by e-mail!
We are very Happy 🥰 we got nice words from the judge ….forntunatelly She got always nice words….and yes unfortunately we are not in full coat….since 2-3 weeks the temperature in our Land is over 25 degree (not good before the WDS 🤦🏼‍♀️) and maybe time to heating again 😱 i am not Happy….so hard with the girls 😂🙈 next week they say colder weather 🙏🏻we will see💁🏼‍♀️

Great news from Finland🥰Baileys daughter:Ingrid Gyöngye Bella is lifeguard of the year ‘23!!❤️We are sooooo proud of HER...

Great news from Finland🥰

Baileys daughter:
Ingrid Gyöngye Bella is lifeguard of the year ‘23!!❤️
We are sooooo proud of HER❤️ and of course her owner Jonna!❤️




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