Welcome to the Nasin Kennel!
I brought the site to gain insight into the world of Persian Greyhounds. They will show a wonderous world and giving a lifelong trust that noone will be able to break. I wish you all readers to experience this feelin. This breed is something else entirely, they act and think differently than other breed. They are differend in behavior but they are all wainting to be understood, to harmonize with their owners. It is sensitive, but cunning breed and I am sure you don't have to give up an on íyour beloved breed, you just have to find the right natural Saluki who really fits your personality and live inharmony. True, because of their stubborn nature, they many seem at first glance not intelligent, but it is not fair for the breed, seeing how smart they are. A Saluki is a trust must be earned to find common grounds, but should you succed this trust will mean more than anything you could think of. They are autonomous thinkers, geometricky opposed to working dogs.