Casrec Caviar

Casrec Caviar The operation contribute the survival of endangered spices of sturgeons. In Vésztő we have caviar and sturgeon farm operation from 2002.

Casrec Sturgeon Fish Farm and Caviar Manufacturing working with geothermic recirculation system The sturgeons enjoy the crystal clean water and provides highest quality caviar. An old cow breeding, diary ranch was redesigned and transformed to a caviar and sturgeon breeding farm, with recirculation system supplied by geothermic water well. The water comes from 600m deep and the sturgeons enjoy the

crystal clean water and provides highest quality caviar. All spices of sturgeons are highly endangered, we contribute to have this beautiful animal for our grandchild, but meanwhile we can taste caviar a ’la Caspian Russian way. Vesztő Caviar and Smoked Sturgeon was the back stone of the menue of the Hungarian Team at Bocus d'Or 2015.


Petőfi Tanya, 0337/2 Hrsz




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