Eins Pet Supplies

Eins Pet Supplies Your Go-To Pet Supplies Store
We Sell Curated, Vet-Approved Pet Products

Whatever you need for your dog, you can find them only at -----Apapun yang Anda butuhkan untuk anjing Anda, Anda bisa me...

Whatever you need for your dog, you can find them only at
Apapun yang Anda butuhkan untuk anjing Anda, Anda bisa menemukannya hanya di

Cats can experience diarrhea at any time, and calling a vet is really necessary to solve the issue. But if your cat has ...

Cats can experience diarrhea at any time, and calling a vet is really necessary to solve the issue. But if your cat has relatively mild diarrhea, we can try home treatment first. Here’s the first aid when your cat develops diarrhea.
Kucing dapat mengalami diare kapan saja, dan memanggil dokter hewan sangat diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Tetapi bila kucing Anda mengalami diare yang relatif ringan, kita bisa mencoba perawatan di rumah terlebih dahulu. Berikut langkah-langkah pertolongan pertama apabila kucing Anda mengalami diare.

Kong dog toys are durable dog toys with squeakers that provide plenty of fun for dogs. Soft enough to chew, very comfort...

Kong dog toys are durable dog toys with squeakers that provide plenty of fun for dogs. Soft enough to chew, very comfortable to play with, and doesn’t damage a dog's teeth.
Kong dog toys adalah mainan anjing tahan lama dengan squeaker yang memberikan kesenangan tersendiri untuk anjing. Mainan yang cukup lembut untuk dikunyah, sangat nyaman dipakai bermain, dan tidak merusak gigi anjing.

There are things that need to be considered when we choose what toys to get for our dogs. We must remember that we want ...

There are things that need to be considered when we choose what toys to get for our dogs. We must remember that we want to provide good quality toys that are safe to play with.
Ada hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan apabila kita memilih mainan untuk anjing kita. Kita harus ingat bahwa selain kualitasnya yang bagus, mainan yang kita berikan juga harus aman untuk dimainkan.

Cleaning a dog’s ears can be easy, but also slightly difficult. Here are the steps for cleaning a dog’s ears.-----Member...

Cleaning a dog’s ears can be easy, but also slightly difficult. Here are the steps for cleaning a dog’s ears.
Membersihkan telinga anjing bisa dibilang gampang-gampang susah. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk membersihkan telinga anjing.

Providing premium food for cats is one thing that needs to be considered, especially if your cat is sensitive to various...

Providing premium food for cats is one thing that needs to be considered, especially if your cat is sensitive to various kinds of food. Here are recommendations of wet food that are suitable for sensitive cats.
Menyediakan makanan yang berkualitas untuk kucing adalah salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan, apalagi bila kucing Anda sensitif terhadap berbagai macam makanan. Berikut rekomendasi makanan basah yang cocok untuk kucing sensitif.

One of the grooming that dogs do is brush their teeth to prevent the growth of tartar, can we use the toothbrush we use?...

One of the grooming that dogs do is brush their teeth to prevent the growth of tartar, can we use the toothbrush we use?
Salah satu grooming yang di lakukan anjing ialah menyikat gigi untuk mencegah tumbuhnya karang gigi, apakah boleh kita mengunakan sikat gigi yang kita pakai?

Our newest product is Pet Forest 2mix Tuna & Sardines and Pet Forest 2mix Beef & Turkey, canned food that is highly nutr...

Our newest product is Pet Forest 2mix Tuna & Sardines and Pet Forest 2mix Beef & Turkey, canned food that is highly nutritious, delicious, balanced and contains omega 3 and 6 that makes the cat's coat healthy and beautiful.
Product terbaru kami Pet Forest 2mix Tuna & Sardines and Pet Forest 2mix Beef & Turkey, makanan kaleng bergizi tinggi, enak dan seimbang serta mengandung omega 3 dan 6 yang menjadikan bulu kucing sehat dan indah.

Increase the quality of your dog's playtime with the wide range of toys available at Eins Pet Store. Toys are specially ...

Increase the quality of your dog's playtime with the wide range of toys available at Eins Pet Store. Toys are specially designed to help keep your dog active and entertained.
Tingkatkan kualitas waktu bermain Bersama anjing Anda dengan berbagai macam mainan yang tersedia di Eins Pet Store. Mainan telah dirancang khusus untuk membantu anjing Anda agar tetap aktif dan terhibur.

Cats also need a balanced nutrition for their bodies. In addition to meat intake, vegetable and fruit intake is also nec...

Cats also need a balanced nutrition for their bodies. In addition to meat intake, vegetable and fruit intake is also necessary; one of which can be from carrots that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Carrots have benefits that can give cats a healthy skin and healthy eyes.
Kucing juga membutuhkan nutrisi yang seimbang untuk tubuhnya. Selain asupan daging, asupan sayur dan buah juga diperlukan; salah satunya melalui wortel yang kaya akan vitamin dan mineral. Wortel memiliki manfaat yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan kulit dan mata kucing.

"Wild animals are less wild and more human than many humans of this world.“ - Munia Khan-----“Binatang liar lebih manusi...

"Wild animals are less wild and more human than many humans of this world.“

- Munia Khan
“Binatang liar lebih manusiawi dan tidak seliar banyak manusia di dunia ini.”

- Munia Khan

Everything remains silent for a single day to start a new beginning. Happy Nyepi Day, for all our beloved Hindu family a...

Everything remains silent for a single day to start a new beginning. Happy Nyepi Day, for all our beloved Hindu family and friends.
Semua kembali diam selama sehari untuk memulai sebuah awal yang baru. Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi untuk seluruh kerabat Hindu yang tercinta.

A cat litter is an equipment that must be in the house of any cat owner, as it serves to be a place for cats to dispose ...

A cat litter is an equipment that must be in the house of any cat owner, as it serves to be a place for cats to dispose of their f***s. With cat litters, your life will be made much easier as getting rid of litter will be a piece of cake. You can get a variety of cat litters now at Eins Pet Store.
Cat litter adalah perlengkapan yang harus ada di rumah seorang pemilik kucing, karena cat litter berfungsi sebagai tempat kucing membuang air. Dengan adanya cat litter, hidup Anda akan menjadi lebih mudah karena membereskan kotoran kucing Anda akan jadi perkara sederhana. Anda bisa mendapatkan berbagai macam cat litter di Eins Pet Store.

Minkas Perfect Mix and Minkas Perfect Care are a complete and balanced dry food that is high in delicious high-value ani...

Minkas Perfect Mix and Minkas Perfect Care are a complete and balanced dry food that is high in delicious high-value animal protein that supports the cat's immune system.
Minkas Perfect Mix and Minkas Perfect Care adalah makanan kering lengkap dan seimbang yang memiliki kandungan protein hewani tinggi; rasanya sangat lezat yang mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh kucing.

Beef jerkies are a great treat for dogs. Apart from being a reward for your dog during training, it can also stimulate a...

Beef jerkies are a great treat for dogs. Apart from being a reward for your dog during training, it can also stimulate a dog's teeth.
Beef jerky adalah camilan yang baik bagi anjing. Selain berguna sebagai reward saat melatih anjing, beef jerky juga dapat menstimulasi gigi anjing.

Knotted Rope Chew is made with premium material, using a selected cotton fabric that is perfect for dogs who like to che...

Knotted Rope Chew is made with premium material, using a selected cotton fabric that is perfect for dogs who like to chew and play for hours. It is also perfect for teething puppies. Now available in various shapes and sizes! You can check them out at Eins Pet Store!
Knotted Rope Chew terbuat dari bahan premium, menggunakan kain katun pilihan sangat cocok untuk anjing yang s**a mengunyah dan bermain selama berjam-jam. Mainan ini juga cocok untuk anak anjing yang sedang tumbuh gigi. Kini tersedia dalam berbagai macam bentuk dan ukuran! Anda dapat melihatnya di Eins Pet Store!

Happy Dog ​​Mini Baby Junior & Mini Senior provide a complete balanced diet that is perfect for gentle small breed dogs ...

Happy Dog ​​Mini Baby Junior & Mini Senior provide a complete balanced diet that is perfect for gentle small breed dogs and even for sensitive dogs up to 10 kg adult weight. Now available at Eins Pet Store.
Happy Dog Mini Baby Junior & Mini Senior adalah makanan lengkap seimbang yang disempurnakan untuk anjing ras kecil yang lembut dan bahkan untuk anjing dewasa sensitive dengan berat mencapai 10 kg. kini tersedia di Eins Pet Store.

What kind of shampoo is good for our dogs?-----Shampoo dengan kandungan apa sih yang bagus untuk anjing kita?-----      ...

What kind of shampoo is good for our dogs?
Shampoo dengan kandungan apa sih yang bagus untuk anjing kita?

Sheba (Chicken Tuna) dan Sheba (Tuna Chicken & Bonito) adalah makanan sehat dengan kandungan tuna dan ayam yang tinggi p...

Sheba (Chicken Tuna) dan Sheba (Tuna Chicken & Bonito) adalah makanan sehat dengan kandungan tuna dan ayam yang tinggi protein agar menyehatkan tulang dan otot. Kandungan Taurin membantu dalam meningkatkan penglihatan kucing Anda, serta Vitamin E membantu memperbaiki kulit dan bulu.
Sheba (Chicken Tuna) and Sheba (Tuna Chicken & Bonito) containing high protein tuna and chicken that provides healthy bones and muscles. Taurine content helps in improving your cat's eyesight, plus Vitamin E helps in repairing the skin and coat.

Happy Cat Minkas Duo Wet Food always offers two tasty meat varieties. When you open the tray and put the food into the c...

Happy Cat Minkas Duo Wet Food always offers two tasty meat varieties. When you open the tray and put the food into the cat’s bowl or plate, your cat has two layers of delicious food to feast on.
Happy Cat Minkas Duo Wet Food selalu menawarkan dua jenis daging yang lezat. Jadi ketika Anda membuka nampan dan memasukkan makanan ke dalam mangkuk atau piring kucing, kucing Anda punya dua lapis makanan lezat untuk disantap.

A regular shampoo only clean the outside of your dog's skin if your dog has a skin infection, he will need something a l...

A regular shampoo only clean the outside of your dog's skin if your dog has a skin infection, he will need something a little stronger. Such as antifungal or antibacterial dog shampoo. The following is an anti-bacterial and fungal shampoo recommended by the Eins Pet Store.
Shampoo biasa hanya akan membersihkan bagian luar kulit anjing anda jika anjing Anda menderita infeksi kulit, ia akan membutuhkan sesuatu yang sedikit lebih kuat yaitu shampoo anjing antijamur atau antibakteri. Berikut shampoo anti bakteri dan jamur rekomnedasi Eins Pet Store.

A stylish and durable dog carrier for your pet, with an attractive pattern that will make you and your dog look charming...

A stylish and durable dog carrier for your pet, with an attractive pattern that will make you and your dog look charming on the go.
Pet carriers yang stylish dan tahan lama untuk hewan peliharaan Anda, dengan pola menarik yang akan membuat Anda dan anjing Anda terlihat menawan di saat perjalanan.

Your dog only deserves a special treat that is fresh, tasty and healthy. Prama uses only fresh chicken meat as its main ...

Your dog only deserves a special treat that is fresh, tasty and healthy. Prama uses only fresh chicken meat as its main ingredient to make sure it is perfectly delicious for your dog.
Anjing Anda berhak mendapatkan suguhan istimewa yang segar, lezat dan, sehat. Prama hanya menggunakan daging ayam segar sebagai bahan utamanya untuk memastikan kesempurnaan camilan ini untuk anjing Anda.

In addition to nutritious food, dogs also need toys for their activities. Dogs need to play to improve their health and ...

In addition to nutritious food, dogs also need toys for their activities. Dogs need to play to improve their health and happiness. Eins Pet Store provides a wide range of toys that are safe for your dog.
Selain makanan yang bergizi, anjing juga butuh mainan untuk beraktivitas. Anjing perlu bermain untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan kebahagiaannya. Eins Pet Store menyediakan berbagai macam mainan yang aman untuk anjing Anda.

The top choice of dry food for cats in Japan, Pet Forest has a variety of flavors in 1 package that is perfect for your ...

The top choice of dry food for cats in Japan, Pet Forest has a variety of flavors in 1 package that is perfect for your cat. Now available at Eins Pet Store.
Sebagai pilihan terbaik makanan kering untuk kucing di Jepang, Pet Forest memiliki berbagai macam rasa dalam 1 kemasan yang sangat cocok untuk kucing Anda. Kini tersedia di Eins Pet Store.

Attractive offers from Eins Pets Store, get discounts of up to 50% for certain items, check now at Eins Pet Store.-----P...

Attractive offers from Eins Pets Store, get discounts of up to 50% for certain items, check now at Eins Pet Store.
Penawaran menarik dari Eins Pets Store,dapatkan diskon hingga 50% untuk item tertentu, check sekarang di Eins Pet Store.

Pets also need vitamins for a healthy and balanced diet. Here are some recommended vitamins for your beloved pet.-----He...

Pets also need vitamins for a healthy and balanced diet. Here are some recommended vitamins for your beloved pet.
Hewan peliharaan juga membutuhkan vitamin untuk diet yang sehat dan seimbang. Berikut beberapa rekomendasi vitamin untuk hewan peliharaan kesayangan Anda.

Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal is formulated with highly digestible ingredients that promotes digestive restoration. Thes...

Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal is formulated with highly digestible ingredients that promotes digestive restoration. These croquettes are high in nutrition and energy. Before use, please consult your veterinarian for further information.
Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal diformulasikan dengan bahan-bahan sangat mudah dicerna yang mendorong pemulihan system pencernaan. Kroket ini memiliki tingkat nutrisi dan energi yang tinggi.
Sebelum digunakan, silakan berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan Anda untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

In addition to wet food, cats also need dry food for dental and digestive health. You can now get premium dry food for y...

In addition to wet food, cats also need dry food for dental and digestive health. You can now get premium dry food for your cat only at Eins Pet Store.
Selain makanan basah, kucing juga butuh makanan kering untuk kesehatan gigi dan pencernaan. Kini Anda bisa mendapatkan makanan kering premium untuk kucing Anda hanya di Eins Pet Store.

If you are looking for a durable dog carrier for your pets, you are at the right place! Eins Pet Store has the perfect c...

If you are looking for a durable dog carrier for your pets, you are at the right place! Eins Pet Store has the perfect collection of carriers for your lovely dog.
Jika Anda sedang mencari dog carrier yang awet untuk hewan peliharaan Anda, Anda berada di tempat yang tepat! Eins Pet Store memiliki koleksi yang sempurna untuk anjing kesayangan Anda.

Give your pet quality dog ​​food from Bite A'bit. Get the best prices & other promos at Bite A'bit Official Store.-----B...

Give your pet quality dog ​​food from Bite A'bit. Get the best prices & other promos at Bite A'bit Official Store.
Berikan peliharaan Anda makanan anjing berkualitas dari Bite A'bit. Dapatkan harga terbaik & promo lainnya di Official Store Bite A'bit.

Dog shoes and boots can help reduce the spreading of certain diseases in places like parks or lawns, and it protects dog...

Dog shoes and boots can help reduce the spreading of certain diseases in places like parks or lawns, and it protects dogs from standing water when it rains.
Sepatu dan sepatu bot anjing dapat membantu mengurangi penyebaran penyakit tertentu di tempat-tempat seperti taman atau halaman rumput, dan menjaga anjing agar terlindung dari genangan air saat hujan

The food served during Christmas celebrations are very diverse, and we must be more careful when giving food to our pets...

The food served during Christmas celebrations are very diverse, and we must be more careful when giving food to our pets. Eins Pet Store provides several recommendations for healthy snacks that are suitable for your pet’s Christmas celebrations.
Makanan yang disajikan saat perayaan natal sangat bermacam-macam, dan kita harus lebih berhati-hati memberikan makanan kepada hewan peliharaan kita. Eins Pet Store memberikan beberapa rekomendasi snack sehat yang cocok bagi peliharaan Anda pada saat perayaan Natal.

The Happy Cat Culinary range offers a wide variety of choices for meat lovers. Its meat content helps keep the cat's bod...

The Happy Cat Culinary range offers a wide variety of choices for meat lovers. Its meat content helps keep the cat's body to be nourished as it ages.
Rangkaian Happy Cat Culinary menawarkan beragam pilihan untuk pencinta makanan daging. Kandungan daging di dalamnya membantu menjaga tubuh kucing bernutrisi hingga usia tua.

Pet backpacks make it easier for you to bring your pet to travel. It is equipped with air holes that provide comfort to ...

Pet backpacks make it easier for you to bring your pet to travel. It is equipped with air holes that provide comfort to your pet.
Pet backpack mempermudah Anda untuk membawa hewan kesayangan Anda bepergian. Tas ini dilengkapi dengan lubang udara yang memberikan rasa nyaman kepada hewan peliharaan Anda.

Dogs also need more nutrition for their bodies. The food they consume must be balanced between plant and animal nutrient...

Dogs also need more nutrition for their bodies. The food they consume must be balanced between plant and animal nutrients. Pedigree provides dry food that is rich in both nutrients.
Anjing juga membutuhkan nutrisi lebih untuk tubuhnya. Makanan yang dikonsumsi harus seimbang antara nutrisi nabati dan hewani. Pedigree hadir dengan makanan kering yang kaya akan kedua nutrisi ini.

Rattan Pet Carrier is designed to provide comfort for your pet, because the material used is very safe for pets. Check i...

Rattan Pet Carrier is designed to provide comfort for your pet, because the material used is very safe for pets. Check it out now at Eins Pet Store. Limited stock.
Rattan Pet Carrier didesain untuk memberikan rasa nyaman terhadap hewan peliharaan Anda, karena bahan yang digunakan sangat aman untuk peliharaan. Cek sekarang di Eins Pet Store. Stok terbatas.

There is no reason not to give Dentastix from Pedigree for your dog's dental health. Eins Pet Store has all the variants...

There is no reason not to give Dentastix from Pedigree for your dog's dental health. Eins Pet Store has all the variants that are suitable for all types of dogs you might own.
Tidak ada alasan untuk tidak memberikan Dentastix dari Pedigree untuk kesehatan gigi anjing Anda. Eins Pet Store memilik semua varian yang cocok untuk segala jenis anjing Anda.

No need to have a headache when taking your animals out of the house. With a pet carrier, you easily and safely can take...

No need to have a headache when taking your animals out of the house. With a pet carrier, you easily and safely can take your dog anywhere. Now available at Eins Pet Store. Limited stock.
Tidak perlu pusing lagi saat membawa hewan Anda keluar rumah. Dengan pet carrier, Anda dapat dengan mudah dan aman membawa anjing Anda ke mana pun. Kini tersedia di Eins Pet Store. Stok terbatas.


Jalan Pantai Pererenan No 81

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00




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