The young man was unable to walk due to an accident two years ago and police suspect the insurance company has h.a.rassed and in.t.imidated him.
The young man was unable to walk due to an accident two years ago and police suspect the insurance company has h.a.rassed and in.t.imidated him. The police found a secret relationship between him and the teenage girl in the chatbox and the truth he didn't want to admit
The police found a h.a.nd on the road, is the man still alive and is this really m.a.f.i.a related as the police speculate?
The police found a h.a.nd on the road, is the man still alive and is this really m.a.f.i.a related as the police speculate?
12 year old smart boy goes out with friends but l.ife ends in this stream. There is something shady behind his friends when the police re-investigate the case after decades
12 year old smart boy goes out with friends but l.ife ends in this stream. There is something shady behind his friends when the police re-investigate the case after decades
There's something strange about the man on the other end of the line, but the police found out that it was a play made up by himself, what is the truth behind this story?
There's something strange about the man on the other end of the line, but the police found out that it was a play made up by himself, what is the truth behind this story?
Someone b.ur.ied this woman here but she doesn't remember anything, what happened to her and can the police find out the truth?
Someone b.ur.ied this woman here but she doesn't remember anything, what happened to her and can the police find out the truth?
The high school boy disappeared and the mystery of the girl he was in a relationship with. What happened to him the night he discovered the truth?
The high school boy disappeared and the mystery of the girl he was in a relationship with. What happened to him the night he discovered the truth?
This man's unexplained de.ath makes the police to suspect he was mu.rder.ed, Is the taxi driver related to this man or is it just a coincidence?
This man's unexplained de.ath makes the police to suspect he was mu.rder.ed, Is the taxi driver related to this man or is it just a coincidence?
The case is reopened of an autistic boy whose parents were both s.h.o.t and k.i.l.l.ed while picking up Chinese takeout
The case is reopened of an autistic boy whose parents were both s.h.ot. and k.i.l.l.ed while picking up Chinese takeout
The teenage boy and the school bus mysteriously disappeared on the road. Will the police find out the k.i.dnapping plan and what is the real conspiracy of the pe.r.petrator?
The teenage boy and the school bus mysteriously disappeared on the road. Will the police find out the k.i.dnapping plan and what is the real conspiracy of the pe.r.petrator?
Why did the boy run away from his dad and what happened to the other boy missing? Police find out the truth about the boy's past many years ago and will they find the little boy before it's too late?
Why did the boy run away from his dad and what happened to the other boy missing? Police find out the truth about the boy's past many years ago and will they find the little boy before it's too late?
The team re-investigates the 1982 of a man who was k.i.l.led after being accused of date r.a.p.e by several female college students
The team re-investigates the 1982 of a man who was k.i.l.led after being accused of date r.a.p.e by several female college students
The man k.i.d.napped this woman for 5 years but the police discovered there was more than one victim and the milk brand details revealed the real p.e.r.petrator
The man k.i.d.napped this woman for 5 years but the police discovered there was more than one victim and the milk brand details revealed the real p.e.r.petrator