Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS)

Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS) CIVAS is a Non-Government Organization concerned in animal health, veterinary public health, animal Noeri Widowati, DVM, MSc.
2. M. D. Andri Jatikusumah, DVM, MSc.

Within 6 years of its lifetime, CIVAS currently has 21 permanent members and 26 non-permanent members, which in total 47 members. Permanent members comprise of the founders of CIVAS, members of the steering and executing bodies, plus individuals who were appointed through the annual members meeting. While nonpermanent members comprise of individuals who have expressed their interest to participa

te in the organization. and willing to contribute their ideas and expertise to CIVAS activities and they were coming from various backgrounds, i.e. professionals, researchers, academicians, governments, and private businesses. These members are part of the strengths of CIVAS, not only in the effort to accomplish the vision and mission of the organization but at the same time to unified veterinarians who have similar ideas and vision in socializing the role and functions of veterinary profession to the public. Steering Board 2015-2017:
Chair : Tri Satya Putri Naipospos, DVM, MPhil, PhD
Members :
1. Winda Widyastuti, DVM, MSi.
3. Hadri Latif, Dr. Med Vet, DVM, MSi
4. Executive Board 2015-2017:
Executive Director : Ridvana Dwibawa Darmawan, DVM
Finance: Sri Handayani, BE
Program and Office Division: Nofita Nurbiyanti, BSVM
Program Development Division:
Research and Development: Riana A. Arief, DVM, MS
Database: Sunandar, DVM
Training and Colaboration: Erianto Nugroho, DVM

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Selamat Hari Rabies Dunia yang jatuh pada tanggal 28 September 2021

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🎯 Saatnya investasi pada pencegahan pandemi untuk melindungi Hewan dan Lingkungan demi Kesejahteraan Manusia

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2. FGD Seri 1:
3. FGD Seri 2:
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Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS)

Setiap tanggal 6 Juli, diperingati sebagai Hari Zoonosis Sedunia (World Zoonoses Day). Dalam rangka Hari Zoonosis Seduni...

Setiap tanggal 6 Juli, diperingati sebagai Hari Zoonosis Sedunia (World Zoonoses Day).

Dalam rangka Hari Zoonosis Sedunia, CIVAS, PB-PDHI dan ASLIQEWAN mengajak masyarakat untuk menggunakan *Twibbon* pada tautan di bawah ini, untuk mengingatkan bahwa kita semua bisa berperan dalam menjaga diri, keluarga,dan masyarakat dari potensi ancaman zoonosis dan kemungkinan pendemi selanjutnya.

Versi #1 (Instagram, FB, Twitter)

Versi #2 (Instagram story)

Zoonosis adalah penyakit yang dapat ditularkan dari hewan ke manusia atau sebaliknya. Zoonosis dapat disebabkan oleh virus, bakteri, parasit, atau bahkan fungi (jamur).

Berdasarkan informasi dari Organisasi Kesehatan Hewan Dunia (OIE), disebutkan bahwa 6 dari 10 penyakit pada manusia berasal dari hewan domestik dan satwa liar. Sementara itu 3 dari 4 penyakit baru pada manusia juga berasal dari hewan.

Satwa liar mempunyai peran penting pada sebagian besar zoonosis, dan berfungsi sebagai reservoir utama untuk transmisi agen zoonosis ke hewan domestik dan manusia.

Melindungi lingkungan dan alam sebagai habitat utama satwa liar, akan berkontribusi pada pencegahan zoonosis.

Yuk jadi dan

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Jalan RSAU No. 4 Atang Sanjaya, Kemang

Opening Hours

Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00


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Our Story

Within 6 years of its lifetime, CIVAS currently has 21 permanent members and 26 non-permanent members, which in total 47 members. Permanent members comprise of the founders of CIVAS, members of the steering and executing bodies, plus individuals who were appointed through the annual members meeting. While nonpermanent members comprise of individuals who have expressed their interest to participate in the organization. and willing to contribute their ideas and expertise to CIVAS activities and they were coming from various backgrounds, i.e. professionals, researchers, academicians, governments, and private businesses. These members are part of the strengths of CIVAS, not only in the effort to accomplish the vision and mission of the organization but at the same time to unified veterinarians who have similar ideas and vision in socializing the role and functions of veterinary profession to the public.

Steering Board 2018-2020: Chair : Tri Satya Putri Naipospos, DVM, MPhil, PhD Members : 1. Noeri Widowati, DVM, MSc. 2. Pebi Purwo Suseno, DVM 3. Hadri Latif, Dr. Med Vet, DVM, MSi 4. Andri Jatikusumah, DVM, MSc.

Executive Board 2018-2020: Executive Director : Riana Aryani Arief, DVM / Sunandar, DVM (Ad interim) Finance: Sri Handayani, BE Program and Office Division: Nofita Nurbiyanti, BSVM

Program Development Division:

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