Big girl Kristalson, 2 years old. Our beloved family. Hard to get but like to be hug by us
Same cat tree with new cats in our home. 2 boys surrounded by 6 princesses.
A band of 3 blue british shorthair cat. 1 boy with 2 girls. 4 months old. Getting ready to see all side of the house in a week.
Genk of 5 lilac cats. 1 male surrounded by 4 girls. We are 4 months old.
Langit Biru Ragnarok, great cat with great attitude. One of the best in my cattery. Currently He’s 4 month’s old.
We have been vaccinated. First foto season in our live. 80% scared, 10 % curious, 5% have no idea what happened, 5% excited
Diamond 5 months old this May. Getting along with Mona. Her character is quite curious and shy but also in the same time like to be cuddle and tickle
Our lovely Mona living her live in new cat room. Bigger and spacy place for her to running all day
Friday evening spoil time activity