E077C Platinum Molly Balloon Lyretail
Xiphophorus helleri THE WITY Red Eye Blood Red Swordtail. (Leopard Aquatic E051A)
(Leopard Aquatic E051A)
Red Eye Blood Red Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) is one of the most popular swordtails in the hobby. The intense red colors and red eye have made it very popular fish. This fish is the right choice for hobbyist who like simple and nice fish who do not need complicated care.
Water parameter:
pH: 7.0-7.5
TDS: 200-300 ppm
Temperature: 26-28°C
Max length: 12 cm
Usual size on trade: 3-4 cm
Characteristic: The Red eye blood red Swordtail just like other livebearer, is relatively easy to take care of. It is considered peaceful fish and suitable for community tank. It is one of the best choices for beginner. It will appreciate dense planted tank, but will do fine also in hardscape tank.
Diet: Floating pellets, frozen bloodworm, artemia, daphnia and flakes
Suitable tank mates: Other Live Bearers, Tetra, Corydoras, Pleco and peaceful Danio
Unsuitable tank mates: Malawi cichlids, Arowanas, Tiger fish and other aggressive fish.
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(Leopard Aquatic J100A)
Betta Blue Rims is considered one of the most wanted variants of the Plakat Betta. It will display pure white body with blue tail and fins. High grade blue rims betta will have spotless white body, and neat blue rimmed tail and fins.
Water parameter:
pH: 7.0-7.5
TDS: 200 ppm
Temperature: 26-28°C
Max length: 5 cm
Usual size on trade: 3 cm
Characteristic: As respiratory organs, besides having gills like any other fish, they also possess special organ called “labyrinth” that let them to breath directly through air. This organ is the reason why betta could survive in still water without any filtration. However, a tank with proper dimension is still a must in order to keep them strive in long term basis.
Diet: Bettas are not a picky eater, that’s why they can be considered to be one of the beginner fish. Floating pellets that fit into its mouth will do just fine. And of course, live food such as artemia, mosquito larva, tubifex worm and bloodworm will not be a problem.
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Poecilia reticulata THE EXCELLENT Guppy Albino Sky Blue.
Leopard Aquatic
Guppy Albino Sky Blue (Poecilia reticulata) has pastel colored body with blue tail and fins. In addition, it also possesses stunning red eyes. This beautiful color arrangement makes it quite popular among guppy variants.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.5-7.5
TDS: 150-250 ppm
Temperature: 25-26°C
Max length: 4 cm male & 5 cm female
Usual size on trade: 2.5 cm
Characteristic: Female can grow larger than male. It will appreciate planted tank with some hiding places. Maintain the mineral composition in the water is necessary for long term keeping. Guppy is an excellent jumper, so it is important to keep the tank closed.
Diet: Normal floating fish pellet, frozen bloodworms, daphnia and tubifex.
Suitable tank mates: Other Live Bearers, Tetra, Corydoras, Pleco and peaceful Danio
Unsuitable tank mates: Malawi cichlids, Arowanas, Tiger fish and other aggressive fish.
#leopardaquatic #tropicalfish #freshwaterfish #aquarium #nature #fish
#ornamentalfish #indonesiafish #fishexporter #indonesiaexporter #wildfish
#aquarium #amazingnature #aquascape #guppy #livebearer #poeciliareticulata
Glossogobius flavipinnis THE COURAGEOUS Towuti Black Hi Fin Goby. (Leopard Aquatic K027A)
(Leopard Aquatic K027A)
Towuti Black Hi Fin Goby (Glossogobius flavipinnis) is endemic fish from Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is an exotic species that only can be found in Lake Towuti. It has all black colored body with extended yellow dorsal fin.
Habitat: Living in rocky substrate lakes where the water is warm and shallow.
Water parameter:
pH: 7.0-8.0
TDS: 50-100 ppm
Temperature: 25-28°C
Max length: 8 cm
Usual size on trade: 5 cm
Characteristic: The Towuti Black Hi Fin Goby is a unique goby. It is quite aggressive fish that need a lot of hiding place. Providing it with rocks, soft substrate, good filtration will make it comfortable. Soft sand or smooth gravel as substrate will also be appreciated. It will snap on small fish that fits into its mouth, so small size tank mate is not recommended.
Diet: small fish fry, artemia and daphnia
Suitable tank mates: oryzias, rainbowfish and peaceful barb
Unsuitable tank mates: Any aggressive fish and small tetras
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Poecilia reticulata THE AMBITIOUS Guppy Crowntail. (Leopard Aquatic F047A)
(Leopard Aquatic F047A)
Guppy Crowntail (Poecilia reticulata) has unusual tail shape. Unlike other guppy who has round or delta tail, this variant has crown shaped tail. Making it very unique strain.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.5-7.5
TDS: 150-250 ppm
Temperature: 25-26°C
Max length: 4 cm male & 5 cm female
Usual size on trade: 2.5 cm
Characteristic: Female can grow larger than male. It will appreciate planted tank with some hiding places. Maintain the mineral composition in the water is necessary for long term keeping. Guppy is an excellent jumper, so it is important to keep the tank closed.
Diet: Normal floating fish pellet, frozen bloodworms, daphnia and tubifex.
Suitable tank mates: Other Live Bearers, Tetra, Corydoras, Pleco and peaceful Danio
Unsuitable tank mates: Malawi cichlids, Arowanas, Tiger fish and other aggressive fish.
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#ornamentalfish #indonesiafish #fishexporter #indonesiaexporter #wildfish
#aquarium #amazingnature #aquascape #guppy #livebearer #poeciliareticulata
THE ELEGANT Betta Soft Gold Veitail. (Leopard Aquatic J129A)
(Leopard Aquatic J129A)
Betta Soft Gold Veitail is a variant of the plakat betta. They will show soft gold coloration on entire body and elongated veil-shaped tail.
Water parameter:
pH: 7.0-7.5
TDS: 200 ppm
Temperature: 26-28°C
Max length: 5 cm
Usual size on trade: 3 cm
Characteristic: As respiratory organs, besides having gills like any other fish, they also possess special organ called “labyrinth” that let them to breath directly through air. This organ is the reason why betta could survive in still water without any filtration. However, a tank with proper dimension is still a must in order to keep them strive in long term basis.
Diet: Bettas are not a picky eater, that’s why they can be considered to be one of the beginner fish. Floating pellets, mosquito larva, tubifex worm and bloodworm will be accepted readily
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Cambarelus texanus THE WITTY TEXANUS DWARF CRAYFISH. (Leopard Aquatic Z002A)
(Leopard Aquatic Z002A)
Texanus Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarelus texanus) is originated from South Eastern Texas, USA. It has brown to grey colored body while keeping in high pH but will slowly turn blue when adapted to soft water circumstances.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.5-7.5
TDS: 100-250 ppm
Temperature: 26-28°C
Max length: 4 cm
Usual size on trade: 2 cm
Characteristic: Texanus Dwarf Crayfish is relatively peaceful crayfish due to its small size. It will get along with most fishes especially middle and top swimmer. A lot of hiding place is required to reduce stress and aggression. It will also serve as tank cleaner since it will eat fish food leftover.
Suitable Tankmate: Top swimmer fish such as pseudomugil, panchax, killifish. Fast moving fish such as rasbora, puntius and small tetras.
Unsuitable Tankmate: Longfin fish, small bottom feeder and dwarf shrimps
Diet: Frozen bloodworm and crustacean sinking pellet
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Colisa lalia THE CHARMING Neon Dwarf Gourami. (Leopard Aquatic J004A)
(Leopard Aquatic J004A)
Neon Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia) is the blue and red variant of the dwarf gourami. The wild form is originated from South Asia region such as Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. It possesses cobalt blue coloration with combination of red scales on the entire body with red tail.
Habitat: This beautiful labyrinth fish inhabits swamp, pond, canal with dense vegetation.
Character: The Dwarf Gourami is one of the easiest gouramis to care of. It will do well in planted tank and considerably peaceful fish. Keep maintain the tank with slow moving current and minimum aeration. It will do well with heavily planted tank. Not only to provide cover, but also to give more natural looks.
Diet: Being not a picky eater, high quality pellets, frozen bloodworm and daphnia will be readily accepted.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.0-7.5
TDS: 50-300 ppm
Temperature: 25-28°C
Max length: 8 cm
Usual size on trade: 5 cm
Suitable tank mates: Platy, danio, guppy, molly, Corydoras, rainbowfish, Angelfish and etc.
Unsuitable tank mates: Small invertebrates and aggressive fish is not recommended
#leopardaquatic #tropicalfish #freshwaterfish #aquarium #nature #fish #ornamentalfish #indonesiafish #fishexporter #indonesiaexporter #wildfish #aquarium #amazingnature #aquascape #gourami #labyrinthfish #dwarfgourami #colisalalia
THE FIT Geophagus pellegrini. (Leopard Aquatic V047B)
(Leopard Aquatic V047B)
Geophagus pellegrini is also called as Yellowhump Eartheater. It is a beautiful Geophagus species that has bright orange hump on sexually mature male individuals. It is originated from northern part of Columbia but fortunately has been successfully bred in captivity in Indonesia.
Habitat: Living mostly main river stream but also can be found in river creek or floodplain. It inhabits sand and muddy area where it often found searching for food at the bottom.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.0-7.0
TDS: 50-150 ppm
Temperature: 25-28°C
Max length: 15 cm
Usual size on trade: 3cm & 5cm
Characteristic: The Geophagus pellegrini is very peaceful as long as kept with another peaceful fish with similar size. It is one of the ovophilous cichlids who will keep its eggs inside its mouth. It constantly digging the sand or gravel in search of food.
Diet: live tubifex, bloodworm, artemia and pellets will be accepted once acclimated.
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Leopard Aquatic D010C
Polypterus delhezi royal tiger is also called the A grade of the Banded Bichir or delhezi bichir. It has thicker black bars than the grade B Delhezi. It is the premium fish for those who loves quality.
Habitat: It inhabits river streams and lakes on Congo.
Water parameter:
pH: 7.0-7.5
TDS: 150-250 ppm
Temperature: 24-26°C
Max length: 35 cm
Usual size on trade: 5 cm and 8cm
Characteristic: The Polypterus delhezi is a nocturnal species that need a lot of floor space for swimming. It is safe to keep at planted tank but not necessarily need plants. It is important to have tank cover since Polypterus is an excellent jumper.
Diet: Live tubifex is its favorite food. While high-grade sinking pellets also acceptable when it is adapted well.
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Corbicula javanicus THE WITTY Mini Yellow Clam. (Leopard Aquatic W039A)
(Leopard Aquatic W039A)
Mini Yellow Clam (Corbicula javanicus) is one of few freshwater clam species. It has yellow shells and white mantle. It is originated from Java Island, Indonesia but also found in nearby areas.
Habitat: It inhabits estuaries and freshwater streams.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.5-7.5
TDS: 150-250 ppm
Temperature: 24-26°C
Max length: 4 cm
Usual size on trade: 1.5-2 cm
Characteristic: The Mini golden clam is a unique addition to the tank. It is a filter feeder. Meaning that it will get food from the debris, dissolved materials and edible floating materials. Some calcium from fish pellet also will help to keep healthy shells. Dense planted tank is highly appreciated since it will be constant source of debris and organic matters.
Suitable tank mates: all kind of shrimps, Corydoras, rainbowfish, tetra, barb and danio
Unsuitable tank mates: pufferfish, large catfish and aggressive cichlids
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Neoarius berneyi THE SENSIBLE Berneyi Shark Catfish. (Leopard Aquatic B081A)
(Leopard Aquatic B081A)
Berneyi Shark Catfish (Neoarius berneyi) is also called as the Lesser Salmon Catfish. This marvelous catfish can be found only in Australia and Indonesia. It is a unique catfish that not often seen in the trade. It has high dorsal fin and black metallic body. The dorsal and pectoral spines are venomous so extra care is necessary.
Habitat: Living mostly in freshwater stream and coastal area. Sometime also found in estuaries.
Water parameter:
pH: 6.5-7.5
TDS: 100-250 ppm
Temperature: 24-26°C
Max length: 45 cm
Usual size on trade: 15cm and 20cm
Characteristic: The Berneyi Shark Catfish is a species that needs plenty room to swim. It will appreciate tank with dimly light. Rocky formations and driftwood will provide it cover. It will do best at large tank since it can grow up to a large size.
Diet: live shrimp, fish flesh, frozen bloodworm and chopped shrimp.
Suitable tankmate: Scats, mangrove jack, mullets and Monodactylus of similar size.
Unsuitable tankmate: any smaller fish, tetra, invertebrates, rasbora and barbs
#leopardaquatic #tropicalfish #freshwaterfish #aquarium #nature #fish #ornamentalfish #indonesiafish #fishexporter #indonesiaexporter #wildfish #aquarium #amazingnature #aquariumtank #freshwater #catfish #neoariusberneyi #neoarius #arius #sharkcatfish #highfincatfish #oddball