No one. Not even you should be punished. Here’s why:
1. The time for effective punishment has LONG passed. If you punish now, you’re creating an association for your dog that when you come home “human may get scary and do painful things”. They will NOT associate it with what they had done, which brings us to
2. Your dog associates YOU with punishment. Sometimes. That’s an unpredictability your dog doesn’t need, and can create anxiety.
3. You don’t know WHICH dog did it. You may have a strong suspicion towards one, but you have no direct evidence. You’re not gonna punish all of them, are ya? That ain’t right. (Ok, unless you have cctv, you don’t know who. Still punishment isn’t the best way to solve it.)
4. Everything wrong with punishment! Read my past post about punishment.
5. If you do punish, you’re more likely doing it because you’re angry or for emotional release. Not to improve or address the dog’s behavior.
6. You’re punished enough by this, I’d think 😅 You might need to get a new dog bed, or sew it close if still possible. No need to punish yourself further. Things break. Just don’t break your dog or yourself.
So, what now? Well, evaluate. If this is a new behavior, consider what has changed. Is a vet examination needed? If there’s any change in the environment that may lead to this. If this is an on-going behavior, evaluate the dog’s needs. Have they been fulfilled? The need to chew? The need to feel safe and secure in her environment? The need to explore his environment? Is there an unaddressed medical issue that we don’t know yet? Is she experiencing anxiety when you leave?
I know, I know, depending on the situation there may be more questions to check. It’s almost no wonder many people go straight to punishment. “Whack! Bad dog! Done my part to train. You better learn, dog!” But our dogs deserve better than punishment. They deserve better from us.
Now, the story behind this picture..
[ID: a picture of one mini schnauzer dog on a torn dog bed and two other mini schnauzers on a separate intact bed. Black text in white text box underneath reads “if you live in a multi dog home, and you come home to this, who do you punish?”]