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Menikmati hangatnya mentari pagi. ๐Ÿ’š

Menikmati hangatnya mentari pagi. ๐Ÿ’š

Sidagurih22 Februari 2021.

22 Februari 2021.


Natgeo Wild hari ini, kadal juga makan kadal, wes ngono ae. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸฆŽ

Siap menyambut musim reproduksi.โค๏ธ

Siap menyambut musim reproduksi.โค๏ธ

W***y kutilang Bermain di sekitar rumah.

W***y kutilang Bermain di sekitar rumah.

Chicken Coop at Wild Birdhouse, Malang, Indonesia ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ.

Chicken Coop at Wild Birdhouse, Malang, Indonesia ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ.

One Day Old Lovebird. ๐Ÿ˜

One Day Old Lovebird. ๐Ÿ˜

Mereka (penghobi merpati endemik jawa) menyebutnya merpati brongsong. Beberapa juga menyebut merpati kupu kupu, dikarena...

Mereka (penghobi merpati endemik jawa) menyebutnya merpati brongsong. Beberapa juga menyebut merpati kupu kupu, dikarenakan gaya terbangnya yang tidak banyak manuver seperti merpati pada umumnya melainkan dengan gaya mengepak sayapnya seperti kupu kupu.

Zebra Finch, so Cute and attractive. ๐Ÿคฉโค๏ธ๐Ÿฆ

Zebra Finch, so Cute and attractive. ๐Ÿคฉโค๏ธ๐Ÿฆ

Home..sweet home.๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›โค๏ธ๐Ÿ 

Home..sweet home.๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›โค๏ธ๐Ÿ 

Hold your peace.....A moment of patience in a moment of anger prevents a thousand moments of regret.-Ali Ibn Talib-

Hold your peace.....
A moment of patience in a moment of anger prevents a thousand moments of regret.

-Ali Ibn Talib-

Mari menanam pohon. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™

Mari menanam pohon. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™

Repost from instagram

Repost from instagram

Extra Food. https://youtu.be/pJd9XpEkxM4

Extra Food.


Sayuran dan buah buahan segar sangat diperluka n untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi burung lovebird dan budgie. Berikan satu porsi untuk satu hari dan lakukan ...

Show PreparationBy : BOB WILSONLetโ€™s not forget the impact of heredity on steadiness in a show cage. Steady parents tend...

Show Preparation

Letโ€™s not forget the impact of heredity on steadiness in a show cage. Steady parents tend to breed steady chicks that naturally show well. Flighty parents that will not perch and throw a fit in a show cage tend to produce youngsters that behave in a similar way.

Training begins in the nestbox. The more you handle youngsters the calmer they become and this becomes very evident in the showcage.

When chicks leave the nest I introduce them to the showcage even before they are completely weaned, and use a think judging stick to help them to the perch. I find this helps them later on to accept a judging stick as a natural accessory in the show cage and eliminates the possibility of a frenzy when the judge uses one.

When they are feeding themselves the chicks are transferred to small flight cages, 48โ€x24โ€x24โ€, with others of similar age and a couple of older docile c***s to lead them to food, water etc. They are fed the normal seed & greens/veges during this period and are loaded up with protein from as many sources as possible.

During this time they are still caught and handled frequently to keep them calm and comfortable, and spend short periods in a show cage while I am feeding or cleaning the birdroom. Around the time they start their first moult the time in a showcage increases. Some will be placed in a showcage after they eat in the morning. I live a 5-6 minute drive from the company where I work so I can come at lunch and move another group to the showcages for 3-4 hours in the afternoon.

I do like to have some in the showcage when I am sweeping or vacuuming so they are not unsettled by sudden noise or clattering they will also experience at shows.

After the first moult they go into a flight to develop and muscle up.

Approximately 8 weeks before the first show the better birds are transferred back to the small flights and checked for broken or damaged feathers that need to be removed so they can regrow by show day. These birds are reintroduced to the show cage and judging stick and each spends 2-3 hours at a time getting reaccustomed to the smaller space.

Show Preparation

It always helps when you have someone experienced in charge of show preparation and spraying the birds.

A month before show day the spraying starts 3-4 mornings a week. Heavy drenching to start. I use a mix of water with a little Listerine and Witch Hazel added.. This will encourage natural preening so the birds eventually coat feathers with natural oils. As this happens you will notice when you spray that the water will tend to bead up and roll off rather than soak deep into the feathers. Spray a little less each day so that a week before the show they are basically getting a misting rather than a bath. I stop spraying the Tuesday before a show.

Also a month out check that any feathers you pulled are regrowing naturally.

A couple of weeks out I start cycling the birds through the show cages for longer hoursโ€ฆ approx 6-8 hours at a time, a couple of times a week, making sure a judging stick is used every time I am in the room so they know when to show and move from one perch to the other.

This is also the time I start using the toothbrush with a little dishwashing liquid to clean up any areas in the cap or mask that are soiled.

Then 4-5 days out I start despotting the birds. This is done in 2 or 3 sessions so there is no rush that results in wrong spots being removed. I leave large shadow spots under the main spots until the night before the showโ€ฆ. Just as insurance in case a main spot drops at the last minute.

https://youtu.be/1CZay579NR4Yellow Feather Pigmentation in budgerigar


Yellow Feather Pigmentation in budgerigar

Video abstract for "Genetic Mapping and Biochemical Basis of Yellow Feather Pigmentation in Budgerigars," authored by Thomas F. Cooke, Curt R. Fischer, Ping ...

How yellow and green makes blue budgiesPublicly released: Fri 6 Oct 2017 at 0300 AEDT | 0500 NZDTResearchers have found ...

How yellow and green makes blue budgies
Publicly released: Fri 6 Oct 2017 at 0300 AEDT | 0500 NZDT

Researchers have found the genetic link that makes pet store parakeets produce their characteristic yellow, blue, and green feathers. Wild budgies are yellow and green, but they have been selectively bred for over a century, with blue budgies highly prized. But how does yellow + green = blue? A US team sequenced the DNA of 234 budgies (105 of them blue) as well as 15 museum specimens from Australia. They found that feather colour is encoded by a single mutated gene and a change at just one spot on their DNA is enough to turn them blue. This change means the birds are unable to produce the yellow pigment, leaving them with no yellow or green feathers.

Journal/conference: Cell

Organisation/s: Stanford University, USA

Funder: The researchers were supported by the National Institutes of Health.
Media Release
From: Cell Press
How yellow and blue make green in parrots

When it comes to spectacular displays of color, birds are obvious standouts in the natural world. Many brightly colored birds get their pigments from the foods that they eat, but that's not true of parrots. Now, researchers reporting a study of familiar pet store parakeets--also known as budgies--have new evidence to explain how the birds produce their characteristic yellow, blue, and green feathers.

The findings reported in the journal Cell on October 5th promise to add an important dimension to evolutionary studies of parrots, the researchers say.

"Budgerigars are a great system for studying parrot colors because artificial selection over the last 150 years has resulted in a large number of simple Mendelian genetic traits that affect color," says first author Thomas Cooke, a graduate student at Stanford University. "We identified an uncharacterized gene in budgerigars that is highly expressed in growing feathers and is capable of synthesizing the budgie's yellow pigments."

Scientists have studied colors in budgies for more than a century. They knew that parrots produce psittacofulvins, a type of red to yellow pigment that's not found in any other type of vertebrate. They also knew that an inability to produce yellow pigments in some parakeets turns the birds from yellow and green to blue. But it wasn't clear which genes and biochemical pathways were involved.

To find out in the new study, the team led by Stanford's Carlos Bustamante first used genome-wide association mapping to identify a region containing the blue color mutation. That region contained several genes, so it wasn't yet clear which of them was responsible.

To narrow it down further, the researchers sequenced the DNA of 234 budgies, 105 of which were blue. They also sequenced 15 museum specimens from Australia. Those studies pointed to a single mutated gene (MuPKS) encoding a little-known polyketide synthase enzyme in the blue birds.

In another key experiment, the researchers compared gene expression from feathers of green and yellow versus blue budgies. Those studies showed that MuPKS was highly expressed in birds of both color varieties, but that there was a single amino acid substitution at a conserved residue in the blue budgies.

The researchers next cloned the MuPKS gene and inserted it into yeast to find out if the yeast would begin producing yellow pigments. And they did.

The researchers say it was a surprise to find that a mutation in MuPKS causes such a noticeable color change. That's because similar genes are found in nearly all birds. The difference is that birds outside the parrot family such as chickens and crows don't express the enzyme in their feathers. As a result, they aren't yellow. This discovery suggests the key evolutionary change that led to parrot's brilliant colors was the pattern of gene expression.

"Presumably the gene has some function in non-parrots besides pigmentation, but we don't know what that might be," Cooke said.

Another surprise to the researchers was that the enzyme was most highly expressed in a portion of the feather that dies once the feather is fully formed. It suggests those cells must produce the color and deposit it in neighboring cells before they die.

Color plays an important role in how birds interact with each other, including how they choose mates. The researchers say that as they learn more about how these enzymes are controlled, the findings could be applied to many parrots around the world, from Australia's crimson rosellas to the burrowing parrots of Argentina.

"It would be interesting to see what sorts of changes at the DNA level underlie coloration differences within and between different species of parrots," Cooke said.

โ€‹Bagaimana cara merawat budgie di musim hujan.Musim hujan bisa menjadi musim yang berbahaya bagi budgie dan semua burung...


Bagaimana cara merawat budgie di musim hujan.

Musim hujan bisa menjadi musim yang berbahaya bagi budgie dan semua burung peliharaan lainnya. Ada beberapa tips untuk melindungi burung anda di musim hujan.

1. Lindungi dari air hujan
Jangan biarkan burung Anda basah oleh air hujan. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit seperti demam dan flu. Pada tahap tertentu bisa beresiko kematian untuk burung. Jika kandang Anda di luar ruangan,tutup dengan plastik, Jika di samping jendela tutup jendela saat hujan. Intinya jangan membiarkan air hujan menghempas terus menerus.

2. Hangatkan dengan bohlam saat malam.
Jika Anda menyimpan sangkar burung di dalam ruangan yang lembab maka berikan bohlam di kandang pada malam hari agar tetap hangat. Kondisi kelembaban ini akan menjadi lebih buruk di musim hujan karena cuaca menjadi terlalu lembab. Sekali lagi, Cuaca basah dan dingin bisa beresiko kematian burung entah cepat atau lambat.

3. Jaga kebersihan sayuran
Di musim hujan harus lebih ekstra bersih untuk pemberian sayuran hijau yang hidupnya banyak di air. Karena air hujan datang di kolam dan sungai yang terkontaminasi dengan beberapa bakteri dan virus di mana sayuran ini tumbuh sehingga sayuran juga membawa beberapa patogen. jika Anda memberikan kepada burung Anda, maka akan ada kemungkinan tinggi infeksi bakteri yang buruk. Sayuran kangkung adalah contoh dari sekian banyak sayuran hijau dalam kasus ini yang sering dikonsumsi burung kita.

4. Jagalah agar lantai kandang tetap kering.
Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa aktivitas burung membuat lantai dasar kandang basah saat mandi dan membuang kotoran. Di musim panas dan musim dingin kandang tetap kering, karena cuaca kering tetapi di lantai kandang musim hujan tetap lembab bahkan basah dan kondisi ini adalah tempat yang bagus untuk pengembangbiakan patogen. jadi kita sebagai pemilik kandang harus tau cara menyiasati kandang kita agar tetap kering, salah satu trik untuk membuat lantai kandang kering adalah untuk menyebarkan pasir di atasnya. Pasir akan merendam bagian yang berair dan membuat lantai kandang menjadi kering. Ini akan menghentikan patogen untuk berkembang biak. Tips lainnya bisa juga kita siasati bagian luar kandang seperti memberi lapisan cat water proof, memperbaiki bagian atap dan merubah desain sekitar kandang agar hempasan air hujan tidak mengarah ke kandang kita.

Semoga artikel kecil ini bisa bermanfaat untuk para penghobi budgie yang sedang menghadapi musim hujan.

25 days old, Normal Green Budgerigar.

25 days old, Normal Green Budgerigar.

Lady Gould Amadine Finch๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›

Lady Gould Amadine Finch


HELLO SUMMER...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’œ

Agapornis Fischeridari indukan DD blue X Dd Green/blue.maka bisa menghasilkan salah satu kemungkinan DD Green/blueDouble...

Agapornis Fischeri
dari indukan DD blue X Dd Green/blue.
maka bisa menghasilkan salah satu kemungkinan
DD Green/blue
Double Dark Factor Green Split blue.

Di pasar sering kita dengar dengan nama "lovebird olive fischeri". Warna olive dengan "split blue" inilah yang bisa dijadikan paket hemat untuk mencetak warna blue dengan syarat pasangannya harus blue atau mininal split blue juga. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฆ

Terdapat kode kode huruf disamping mutasi budgie pada Gen calculator. setiap kode mempunyai cara kerja tersendiri. Denga...

Terdapat kode kode huruf disamping mutasi budgie pada Gen calculator. setiap kode mempunyai cara kerja tersendiri. Dengan memahami jenis genetik yang dibawa setiap mutasi burung, kita bisa terbantu secara teknis untuk menghasilkan ataupun memprediksi hasil dari pasangan indukan kita.

Setiap pasangan parkit dan bayi parkit yang sedang disapih harus mendapat sayuran setiap hari . Hal ini sangat penting k...

Setiap pasangan parkit dan bayi parkit yang sedang disapih harus mendapat sayuran setiap hari . Hal ini sangat penting karena mereka memiliki vitamin dan nutrisi yang tidak didapatkan pada bijian dan pelet. Mereka memiliki enzim yang membantu pencernaan , dan bakteri baik yang membantu untuk mencegah penyakit di kedua indukan dan anak .

Gunakan alat sedemikian rupa untuk memproses makanan untuk memadukan EF sayuran bersama-sama dalam potongan kecil. Idealnya , sayuran harus berjumlah sekitar 40-50 % dari pakan untuk pasangan parkit anda. Dengan mengkonsumsi sayuran dan buah segar yang lebih banyak maka mereka mendapatkan nutrisi yang lebih baik. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh sayuran yang aman :

1. Artichoke
2. Brokoli
3. kubis Brussel
4. Wortel
5. Seledri
6. Jagung
7. Mentimun
8. Terong
9. Kecambah
10. Adas
11. Paprika hijau
12. Selada Iceburg
13. Romaine lettuce
14. Peterseli
15. lombok merah
16. Bayam
17. Zucchini

referensi sumber :



Pejantan yang sedang bersiaga.

Pejantan yang sedang bersiaga.

Agapornis Fischeri Dark GreenBurung berwarna hijau selalu terlihat menawan.

Agapornis Fischeri Dark Green

Burung berwarna hijau selalu terlihat menawan.

Menginjak usia 4,5 bulan. Proses moulting pertama sedang berlangsung. Banyak bulu dibagian wajah dan badan yang sedang b...

Menginjak usia 4,5 bulan. Proses moulting pertama sedang berlangsung. Banyak bulu dibagian wajah dan badan yang sedang berganti.

Nutrisi terbaik wajib diberikan untuk pertumbuhan yang optimal. Sayuran dan pakan bijian sevariatif mungkin setiap hari untuk metabolisme yang lebih baik. Asupan protein hewani dan protein nabati sangat diperlukan saat proses moulting.

Lakukan penjemuran di pagi hari dan memandikan burung setidaknya seminggu dua kali agar bulu lebih bagus dan kebutuhan vitamin D terpenuhi. Jangan lupa memberikan grit/asinan tulang sotong untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kalsium agar tulang dan bulu lebih kuat.


Very tasty and healthy addition to the daily diet of pet birds is feeding them on native grasses. My budgies love these grasses and gorge themselves each and every time I offer this fresh food.

4 months old Exhibition Budgie. Sudah mulai terlihat pergantian bulu bulu di uusia ini. Berikan nutrisi maksimal untuk p...

4 months old Exhibition Budgie. Sudah mulai terlihat pergantian bulu bulu di uusia ini. Berikan nutrisi maksimal untuk performa terbaik saat dewasa nanti.


Prum Graha Citra No 8 GelangGang Pakisaji

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00





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