Meet Inge, one of our founders in ESCOBARK - yang bicarain bedanya cooked food kita dengan yang lain : karena adanya bone broth, jamu & superfood! DM us kalau ada yang bisa kita bantu. We’re here for you ❤️ #escobark #jktgo
Escobark - Dog Food with Jamu & Superfood.
Freshly made in Bali with 100% organic ingredients.
Give the best for your love ones, today onwards.
Purchase Link & Hotline is on our IG Profile.
Get 10% off for all items here.
Don't forget to come and buy before its too late 😉
We can't wait to see you there. Bye Amigos 👋🏻 #escobark
Meet Boo Boo - Golden Retriever 8 tahun. Ini video pas pertama kali doi makan Escobark Cooked Food - yes tetep ada kandungan jamu & superfood ❤️ . Jadi kalian gak perlu repot kasih addiitonal supplements basic. If we can help with any case/ ada pertanyaan, please feel free to DM us! #escobark #jktgo #dogfoodjakarta
Only till Sunday 7 July - say hello to at Central Park - Tribeca area. Get your ready fresh raw & cooked food till 15% on site. Bisa juga beli online (max discount 10%). Hope to see you here ❤️ #escobark #jktgo #dogfoodjakarta
Last 3 Days to meet at Central Park Mall, Jakarta. Catch us at Tribeca Park sampai hari Minggu 7 Juli & get up to 15% OFF. Buat yang mau beli online, masih bisa dapet diskon 10% kalau beli via admin (nomor ada di Link IG Profile) - DM us if you need any info ❤️ #escobark #jktgo #dogfoodjakarta
Hola, don't forget to come and visit us at @centralparkmall
From 28 June - 7 July 2024
We can't wait to greet you there! 😊👋🏻
Solusi buat yang takut anjingnya hancurin barang - makan cow ear aja. Yang gede bisa mereka cemilin for 15 minutes (or even longer). Bagus buat bersihin plak gigi juga - so you can give them everyday. Escobark bakal di di MOI sampai Minggu 12 Mei.
👉🏻 Diskon 10% for ALL ITEMS ❤️
DM us kalau mau order via wa / online.
#escobark #jktgo
6 months of development, we are FINALLY here. Please meet Escobark Cooked Food family! 6 variants : Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Rabbit, Duck - will be released next week 9th May 2024 at ❤️ see you then! #escobark #jktgo #cookeddogfood
Everyday, 7 days a week with Escobark Goat Milk. Meskipun hanya 250 ML per hari, this magic milk brings lots of benefit & vitamins for your doggos. Try today - shopping link at our IG Profile. Only 25k. #escobark #jktgo
Stock up on your goat milk - new packaging is finally here! Comes in 1 size of 250 ML - the bottle allows faster defrost & makes it easier to serve. Make sure doggos drink everyday for maximum strength & health 🔥 #escobark #jktgo