Hi everyone Caitlin is Paul’s cousin’s little girl, she is 9 yrs old .
On the 18th Feb 2021 Caitlin was diagnosed with a Brian tumour. 3 days later she underwent the first of 3 surgeries to attempt to remove the tumour.
After 6 weeks in Temple street she travelled to Germany where she received 6 weeks of Proton Radiotherapy and got home at the end of May 2021.
In July 2021 she commenced 9 months Chemotherapy in Crumlin.
She then had a four month break and an MRI scan was arranged.
Caitlin’s family once again received devastating news that the treatment had not worked. Caitlin was given a terrible prognosis.
Caitlin was accepted for treatment in Houston Texas where treatment commenced on August 31st.
Caitlin is tolerating the treatment well and is in good spirits.
We are going to do a raffle for a doggy hamper to raise some much needed funds for Caitlin’s treatment in Texas.
The hamper is worth €100 and the raffle lines are €10 each.
Please if you can, your help for Caitlin to reach her target of €300,000 by purchasing a line would be very much appreciated.
You can pay via PayPal or you can call up to the kennels in person.
In the hamper is a bag of Pedro dog food, seat belt, harness, flexi lead, shampoo, cologne, detangler, blanket and a toy.
And then when your dog is all sorted there’s a bottle of wine for you to enjoy.
Please share and tag everyone you know.
Thank you Jeanette & Paul