Are you struggling with your dog pulling on the lead, ignoring you, or not coming back when called?
Our ethical and enjoyable dog training programmes are here to help!
Learn life skills that will make walks a pleasure and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Discover the joy of reward-based training—it's fun for both you and your dog and can be used to teach future behaviours!
Message us now and start your journey to a happier, better-behaved dog.
#dogs #dogtraining
#dogsofdonegal #leadwalking #recall
Are you struggling with your dog pulling on the lead, ignoring you, or not coming back when called?
Our ethical and enjoyable dog training programmes are here to help!
Learn life skills that will make walks a pleasure and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Discover the joy of reward-based training—it's fun for both you and your dog and can be used to teach future behaviours!
Message us now and start your journey to a happier, better-behaved dog.
#dogs #dogtraining
#dogsofdonegal #leadwalking #recall
Sorry folks, we're not Dog Whisperers.
A good dog trainer is someone who observes the dog and has skills in luring, timing, and breaking behaviours down into component parts before adding them together.
A good dog trainer is skilled at using markers and reinforcement to communicate with and teach their canine pupil.
Then, they pass this information and skill onto their human clients.
We empower you to be able to teach your dog and build a bond of trust.
Let us show you how it's done.
#ThrowbackThursday to our one day of summer in Donegal!
If you haven't taken your dog to Oakfield Park, you're missing out. Oakfield Park
Connect with us to hear about upcoming workshops and events.
Dog trainers love rewards too!
Thank you for your kind review Babs KLangreck
It's a joy to work with people like you who are committed to helping their dogs navigate our human world.
Deefa, our decoy dog had a trip to Pet Value Bunc yesterday.
Here she is modelling one of the new Doodlebone harnesses.
It's the countdown to Christmas.
We're now officially closed until the 4th January.
I'd like to wish all of our fabulous clients, followers, friends and their dogs a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
Nollaig Shona duit!