It’s with a very heavy heart I write this post . Happy Hound has officially closed its doors . I want to thank each and every one of you for all your support over the last almost 10 years .
It was not an easy decision to make 💔
Over the last 10 years I have met the most amazing people and their pets . Thank you for trusting me in taking care of your pets and providing the best advice I could for them . I’ll miss each and every one of you and to be honest I’d be here for days if I tried to say how grateful I am for you all . (You all know how much I can go on and on 😂)
I also need to say a HUGE thanks to all the amazing staff members I’ve had over the years . They kept the place going and I know you will all miss chats with them as much as I will .
Hopefully I will cross paths with you on my next adventure but for now all I can say is thank you.
Love ,
Emma Jane and Derek x