Be Berry Beautiful

Be Berry Beautiful This page is about high carb plant powered vegan lifestyle and healthy living according to nature.Use power of fruits!Glow from inside!Be Berry Beautiful! "

Hi, my name is Amanda and this is my page about high carb plant powered vegan lifestyle and healthy living according to nature. I will be talking here how food you eat and health of your body are closely linked. Also how beauty glows from inside out, so there is no cream, pill or treatment which can do that much wonders to your beauty and body as right healthy living food. So, what would be perfec

t food for humans? What humans are designed to eat? Our anatomy tells us we are not carnivores, we are frugivores, we should feed our bodies with fruits and vegetables, leafy greens and seeds and nuts. So, how come that today, meat, eggs and dairy products are main factor of modern human diet? And why lately so many people have serious illnesses? Are animal products making us ill? And what about toxicity of processed food? Are we paying price for disobeying natural laws? And how to reverse diseases, heal from inside and get back to the balance? Answers to those, and many other questions I'll try to answer trough posts on this page. I'm not medical practitioner, so if you have any health problems, I suggest you to consult with your medical practitioner. I was just one of you, who 5 years during studies and lack of knowledge, money and free time, ate nothing except cheap processes foods. My diet consisted mostly from chocolates, pastries, dairy and animal products, coffees with milk and aspartame, diet cokes, and powdered multivitamin sodas. And to fix all health problems I had, I used to take handful of different vitamins. In large, I was complete mess, my health was destroyed totally and I was on the edge of chasm. Luckily after three years of struggle, reading, research and testing different diets, supplements and superfoods i finally found out about this high carb vegan lifestyle. It was the complete opposite of everything I have ever read and tried for bringing candida owergowth in balance. But I had nothing to loose, so I give it a try. And guess what? This diet changed my life! Just few days after I started it, I felt amazing! Tremendous changes started happening! I simply couldn't believe with my eyes! All diseases and symptoms I had before, and I taught they're normal, started rapidly disappearing and I felt great! So much mental clarity, my brain is never tired. So much energy, I could run from happiness and joy. So good mood, I could laugh for hours just because I enjoy being alive! So much love for all people on planet, so much love for nature. All senses purify. I can see, hear, feel, taste and smell better than ever! Life started being so amazing. I'm so grateful for everything I have, everything I experience. So much abundance! High carb vegan plant based diet changed my perception of life! I made this page in intention to help people understand that actually there are no diseases, there are just clean bodies with good circulation and those which are loaded with toxins and that state manifests as disease. So, in order to become healthy and berry berry beautiful, you have to clean your body first, give him a chance to rejuvenate itself from within by feeding yourself by living food, which are loaded with nutrients, and will give your body all it needs.So we all can be strong and healthy. We all can glow from inside out, and diet is cruacial on this journey. Trust me, when you start this lifestyle, you will never have desire to go back. So just stay strong on begining, and diet will do rest for you. I still see changes happening in my body, I see progress all the time. I know, that my body didn't heal yet completely, and there is a long way to go, but I enjoy so much on this journey to health! Join me, change your life forever, make it thousand times better! This diet will make you laugh as a kid, it will motivate you to climb mountains, do parachuting, run marathon or travel the world. It will make you feel alive, filled with living energy! It will make you love all beings around you. We are nature. We are born to be beautiful, healthy and happy. We are born to feel good! Go vegan! Become healthy! Be Berry Beautiful!!! With love, Amanda

"The information provided on this site should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Each single individual deciding to change his/her dietary or lifestyle preferences carries full legal responsibility for his/her own health. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care practitioner.

Dangers of modern world! It is horrifying. We are not made to hurt ourselves. We are kind loving creatures by nature. Th...

Dangers of modern world! It is horrifying. We are not made to hurt ourselves. We are kind loving creatures by nature. They program us to be blind. Wake up, human! Its time to repair the damage! It is never too late for change! Remember we talked that fruit makes miracles, and YES is does! Stop harming yourself NOW and BE THE CHANGE! ;)

I run away from any kind of metal, as much as I can. Hate to live in high metal construction buildings, I am avoiding me...

I run away from any kind of metal, as much as I can. Hate to live in high metal construction buildings, I am avoiding metal accessories as well pots and dishes, simply, I am tryin to keep my contact with metals as low as possible. Reason, I really feel much better when use natural materials like wood, stone, crystal...Seems like most of metals are messing up with electricity of our body and many other things, and could be cause for many chronic and degenerative diseases. And aluminium, that is real poison to our bodies. And is real absurd wrapping food we put in our mouth with it. Stop using it, and make smarter choices! Glass pot with plastic lid could be as well convenient, and is way much better option. Start making changes NOW! Improve your life! :)

Aluminum toxicity is one of the most serious issues in the world today. It is found commonly in just about everything we consume. Over a period of time the amount of aluminum we are exposed to builds up inside our bodies. Usually, our bodies are good at flushing out the toxins and metal but, of cour…

Its funny how people avoid fruit and starches thinking they make you fat. I see it all the time. And is not coincidence ...

Its funny how people avoid fruit and starches thinking they make you fat. I see it all the time. And is not coincidence these people are obese.
No, no my friends...fat makes you fat, and natural sugar makes you lean, healthy and sweet :-) But again, educate yourself, not all carbs are the same! You can't eat green unripe banana, which will make you constipated from undigested starch and expect to loose weight and burst from energy! We are talking about fresh, raw and fully ripe fruit. For transition and loosing weight, starches are good as well. They do create mucus and could be addictive, but will make you feel full and satisfied, will give your body enough of minerals to stay balanced and not to crave meat, dairy and junk foods, as well enough fiber to clean intestines and push toxins out. Gradually you will replace them with more fruit and raw foods. Anyway, you will soon realize why this lifestyle so addictive. The feeling of well being and happiness, the joy, excitement, the love.That's why every once in while you get urge to go one step further. I promise you, you will never want to go back! ;-)

Have you heard of Moringa Oleifera? It is a tree with highly nutritious, leafs, seeds, bark and roots. I just bought lea...

Have you heard of Moringa Oleifera? It is a tree with highly nutritious, leafs, seeds, bark and roots. I just bought leaf powder, cause I'm really craving something green and same time trying to avoid cruiciferous vegetables until my thyroid completely restores. And you know what? It tastes amazing! After trying spirulina and almost vomiting in kitchen sink, I had trauma from green packaged stuff! I believe that food, which is made for human, has to be appealing to human senses. My senses are purified and very intense, and I can tell for sure that moringa is what I was looking for! Tastes spinach-y and nutty at same time, and goes great with lemon juice. Gives a plenty of energy, boosts mood, strengthens blood and has numerous other benefits. I am really really a fruit lover, but we need this greens to balance out. Read about moringa and try it for yourself, I promise you will love it! I am so happy that I found it! :)
Here is some article about it:

We need to make decision and let it go! This harmful substances and dead foods are destroying our lives. Remember, healt...

We need to make decision and let it go! This harmful substances and dead foods are destroying our lives. Remember, health is not all about longevity, is more about quality and feeling of well-being...afford yourself this feeling through your whole life, eat whole foods, go vegan! :)

Addicted to one special brand of mayonnaise or one particular brand of chocolate cookies, or to that amazing non melting ice cream? How blindly we become victim...

Eating rituals were always very important in humans lives. It is crucial to take a time and eat in peace, on empty stoma...

Eating rituals were always very important in humans lives. It is crucial to take a time and eat in peace, on empty stomach and feel gratitude for food we are blessed with, which is becoming par of us. Make sure that plate you serve is beautiful and rewarding! Treat yourself good, cause loving and caring about yourself makes you better person, able to love and care about others more as well.
Here is great inspiration :-)

Peace begins on your plate! 🙏🌎 What we eat not only effects us, but also the planet. Eat plants, show compassion to all beings, give love endlessly, and live in color! It's about thriving and not just surviving. Let's make this world a better place one fruit at a time! Who's hungry?! ☺️🙌🍊🍓✨ FullyRaw

💖 Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram Rawfully Organic Co-op



We are living in a world of lies, propaganda and disinformation, we are filled with delusion, misled and brainwashed to believe that health is more connected ...

Health Is Beautiful

We are living in the world where beauty is one of the most important things in someone's life. If we are not looking as our society would expect us to look, we can easily change our physical appearance. Beauty business is counting bigger and bigger income while we spend all money we have to fix all our imperfections and deviations from the pattern. Marketing and media doing so powerful campaigns to make us believe that we need that transformation to become someone our society would see as desirable. And in the world, where diet is completely unadjusted human needs, where toxins, chemicals, and animal products are literally poisoning our bodies, making it rotten from inside, we easily become their customers. We don't have that strong shiny long hair any more, or our skin is gray with imperfections instead of glowing with health, or our teeth are not looking that white any more, maybe we are overweight, or have varicose veins?..this and so many other signs of lost beauty, are just sight of lost health. Fixing it outside, by using chemical products, electric frequencies, or going on surgeries, will just delay showing your state from inside. Body will continue dying inside, just signs it send on surface will be wisely covered with thick layer of make up. And even if we are aware of this, we choose easier and faster way, since were taught to go for quick fixes.

So, have you ever wondered, why we all like those bright eyes so much, why we all desire to have pearl white teeth? Why strong shiny hair? Why firm fit body which defy gravity? Why we all want to hang out with positive energized beautiful people? Why we want to have beautiful partners to spend life with? Its because those are indicators of good health inside. Your instinct now can be fooled by beauty treatments and surgeries, but previously it meant health. We all crave health. We want to be surrounded by healthy people, we want to pair and have children with healthy lover.I'm living in a country where people are born beautiful, but their lives destroy them so quickly that they become unrecognizable. Its sad, but its true. Human is a slave of his habits. And most of us, like to slave a bad ones. Alcohol, cigarettes,drugs, lack of sleep, stress and bad food can can take away all signs of beauty. Have you ever traveled to poor country, and sow how people are looking bad? its not that they don't have money for best clothes, hairdresser or shoes, its cause their diet is poor, probably eating lots of canned cheap processed foods, which comes in country without any control, who knows how old and what chemicals and poisons are in. I was one of those people. Eating food with long shelf life, food that everybody eats. We often hear on TV, that some food we eat is toxic, or or expiry date ended ten years ago. Everybody somehow knows about this, but nobody wants to think about it. It looks good, additives make it taste amazing, commercials brainwash us that is healthy, and we believe, we eat it with passion, but somehow our life becomes more and more gray, we start dying inside.

I'd say all people are beautiful. Everybody has his own charm. Uniqueness in my eyes, is much more appreciated than production tape beauty. Unfortunately, what makes us unattractive is destroyed health.

But there is one good thing about life, we have natural instinct to survive and amazing healing power. Almost never is too late to wake up, make life changes, put our body on good track, make it heal itself from inside. We all can have those markers of beauty, markers of health. White teeth are are more connected to inner mineral state of body, ph value of blood and other health factors, than to hygiene.You can read someone's state of body by looking face, hair, nails...From appearance you can read failure of internal organ. Its not a magic. But we all are not trained to know whats problem but ass soon as person don't look appealing, something is wrong. We are made to be strong, beautiful, to vibrate with color and life. All we have to do, is to make crucial changes in our diet and lifestyle.To clean body and nourish it with best nutrients. To start glowing from inside out. Check diet I recommend that worked amazing for me, also hundred thousand people all around the world claim it works great. Stay focused and be ready for amazing changes which are going to appear!




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