****Graphic video****
Gross but satisfying! This video shows our nurse Lizzy draining a huge abscess on a six month kitten. There was a whopping 150ml of pus inside the abscess so he was feeling very poorly but should soon be on the mend!
Beautiful Ben spent the weekend in the clinic. Although we were doing regular checks on him, we were a little bit worried he might be bored so we set him up watching YouTube on the clinic mobile phone Never fear, it turns out he loves a bit of cat tv!
#acornhousevetclinic #screenaddict #felinefriendly #cattv📺😻
Positive news story!
Gorgeous little Oreo presented to us off his food last week. Guinea pigs are very prone to dental disease and Oreo's teeth were trapping his tongue so he couldn't eat. We were so delighted to receive this video of little Oreo the day after his dental having a good munch ❤️
Hungry little hedgehog admitted today🥰
Lovely Halley definitely doesn't bear any grudges after her surgery! #puppiesofinstagram #acornhousevetclinic #lovelydog
Annmarie and her little assistant Henry hard at work! 😀❤️
Baby Henry full of purrs after his surgery #catsofinstagram #catoftheday ❤️❤️❤️
Oh, we had so much fun taking care of this gorgeous hungry fledgling! This little one got handed in yesterday afternoon and was collected by the always amazing @kildarewildliferescue today. Adorable as baby birds are, rehab should only be done by trained individuals and no wild animals should be kept as pets. All going well this little guy will be released when it is old enough ❤️
#acornhousevetclinic #kildarewildliferescue #babybird #hungryhungry
Gorgeous Arthur is doing well after his enucleation (eye removal) surgery yesterday. He is definitely in good voice!
#chickenvet #rooster #eyesurgery #acornhousevetclinic #avianvet #amazingarthur
Gorgeous Indie comes in for monthly arthritis injections. She is always very relaxed and happy to be here! ❤️
Lovely Ben was feeling a bit thirsty after his recent procedure- those big wide eyes!
#thirstycats #catoftheday #acornhousevetclinic