SIT and STAY Dog Carers

SIT and STAY Dog Carers Your dog will be part of our family. Overnight boarding and day care 24/7. Please include as much information as possible when sending us a message.

Drop off and collection times between 8am to 7pm.

So true & people still get puppies that grow into neglected dogs.

So true & people still get puppies that grow into neglected dogs.


In an ideal world dogs would be included as part of our family and we would commit to sharing our time and life with them.

In an ideal world, we would take the time to learn about how they communicate, their emotions, their needs and updated, modern, scientifically based methods to understand or modify behaviour.

In reality, dogs are so often seen as an item of property, a commodity to be bred and make money from, a cheap, replaceable security system with a built-in barking alarm, a garden decoration, a toy to play with when the kids are bored or an accessory that looks good while out walking, running or taking selfies.

Dogs are not objects, just like us they are sentient beings with the capacity to feel a range of emotions.

A life spent confined to a backyard or fenced in with little or no human companionship is not a life.

Dogs are naturally social beings and need to spend time with their human family.

They need love and attention, exercise and mental stimulation.

They need routine, consistency and predictable patterns to feel secure in our world.

They need to feel safe, secure and protected if they are to be the best version of themselves.

Having a dog requires commitment, patience and dedication.

It’s hard work, it’s sometimes messy, dirty and stinky, it costs money and requires changes to our lifestyle.

It’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly or without making a commitment, but the rewards of forming a secure bond with another sentient being can bring so much joy and enrichment to both our lives and theirs.


I need to write about normal.

An increasing number of people are giving up their dogs because they can't cope. However this seems to be because they do not really have an idea of what "normal" is and have a rather fantasy idea of what a dog should be.

Dogs are not people, however much we love them and it is important that this is realised.

The following things are all normal and any new dog owner needs to understand this:-
Puppies do not come ready trained and it is down to the new owner to work hard for a couple of years to do that training.
Puppies (all breeds) bite - it hurts.
Puppies chew stuff up. If you leave it lying around it will get eaten.
Puppies take a while to get house trained. The owner has to stand shivering in the garden at bedtime until the results happen. This can last for months.
Puppies - and indeed dogs - need to sleep a lot and should be left alone whilst doing so. They are not toys to be constantly carried around and petted.
Brain training toys do not make up for positive interaction and training with their owner.
Dogs rarely need clothes and wearing them indoors (except possibly for very old dogs) will make skin problems more likely.
Dogs don't necessarily like other dogs. They squabble can growl at each other and even fight. This is normal.
Bi***es come in season and have phantom pregnancies. These are normal body functions and should not cause anxiety.
Dogs and bi***es hump each other and objects. Not socially acceptable to humans but perfectly norma.
Dogs do not do spiteful or dominance or deliberate naughty or lots of other emotions people put on them They live for the day and can't differentiate between your new shoes and their toys.
If you spend your money in soft beds they will explode. The dog does not care how much it cost.
If a dog is bored or anxious it will chew stuff - this includes your sofa if you are daft enough to leave him unattended with it.

Dogs need exercise, love and attention and lots of training. They don't always get it right. If you can't accept all these normal things about a dog, please don't get one as the numbers being given up for normal behaviour is heartbreaking.

More details:

Meet Alfie, Alfie and Alfie. 3 of our guests today. Slightly confusing 😊

Meet Alfie, Alfie and Alfie. 3 of our guests today. Slightly confusing 😊


"Kids and Dogs" the images that fill our dreams, and haunt our nightmares 😇😈

With dog bites on the rise, we thought this an important topic to chat about.

"I'd never trust a dog with a child". This is a statement we hear time and time again. But let's delve a little deeper. 🤓

So what's the definition of the word "trust"?🤔
- firm belief in the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.

And what about the word "dog"? 🐶
- a highly variable domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) closely related to the gray wolf
- a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice

All that we can "trust" is that a dog, will be a dog. Trust, belief and faith should be reserved only for those who understand their concepts, and the consequences of their actions. 👍

In a world where the general population is poor, at best, at reading canine body language, how can we expect our kids to be any different?

So if it's not a matter of trust, then what is it? 🤔 We could be here for years discussing such a hot topic, but instead, we'll give you our top tips summarised.

1. Don't mess with your dog's food.
Separate your dog when it's eating or chewing. Don't put your hands in your dog's bowl, don't take chews from their mouths, and don't allow your children to do the same. Ever.🥩

2. Personal space. Your dog didn't choose to have kids, that's your problem.🙃 Kid's in your personal space is one thing, in a dog's is another. Encroaching kissing, hugging, climbing on, poking, pulling etc. is not ok, whether your dog tolerates it or not.🚫 Always proceed with caution around dogs you do not know. Teach your child to admire dogs from a distance, to smile and wave. You don't have to pet the dog.

3. Children & Dogs should never be left unattended. Not while you make coffee, not while you run to the bathroom, and it's not safe for your dog to visit your child's room while they are sleeping. 😴

4. Remember that dogs are dogs. Whether you have a Golden Retriever, a Staffy, a Jack Russell, Springer Spaniel or a Bichon Frisé, you still have a dog. Remember their capabilities. 🙏

You may read this thinking "What nonsense, our kids climbed on and kissed the dog for years, and always ate from it bowl." Good for you! You had luck and a very very patient dog. Not all dogs are like this, and it shouldn't be expected.🐶

Love your dogs, they play a vital role in your family. Just be smart, be conscious, be safe. 💕

Not sure, call a trainer. 📞

What are your thoughts? 🤔

Great advice

Great advice

Why growling should never be punished and also never be ignored
Not all growls are negative. Some growls are play growls, attention seeking growls, pleasure seeking growls or frustration growls. They may all sound a little different and may be unique to the particular dog. This post is not about different types of growls, but about warning or aggressive growls.
When a dog growls, maybe even at us, the natural human response is to feel offended and maybe even angry. Surely dogs need to learn not to growl, growling is bad, growling is unacceptable, growling is a problem and needs to be punished so a dog learns it’s wrong, disrespectful and not to do it again, right?
NO, this couldn’t be further from the truth! A dog that growls has just provided us with a very valuable communication signal. In their way, they have just communicated to us how they feel without resorting to a bite. Dogs use growling in an attempt to avoid having to resort to biting, not to initiate it. They could just as easily have not even bothered to growl and gone straight to a bite.
Growling is a dog's way of saying "please stop," "stay away from me," "go away," “I’m not comfortable with this and I’m feeling threatened”. A dog that growls is trying hard to communicate and punishment suppresses this ability to communicate. Punishment doesn’t change the level of the dog's discomfort; it creates more stress and the dog will feel more threatened.
Growling is not the problem. Growling is the result of and the symptom of a problem. A dog that bites without the warning of a growl is a far more serious problem than a dog that growls but doesn’t bite.
Look for any other early warning signals that may precede a growl. Recognize and take note of what makes your dog feel threatened and create distance between your dog and whatever is triggering them.
Be grateful for the gift of a growl - it provides us with an opportunity to address the cause & prevent the bite.


One of the saddest parts of my job is the sheer volume of rehoming requests I get from dog owners. Several times a week I receive a call, message or email, and it is always the same - Do I “know somebody who wants a [6-18 months old] [highly energetic working dog]? The dog needs more activities than the family can provide.”
This week it has been a Heeler, a Lab and yesterday a Border Collie. Other weeks it is a German Shorthair pointer, a German Shepherd and a Goldendoodle. Or a Weimaraner, a Malinois, an Aussie, a Husky … you get the idea.
First - no, I likely do not know anybody who would be a good match for the dog. I have a list of people looking for dogs - currently it has zero names - and a list of people with high-energy breeds wanting to re-home their dogs. This list is very, very long.
Please do not get a puppy if you cannot meet the needs of his breed. The vast majority of dogs needs more than a full food bowl and a pat on the head. Especially during the first 2 years of a dog’s life, expect him to require DAILY training. Throughout the dog’s life you should plan on providing enrichment, mental stimulation and physical activities. You have work, errands to run, a family to take care off, TV shows to watch, books to read - but your dog only has YOU.
If you chose a working-bred dog, expect him to not be content with a 15 minute leash walk. Your dog needs more. He is only doing what he was bred to do - having a high energy level, intense desire to move and work, no quits.
If you want a beginner dog or a laid-back dog - there are plenty of lap dog breeds who have lower exercise needs (though they still need some!). There are plenty of adult or senior dogs in rescue. There are retired racing Greyhounds. There are shelters looking for volunteers and fosters - that way you can get your feet wet before committing to a certain breed.
If you get a puppy of a working breed, expect him to take up a big chunk of your time for many years to come!
Please don't first acquire and then rehome your dogs because of who they are - instead, invest time into researching your chosen breed upfront.


A pet in a parked car, even with the windows open, can quickly overheat and die on a warm day!! WHY do people insist on taking their dogs with them?

If you see an animal in distress in someone’s car, call 911 immediately and try to find the owner. If you cannot find the owner immediately, and you are still waiting for first responders and the animal seems to be in grave condition, state law allows you to break the car window or make entry to save the pet’s life.


Update; Sandy is found safe and well.

Sandy is gone missing since last Saturday. In Newforest area. She never wanders. Please keep an eye out for her. Contact page with any info. Please share this and help bring her home.


Some information on rapeseed from the Veterinary Poisons Information Service and Animal PoisonLine


Fun in the sun for Easter holidays.


The importance of early socialisation can’t be over-stressed! Where you buy your puppy from is also super important. I am hopeful that almost everyone can now recognise puppy mills. If anyone is thinking of getting a new puppy, feel free to contact me for some advice!


Hi everyone. A little bit sad right now. The humans go out of their way to keep both me and Geoffy safe. We follow the park rules of leash times and so on... clearly our humans are the only ones that care! Geoffy has really bad arthritis in all 4 limbs and I am in training - we don't appreciate random dogs charging at us (2 days in a row- different locations!) and slamming into us when we are trying to enjoy a walk, especially when we are on lead and can't run away! PLEASE be a bit more sensitive towards dogs on lead. We are on lead for a reason- law, health, training, you know what? It shouldn't matter why we are on lead as it's really not your concern- what is your concern is that you are capable of calling your dog back when needed. IF you see a dog on lead show a bit of respect and pop yours on till you pass by. Geoffy is on painkillers tonight and we are all miserable because we sadly encountered a few really rude people earlier, their dogs were just being dogs and did run across a road to get to us that could have ended badly given both owners were on their phones and paying no attention at all! I'm a bit on edge as I don't like large dogs rushing at me as they were bigger and I was outnumbered and the human was getting hurt trying to keep me safe. That's all I have to say. Nev over and out and feeling really sad as Geoffy is hurting due to people being thoughtless - BTW human asked for them to call dogs back and was given out to for doing so!


Scientists are warning of a nightmare scenario where humans pick up the bug, which is known to create resistance to life-saving antibiotics.

Makes total sense.

Makes total sense.

Interesting information...


Sale! Previous Product Is Your Dog Expecting Your Baby? €24.99 €0.00 Category: Uncategorised Opens in a new window Tweet This Product Opens in a new window Share on Facebook Opens in a new window Pin This Product Opens in a new window Mail This Product Related products Uncategorised€50 Payment...


€4000 reward on return of our two beloved German Shepherds Kaiser and Sheeba are still missing . They were last seen in County Cork. We are desperate to get them home . Please contact 0862665764 / 0862665764
What type of people would take members of someone’s family 😢


Words and phrases you will NEVER hear from our behaviour team or see on MADRA social media accounts to describe dogs:

"Needs a firm hand"
"Needs to know you're the boss"
"Leader of the pack"
"He/she is dominant"
"Refuses to listen/behave"
"Needs a prong collar/choke chain/electric collar"
"Needs collar jerks to walk nicely on lead"
"Don't let them sniff on walks"
"Needs corrections"
"Misbehaves/is bold"
"Guilty/they know they did something wrong"
"Needs to be told NO"
"Let them cry it out"
"Tough love"
"Needs to learn respect"
"Dangerous breed"
"Needs to obey"
"Commands" (we use cues)
"Not trainable" (all dogs, all breeds, can learn)

The list could go on.....

Science has debunked the theories behind these outdated ways of thinking, but some of these beliefs are still promoted.

Language matters. Training methods matters.

At MADRA, we only use and promote reward based training for ALL DOG BREEDS. No exceptions. We never use methods to deliberately make our rescue dogs feel afraid or threatened.

Progressive shelters and dog trainers rely on scientific, effective and ethical training methods. The science shows us that positive reinforcement dog training is the best way to help our dogs learn and to ensure we have a strong bond with our dog, with a relationship based on trust. Dogs trained using reward based training are more confident, resilient and optimistic compared to those who are trained using corrections.

You can debunk dog training myths on your own by reading into the research. Start with scientific evidence. There’s plenty of literature out there about positive, modern, pain-free dog training methods.

There are lots of myths surrounding positive reinforcement training. It doesn’t mean that dogs never have consequences. It’s that you don’t ever need to use pain or force to get a desired response.

It doesn't mean "praise the good, ignore the "bad". Positive reinforcement training does not mean permissive. It means we address the underlying cause for a behaviour we find undesirable and work to use management strategies or teach our dogs incompatible behaviours instead.

Renowned trainer Bob Bailey said “Training is simple, but it isn’t easy!".

If you're having any issues with your dog, please contact us for information on how to find a reputable, fear-free dog trainer. The dog training industry is not regulated so sadly anyone can call themselves a dog trainer, without any true understanding of canine behaviour. Quick tip, if a trainer uses any of the phrases or words at the top of this post, then that's valuable information that they're not up-to-date with the latest information on canine research.

We can live happy lives with happy dogs who are also well-trained, if positive reinforcement training methods are applied properly. We promise!🙃

Some handy articles and research here:

MADRA dog trainer, qualified IMDT dog trainer (Institute of Modern Dog Trainers)

Please read & share

Please read & share

Cockapoos, cavapoos, maltipoos, puggles, etc etc etc! There are new ones being invented and sold every day for stupid money to buyers who don't care where their puppy comes from. This is where they came from before being sold.

The red box you see can be filled with enough food and water to last 7 days. That means the puppy breeder can stock those, walk away and they won't have to return for a week. A lot of owners turn the lights off in that shed so they don't lose money on electricity.

But buyers wont see this. They will see an advert for a cute puppy on DoneDeal or wherever and will convince themselves that somehow this is different. Its not. Irelands' welfare laws allow these breeders to exist and for these puppies to be bought and sold.

There is nothing ethical or kind here. Its all just money and the dogs are the product . That is NOT OK.

Great to have gorgeous Hugo for daycare. We are really missing all our lovely guests. He is such a cute puppy. And he ha...

Great to have gorgeous Hugo for daycare. We are really missing all our lovely guests. He is such a cute puppy. And he hasn't jumped the fence around our new flowerbed. 🥰


Beau, Louie, Alfie and Olaf. Our lovely guests this weekend.


Killoughter, Menlo

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 7pm
Sunday 9am - 7pm




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