Foster freddie!
Great progress today, we even sat n the village and did some people watching.
#positivereinforcementdogtraining #galwaydogtrainer #fearfreedogtraining #rescuedog
Foster Freddie!!
We did some work this morning observing people from the safety of the car.
Freddie barks (a lot) when people approach the car (even if they’re just walking by minding their own business! 😂)
But we’ve been working on it and he’s learning that it’s not a big deal, in fact when people walk past and he remains calm he even gets a treat!
So proud of him for doing so well today. 3 tiny woofs is a big win for us!
#positivereinforcementdogtraining #galwaydogtrainer #fearfreedogtraining #dogventures #meetyourdogsneeds #rescuedogsrock #adoptdontshop
Foster Freddie is settling in well. He’s been with us just over 2 weeks and is doing well!
He’s found his new bestie Mabel 🥰
We continue to work on his confidence building and socialisation.
Watch this space for Freddie updates. If you’re interested in adopting Freddie head on over to @madradogrescue and fill out an application. #positivereinforcementdogtraining #galwaydogtrainer #fearfreedogtraining #dogventures #meetyourdogsneeds #rescuedogsrock
Today this beautiful American Staffy had an assessment. He is The Sweetest boy. Here he is having rings ran around him by the little firecracker Mabel! 😂
A great boy that was able to regulate his arousal levels and match Mabel’s energy.
So impressed with him 🥰#positivereinforcementdogtraining #galwaydogtrainer #fearfreedogtraining #dogventures #meetyourdogsneeds #rescuedogsrock #adoptdontshop
Thurs Social Group!
2 hours of action packed fun, physical and mental workout for your pup. small groups so spaces are limited.
Pick up and drop off available.
#dogventures #positivereinforcementdogtraining #fearfreedogtraining #galwaydogtrainer #doggydaycare
Even though Darcy is blind she still needs outlets to do doggy specific behaviours.
She loves a good game of tug, snuffling through the grass to find treats and learning new tricks!
#specialneedsdogs #positivereinforcementdogtraining #galwaydogtrainer #blinddogsrock
Galway dog owners!
Are you looking for new ways to adventure with your doggos?
Get in touch for more info on intros to Canine Kayaking!
This is an introduction for dogs to paddle boards and kayaks and takes place in shallow water.
#galwaydog #dogventurewest #dogventures #caninekayaking #campingwithdogs #kayakingwithdogs #irishdogsofinstagram #colliesandkayaks
Best doggos 🥰
#giantschnauzersofinstagram #goldenretrieversofinstagram #jrtofinstagram
Taco says; doggos need on average 18 hrs sleep a day 😴
I think she thinks it’s her camper.
Teaching a new cue should be fun for both human and canine.
Here I’ve started Dougie keeping the criteria very low and gradually building it up.
Actual time we spent on this was 7 minutes.
Going at your dogs pace and only raising criteria when they’re ready keeps motivation high and frustration at bay for both you and your dog.
#positivereiforcementdogtraining #fearfreedogtraining #galwaydogtrainer #rescuedogsrock