If you work long hours and find you have little time for your pet I'm here to help. I'll be happy to take your dog out for his/her daily walk and give your dog the exercise and attention he/she needs and deserves. Areas covered are in the surroundings areas of Kanturk and surrounding areas, including Mallow. Dog Walking – Includes Free Pick up and Delivery - Solo Walk or Group - Companionship and
Exercise - Feeding, Toilet.. - Come Rain or Shine your dog will be walked
Dogs with behaviour problems and nervous dogs are welcome, although any nervous twitches or unusual behavioural traits should be notified beforehand. Dogs that are aggressive towards people and other animals cannot be offered any services. About me... I am the proud owner of a German Shepherd and was raised with Springer Spaniels, Cocker spaniels, Terriers and Cats since childhood (15 years of companionship) my love for animals in particular dogs came at a young age. As the years went on I have met and hung around a lot of different breeds including large dogs (including Alaskan malamutes and Saint Bernards). I've learnt from my experience that pets and in particular dogs have a loyalty and trust to their owners that can't be comprimised, they never judge, are always happy to see you and provide companionship and friendship for the length of their life. Phone : (086) 442 5603