KC Equine Rehabilitation Centre

KC Equine Rehabilitation Centre Providing physiotherapy for canine & equine patients in the Munster region. Post operative/post inju

Best of luck to all competing this Sunday in Ballycahane Equestrian πŸ΄πŸ€—

Best of luck to all competing this Sunday in Ballycahane Equestrian πŸ΄πŸ€—


Yesterday I decided to get the heavy stock on the gallop before harrowing. He is still a bit green and can drift to the left but otherwise settles πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚



To all my clients I would like to thank you so much for your business throughout the years, I have done my best to keep costs down and have not increased prices in the last couple of years even with all the inflation.

I will be increasing my treatment prices by €10 from the 1st of May 2024 for existing clients and increase will take affect immediately for new clients.

Again I want to thank all my clients who avail of my services and support. I love what I do and the work we do together, we achieve fantastic results and long may it continue!

Thanks a mill,



Spuds first hack out the road under saddle πŸ€—πŸ˜ it was literally 2 mins but he was such a dude! Huge puddles of water, cars and vans passing and he didn't blink an eye! This was him walking back and all you can do is try and remind him that he has to walk before he runs πŸ˜‚ 🐎 Spudy is unreal as usual ❀️❀️

Soooooo this happened last week.... I got to sit up on the famous Spudy! We just done tiny walk in the yard but his firs...

Soooooo this happened last week....

I got to sit up on the famous Spudy! We just done tiny walk in the yard but his first time under saddle since his absolute carnage tendon injury πŸ™ˆ Baby steps!! He was a gent as usual πŸ₯°πŸ˜

Happy Paddy's Day from Paddy!! This weekend marks 12 months of partnership together and we're still none the wiser as to...

Happy Paddy's Day from Paddy!! This weekend marks 12 months of partnership together and we're still none the wiser as to where we are πŸ˜‚ He's really teaching me patience and taking every route possible πŸ˜‚ Everyone enjoy their weekend! β˜˜οΈπŸ€—

When the bad weather has broken you! Just get cosy and have a snooze πŸ˜‚πŸ˜΄β€οΈβ€οΈ

When the bad weather has broken you! Just get cosy and have a snooze πŸ˜‚πŸ˜΄β€οΈβ€οΈ

Something a bit different to my usual days..I had the pleasure a couple of weeks ago of participating in a demonstration...

Something a bit different to my usual days..

I had the pleasure a couple of weeks ago of participating in a demonstration of Equine Physiotherapy for the Amateur seminar with Show Jumping Ireland in Emerald Equestrian Centre.

There was fantastic demos of course building, confidence in competing, Dentistry, Gain Nutrition and the army equitation.

Thanks for the opportunity to be part of a great seminar!


Spud today!!


Spud when he first arrived..

SPUDY'S GLOW UP 😍😍❀️❀️🐎🐎 Spud arrived towards the end of October with a horrendous tendon injury and I honestly didn't t...

SPUDY'S GLOW UP 😍😍❀️❀️🐎🐎

Spud arrived towards the end of October with a horrendous tendon injury and I honestly didn't think we'd get to where we are now but I'm SOOOOOO glad we're on the right path! He's so happy and loves playing and giving kisses ❀️❀️

*NOTE* Spud was by no means neglected or ill treated, he had a very serious injury that took it out of him physically and caused him to lose muscle mass and some weight.


A massive thank you to all my clients for their support all year, I wouldn't have a business without you! The very best of luck to clients and patients alike in their ventures for the year ahead! Turning off the barn lights for the last time in 2023! πŸŽπŸŽπŸ΄πŸ΄πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€—πŸ€—


Update on Spuds progress in the last week. Not much change in the leg as expected but stable manners/handling is coming on leaps and bounds πŸ₯° mucking out whilst he was eating was a no no at the start with him πŸ™ˆ he's getting very affectionate in a rough way thoughπŸ˜‚

Video attached was a few days ago and he's so much happier even now.. Teeth, feet, mane and another treatment done in the past week.

He loves his little daily potters with turn out afterwards in a small area to get his head down. I do a little bit of weight shifting exercises with him also.

(I know his sheet slips back a bit due to his high withers but I pop on a surcingle at night to keep it in place, he likes to eat his rugs/sheets! as he seems to be quite a warm horse I mess around with different ones in different temps to see what he likes).

Today Pads and Spud had their teeth done with Equine Veterinary Dentistry Martha Naughton MVB. The boss Concorde was don...

Today Pads and Spud had their teeth done with Equine Veterinary Dentistry Martha Naughton MVB. The boss Concorde was done in July, Paddy was also but he needs a bit more help with his dental health so Martha had advised he be done after about 3 months and after today he'll need to be done again in about 6 months.

All horses are different and have different needs. Concorde and Spud are in the bracket of 12 monthly dentals. Hopefully Pads will get there too in time but if not he will be in the bracket of being done every 6 months.

The two boys are bright as buttons after their appointment. Dentistry work is so important to keep on top of for equines. Oral issues can have a knock on effect to the entire body. We can't ask them to do job for us and not keep them right in a holistic way. Holistic meaning the whole body, environment etc.


This is a video to introduce Spud to the lime light. This is a brief video explaining his back story, where we are now and where we want to go!

πŸ”΄ NOTE:

β€’ Basic details are given.

β€’More indept videos can be shared at a later date.

β€’All neccessary veterinary intervention was undertaken prior to Spud arriving here.

β€’Him being rude on the ground can hinder his progress due to unwanted movements at this time. With my daily handling he is now understanding more and more of what I need from him. This helps him greatly.

β€’He done time at box rest post inital injury, I feel he places weight and walks better than I had anticipated therefore I am utilising that on a daily basis.

β€’A 12 week programme is NOT his full rehab journey, this was a serious injury and will take longer. 12 weeks is adequate to see a nice improvement and for us all to fall in love with Spudy 😍

Bit of a different morning this morning πŸŒ§πŸ™ˆ yesterday was a lovely, bright and crisp morning! Who doesn't love a fluffy g...

Bit of a different morning this morning πŸŒ§πŸ™ˆ yesterday was a lovely, bright and crisp morning! Who doesn't love a fluffy gallop first thing 😍🐎

Surfaces play a big role in our day to day as equestrians so it's of the utmost importance to our horses/ponies to maintain what we have to the best possible standard that we can! We all have different amenities so it's very individual!

Different surfaces will alter the footfalls and gait of our animals! Just like us walking and running, we will step/land differently on the road/ wood track/ beach/ high grass/boggy land etc..

Today marks 12 months in business in Toureen, Croom with KC EQUINE REHABILITATION CENTRE πŸŽ‰I wasn't sure if I'd make it t...

Today marks 12 months in business in Toureen, Croom with KC EQUINE REHABILITATION CENTRE πŸŽ‰

I wasn't sure if I'd make it this far πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ I'd like to say a massive thank you to my family, friends and Mc Namara family for your constant support and advice through the literal blood, sweat and tears πŸ˜‚

I'd also like to give a humongous THANK YOU to my clients old and new who have stuck by me through the changes! Without you this couldn't and wouldn't be possible πŸ€— I'm extremely lucky to have such good clients and patients from all over!

Here's hoping to many more years here striving to give the best treatment, education, advice and support that I can πŸŽπŸ•


These are a couple of comparison pictures of a horse that recently rehabbed with me as an inpatient for a 17% lesion to ...

These are a couple of comparison pictures of a horse that recently rehabbed with me as an inpatient for a 17% lesion to the SDFT (superficial digital flexor tendon). He also had some compensatory issues that needed addressing.

He had a tailored treatment and exercise plan to his individual needs that I could tweak daily if need be. If I felt he was not able to perform a movement appropriately I was able to use my own judgement to adjust or change it completely.

PICTURE 1: week 1 and week 8. At week 10 he was rescanned and with the results we aimed for (core lesion filled in with a minimal area of disruption to fibres that needed further treatment) I was then able to increase load and difficulty of work.

PICTURE 2: week 1 and week 12. He left the following week to go back into light training with a plan for the coming weeks of slowing introducing his previous type of work.

From the before and after pictures you can see that strength and conditioning with postural changes were applied. His way of going changed and was fully sound leaving.

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the amazing Lottie and fantastic Aideen Kirby 😍 Just look at the form of thi...

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the amazing Lottie and fantastic Aideen Kirby 😍 Just look at the form of this mare, those front legs nearly touch the sky when tucked up πŸ˜‚ Lottie is one horse who absolutely loves her job! Is there any wonder as a team they win and place everywhere they go πŸŽπŸ’ž The main arena in Dublin is this mares happy place 🐴


A huge congratulations to Elsie and Taz on their round on the first day of the RDS! They had a great round but an unlucky 4 false!

All the hard work and determination payed off to get there and it showed! Again none of it would have been possible without the care and attention of Ruth Malone, with her knowing her ponies inside out! Well done to all πŸŽ‰



Hi all,

So many of you already know that there has been quite a bit of work going on in the background with regard to my business the last while!

Just let everyone know I am opening an equine rehabilitation centre and the official opening date is the 11/07/22.

As of this date the mobile service will cease and all appointments will be in situ at the yard in Toureen, Croom, Co. Limerick.

βœ…I will be catering for long & short term inpatients (these will board with me for the required period of time, receive a tailored rehab plan with continuous progression including treatments/ prescription exercises & turn out).

βœ…Day drop off patients - drop in am & collect in pm. (Box can be left in yard for duration).

βœ…Allocated appointment times also.

I want to thank all of my clients for your continued support! Any questions give me a buzz on 085-1336872. πŸ€—πŸŽ

Here is a chronically capped hock on a weaned foal. This first picture doesn't do it justice to how much filling was act...

Here is a chronically capped hock on a weaned foal. This first picture doesn't do it justice to how much filling was actually in it (because I'm shocking at taking pictures πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚). After 3 sessions with INDIBA Radio-frequency the lower right hand picture is the end result, fluid is gone and a fractional amount of scarred tissue remains at the point of hock.

Capped elbows and hocks are unsightly and especially if the animal is for sale or performing in the show ring! As you can see there are ways and means of dealing with these issues!


Sorry lads I just thought I'd pop up a little video for all the general enquiries I've been getting via message over the last few weeks and not responded to, I'm not great for messaging so hopefully this will cover the basics of what I do. In my true style of having a head like a sieve I forgot one of the main things I treat and that's arthritis πŸ™ˆ Your best bet is to contact me directly on 085-1336872 and have a chat! I hope this helps! Thanks!


Someone has a pep in their step on our handy hack! With being so busy I have been threatening to treat my own two boys for awhile now (too long really) πŸ™ˆ Concorde seems happy after having both hocks and sacroiliac treated with INDIBA radio-frequency earlier today πŸ₯°πŸŽ


"Bone bruising" or subchondral bone injury is a common occurrence with young horses in demanding exercise programmes. While the bone is remodeling it can present at varying levels of lameness/soreness. Plenty of time/rest is needed to allow new bone cells to lay down increasing density to said workload and removal of old cells.

I am lucky to be able to help this process along at quite an increased rate, followed by maintence treatments with the use of my INDIBA device. By using a constant flow of radio-frequency at 448 kHz at a subthermal level, we achieve cellular biostimulation, control inflammation, analgesic effects and increase cellular metabolism to name just a few. It is a non invasive treatment that is tolerated and enjoyed very well by patients.

I thought I may have overestimated my natural reach on big boy Monty πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ It was confirmed  to me when my client was laugh...

I thought I may have overestimated my natural reach on big boy Monty πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ It was confirmed to me when my client was laughing and said "you look like a child" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ All I have to say is thank god for steps, as I use them A LOT!!!!

What a lovely gift to receive today!! This is a nice way to make use of some old shoes that may be hanging around uninte...

What a lovely gift to receive today!! This is a nice way to make use of some old shoes that may be hanging around unintentionally!! Thank you Anthony McGrath for these!! I wonder what else I could get him to make me now πŸ€”πŸ˜‚ He has officially opened a can of worms!!

A day in the life of Poppy! 1: Eat2: Have a session of flat work3: Bask in the sun nibbling hay, whilst stable mate has ...

A day in the life of Poppy!

1: Eat
2: Have a session of flat work
3: Bask in the sun nibbling hay, whilst stable mate has physio treatment
4: Receive her own physio treatment
5: Turned out to the field for the rest of the day
6: Eat

So why can't we all live like this horse πŸ˜‚

Poppy has a couple of minor long standing issues that have been addressed with a multimodal approach and are monitored closely, with this in mind we have come to the conclusion that while her work load increases in demand she goes better with monthly maintenance treatments. This keeps her compensatory issues to a bare minimum.

I think we can all say by the look of her in the pictures she's more than willing to comply with her part in this πŸ˜‚πŸ₯°

πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸŽπŸ΄ Does anyone else have a golden oldie who has been there and done that a numerous amount of times but still has to l...

πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸŽπŸ΄ Does anyone else have a golden oldie who has been there and done that a numerous amount of times but still has to look at EVERYTHING and have an irrational fear of nearly everything πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ God forbid a leaf fly in the wind, his own shadow make an appearance at any given time or how dare a rock be in the ditch πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But a trailer could pass rattling away and not a stir πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ As you can see the gateway was getting a look and a little snort πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚







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