Hungry Horse Outside

Hungry Horse Outside We are an Equine Rescue situated Co. Longford Ireland.
*Please note* We DO NOT answer private numbers

We care for unwanted and abandoned equines in county longford. We always appreciate volunteers and donations, as all animals are helped using our own resources

Beautiful Day at Maxi Zoo Longford!A great opportunity to meet some of our rescues! Learn about adopting a rescue, cat, ...

Beautiful Day at Maxi Zoo Longford!

A great opportunity to meet some of our rescues!
Learn about adopting a rescue, cat, dog or pony!

Dog and Cat Microchipping and Registration for only €10

Support your local rescue and a massive thank you to the Staff at Maxi Zoo Longford for hosting and your continuous support throughout the year

Don't miss our cost-price microchipping event tomorrow! Remember, it's the law to have your dog microchipped, and failur...

Don't miss our cost-price microchipping event tomorrow!

Remember, it's the law to have your dog microchipped, and failure to comply can result in court action and fines of up to €5,000.

We'll also have a visit from some of our horses, dogs, and kittens. Hope to see you there!

📢 Attention Longford Pet Lovers! 🐾Join Hungry Horse Outside, your local animal rescue, for a special event at Maxi Zoo L...

📢 Attention Longford Pet Lovers! 🐾

Join Hungry Horse Outside, your local animal rescue, for a special event at Maxi Zoo Longford! 🏠🐴

🗓️ Date: Saturday 15th June
🕒 Time: 12pm - 4pm

✨ Highlights:
- **Animal Microchipping:** Only €10 per pet! 🐶🐱
- **Rehoming Information:** Learn how you can give a loving home to a rescue animal.
- **Meet the Animals:** Some of our adorable rescues will be there, including a charming pony! 🐎

Don't miss this chance to support a great cause and maybe even find your new furry friend! See you there! 💖

Food for thought 💭

Food for thought 💭

Many rescues are sharing this post today. This is not exaggerated, every single day of every single week, those working ...

Many rescues are sharing this post today. This is not exaggerated, every single day of every single week, those working in animal rescue are shouted at, harrassed abused and even threatened. Day in, day out it never stops and it never ends. None of us like saying no, none of us want to be in the position that we can't help, none of us want to be on social media showing horrific footage or photographs and begging companies and the public to donate to our causes but we do, we do it because the public are breeding animals quicker than we can save them. It's not just horses and donkeys we have, day in day out the phone rings looking for dog help, looking for cat help, goat help, pig help the lists go on.

Please spare a thought for those of us who work tirelessly, every single day.

I can’t keep my dog I’ve had for 6 years since a pup as he guards his toys he’s a Cocker
I’m moving in 5 days. Please take my collie
I’ve got a deaf staffie cross my kids taunt him he needs to go I can’t control my child dog was bought at Xmas for a present for them
I’ve got mental health issues. I can’t cope with my Jack Russel. I bought her as a support dog she’s been amazing
I’ve got a cane Corsa I can’t control. Take it now, or I'll PTS immediately
What’s wrong with you? You're meant to be a charity. Why can’t you pay my vets bills ?
I’ve rang every rescue no one will help me .. have you rang happy landings ? Holly hedge ? Fern ? .. no .. ahh ok I thought you’d rang everyone ??
I’m going on holiday can you mind my dogs for free? I can’t afford boarding
Can you take my collie? I can’t cope with the exercise I’ve had dogs all my life .. is your dog castrated ? No what’s that ?
Please take my 6 month old lab x. I have no time to walk him, but I can donate time to help you at your centre
Can you take my dog I got from another rescue I applied to you but you turned me down the rescue I went to won’t support me now I need you after I verbally abused you a year ago for not giving me a dog
So let’s just remember this is what we face every day every waking day, and this is what rescues up and down the U.K./ Ireland are facing on a huge scale
Please support your local rescue
We too struggle we struggle when we have to say no
We struggle feeling responsible for dogs we have never laid eyes on
We struggle wondering how we will make it through another year, week, month, day
We struggle working on rinse repeat day in and day out
We struggle to find homes for your dogs. There is a huge shortage of top-notch homes
We struggle constantly begging for funds
We struggle to pay our feed bills and vet bills.
We struggle keeping our heads together when we lose our sanctuary dogs to the bridge but paint a smile immediately after just to keep Joe Public happy
We can’t take time off to grieve. We have to get back to it immediately
Be kind to your boots on ground rescuers who don’t have ANY wages and work 16 hour days.
Be kind to your rescuers who go out to help animals at the drop of a hat
Be kind to your rescuers who snap at you on the phone. You are not the only one with problems. We have multiple yet still keep it together
We are human too we are not here to be abused we are here for the animals we are not a hotline for you to demand that we help you immediately.
Be kind to us, and don’t insult us with a .. oh I’d love to do what you do remark . .. really, would you ? I doubt it very much ..what about your holidays , your new shoes ? Your fancy food ? Your lie ins ? Your nails ? You're oh, I don’t feel well. I need a lie down ?
Rescue is a lifestyle, not a job, be kind


Another Day another Poor Donkey in need


The mistreatment of donkeys in Ireland, particularly related to neglecting hoof trimming, is a major concern. Donkeys, like other animals, require regular hoof care to prevent discomfort, pain, and potential long-term health issues. This fact appears to be over looked time and time again. These beautiful animals are neglected horrendously and shamefully more often than not require major work with their hooves when they arrive.
Neglecting hoof trimming can lead to overgrowth, which can cause imbalances in their gait, discomfort, and even lameness.

Without proper intervention, it can escalate to more severe issues like infections and abscesses, significantly impacting the donkey's quality of life. We need to raise awareness and enforce existing animal welfare laws to improve the well-being of donkeys in Ireland.

The neglect of donkeys in Ireland is shameful, something needs to change. It is so disheartening to see it time and time again.

Support your local rescue the best you can

Wishing all our friends and followers near and far a very Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Wishing all our friends and followers near and far a very Happy St. Patrick's Day.

 Feeding time for our ferals 🐱✨ Consider spaying as a compassionate solution for stray feline friends. Last year HHO spa...

Feeding time for our ferals 🐱✨ Consider spaying as a compassionate solution for stray feline friends. Last year HHO spayed and neutered over 300 community cats
Spaying helps control the population, prevents health issues, and ensures a better quality of life. Support local initiatives and organisations working towards spaying/neutering programs. Let's give these cats a chance for a healthier and happier future! 🌟

Bedding Delivery currently we are using more than a pallet a week, sadly we have seen the costs of shavings rise and ris...

Bedding Delivery currently we are using more than a pallet a week, sadly we have seen the costs of shavings rise and rise!

📸 Look at this post on Facebook step forward, at last. Most equine we...

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

A step forward, at last. Most equine welfare organisations in Ireland are indefinitely holding horses until a court case is heard, this often runs in to years.

Ms Yvonne Coe (age 60) of Main Street, Tinahely was sentenced to three months imprisonment.


Same day 2018 hard to believe


Call For Equine Parasite Control Focus Group Volunteers!

A research team led by Nicola Walshe from the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine is looking for horse owners willing to discuss a set of new Irish best practice parasite control guidelines, to ensure they are both practical and implementable for horse owners nationwide.

By taking part in a once-off, 2-hour focus group you can help curb the rise in parasite resistance to anti-parasitic drugs (wormers). If you:

* Care about preserving the efficacy of wormers for Irish horses
* Have horses at home or in livery
* Are available in-person or online, on 27 or 28 of February (in the afternoon)

Please consider contributing by emailing Christiane O'Brien ([email protected]) for more details.

Participants will also be invited to ask Nicola Walshe a question about parasite control in their own horse(s).

This project is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine.

*Older Horses*Here at HHO, we have a special place in all our hearts for the old ladies and gentlemen who served their t...

*Older Horses*
Here at HHO, we have a special place in all our hearts for the old ladies and gentlemen who served their time most likely through many families, the ones who have been kind and patient for the new inexperienced riders, the ones who have been friends, teachers, protectors, the ones who gave their everything to each and every home they have been in only to be cast aside.
Common things we hear;
"She's old, she's hardly worth feeding",
"She'd make a great broodmare"
"Sure why would I bother with him, he costs too much to keep, I'll put him through the mart"
"He has XYZ health problem, he can't do his job anymore, we'll sell him off as a companion"
"Some dealer will take him"

The endless lines we hear daily, hurt us deeply, we have seen first hand where those lines and phrases said so flippantly leads and it rarely ends well for that poor older horse. The pockets of their owners may be momentarily lined but the future of that faithful friend is often not secure or safe. Often they suffer endlessly until their poor bodies give up, more often the pillar to post merry go round they are on devastates them, they have lost all their security and they give up. Do old horses deserve this, because you've moved on to bigger, stronger, faster, younger?
Sadly and in reality, many of the rescues here in Ireland are met with very young or very old horses and ponies, the ones who fall in the middle, too young to train to ride or too old or injured to ride and even more sadly, experience has taught us when they are lucky enough to be brought to a rescue it is often too late.
We would ask the owners of older horses to think about that animal, when you are thinking of those lines, what will become of it, sometimes the hardest decision for you is the best decision for them, don't think your horse will be different, he/she won't end up like that. Sadly, that is a naive thought, just in the last week we have stood in a field with an old thoroughbred racehorse dead of starvation and an old sports horse dying of starvation, strangers with her on her final journey.
Whilst we absolutely respect lots of animals have owners who will not turn their backs on them when they need more care, more time, more money, sadly the reality is there are many, many more who won't.

Story Time:
Meet one of our beautiful HHO Golden Girls, three years ago we were called to assist with the removal of several ponies in the West of Ireland. One of whom was Molly, she was in horrendous condition, every bone in her body visible, she had stripped the bark of the trees in search of food, her living conditions were horrendous. It was the stuff of nightmares for any animal. The days that followed were touch and go for her. She was confused, hungry, her joints were swollen, she was crawling in lice, her teeth were damaged, and almost non existent, her body weak and fragile. The future did not look good for her. At the time we had many complaints and callers demanding to know what would happen her, truthfully we didn't know, when we asked for help from those callers we were met with radio silence. No one offered to step up or contribute towards her veterinary care to help her recover. We made the decision here at HHO, we would give her the very best chance we could to have her live out whatever time she had left with some dignity, care and love. Mollys life turned around from that day. She is one of the lucky ones, through another separate misfortune we unexpectedly had the room and the knowledge, skill and will to make her life easier, to let her fulfill whatever time she has left in comfort, not wanting for anything.
Whilst it may seem heartwarming, again this mare in her 30s left to be cared for by strangers should never have happened. The upkeep of Molly is far greater than all of the other ponies, her needs are different. She has a very specific and costly diet, she sometimes needs medication, her farrier has to be patient and kind, sometimes she isn't able to stand on three legs as long as younger ponies. She has a wardrobe that would rival any fashion industry, a rug for any type of weather as well as the skin conditions she suffers from. Rubber mats to stand on with her bedding, an array of supplements, more frequent dentist visits than your average horse and the lists go on, putting her out after the winter time comes with a long list of instructions. She will never be rehomed, she will stay in our care until her time comes and if necessary we will stand with her as she crosses rainbow bridge, she will not suffer again. One would ask why we bother? The answer being, she is worth the effort, the money, the time. She paid her dues and it is time for her to be repaid. She was fortunate we were in the position to offer her a safe haven to live out her twilight years,She deserved better. She is here solely because of the kindness of strangers. Three years later, she is still going strong, something we never expected, we believed her time was short, she loves her routine, she loves life and most of all she loves her comforts, every day Molly teaches us a lesson in resilience and kindness, she is our golden girl. Not every older horse would be so lucky. a before and after:Every now and then, we get a beautiful reminder of why...

What a before and after:
Every now and then, we get a beautiful reminder of why we do what we do.

Meet HHO Red,
Red came to us in horrendous condition after being starved within an inch of his life. Every bone in his weak body was visible, he was covered in rain scald, had a massive burden of worms and a litany of other health problems. He struggled for quite some time but slowly he showed signs of recovery, our Red was a fighter and he had just taken on the biggest fight of his life and won. We were so proud of him.
It was then we started to think of what the future held for him, his life turned around completely when he met Tina. Tina fell in love with Red and very soon afterwards he became part of her family. Red enjoys a relaxing life these days, not a care in the world and not a backward glance at his past. It is incomprehensible the failures this horse endured but thankfully there is only good ahead for him.
Thank you Tina and family for taking such good care of Red.

Please consider donating to help us help more horses like Red, any amount small or large will make a big difference


It hard to believe people still think this is ok.

This donkey had been removed by HHO, treated and is well on the way to recovery.

Whilst it is true a snowy scene makes for a beautiful photograph, bad weather makes for some really tough times for equi...

Whilst it is true a snowy scene makes for a beautiful photograph, bad weather makes for some really tough times for equine owners. Managing winter can be hard but it is absolutely essential we monitor our equine friends and identify those who are struggling.

Caring for horses during bad weather is essential to maintain their health and well-being. Here are some key steps to follow:

Shelter: Ensure that horses have access to adequate shelter, such as a stable or a shed, to protect them from rain, snow, wind, and extreme temperatures.

Bedding: Provide clean and dry bedding in their shelter to keep them comfortable and prevent issues such as mud fever or respiratory problems.

Water: Make sure horses have access to fresh, unfrozen water at all times.

Food: Increase hay intake during cold weather to help horses maintain body heat through digestion. Monitor their feed intake to ensure they are consuming enough nutrients to stay healthy.

Exercise: If possible, provide horses with opportunities for exercise even during bad weather

Monitor health: Keep a close eye on horses for signs of discomfort, illness, or injury during bad weather. Seek veterinary care if necessary.

Are you looking for a new companion? This lovely lady is searching for her forever family. She is four months old and is...

Are you looking for a new companion? This lovely lady is searching for her forever family. She is four months old and is very friendly and kind.
Rehoming enquiries by email only
[email protected]

There is something incredibly sad about this video but to understand it we need to give some background.
This poor horse was seized as part of a herd of ten. He sadly watched many of his fieldmates starve and die. He is just about three years old and has never had an ounce of care. Not one of his basic needs were met.
The process of his rehabilitation is slow and delicate. His first days here were teaching him how to walk in to a stable. A concept he knew nothing about. He had to learn what hard feed is, he again, knew nothing about it, he is only now learning how to eat from a bucket. Things normal equine and animal lovers take for granted. Today was a big achievement for him, as he ate a little from his bucket while someone was still holding it. Prior to this he would stand at the back of the stable, his head turned away.
Whilst it may be a small victory on a very long road, we'll take it as a victory none the less. His complete lack of basic handling means he is petrified of people, this horse was not abused in the sense he has become fearful of people but more his wellbeing, handling or anything that may give him a headstart in life has been severely neglected, leading to him being absolutely fearful of everything.
A process like this is slow and takes huge commitment but we are absolutely determined with hard work and dedication, he will trust and he will learn.
We're working hard with him and the others to make sure their future is bright. It is for animals like this we seem to be continously asking for help and donations but without you, there wouldn't be an us!

*SPONSOR A PONY* Introducing Sugar and Spice, two little foals  who were surrendered to us after being bred without  con...


Introducing Sugar and Spice, two little foals who were surrendered to us after being bred without consideration about would become of them.
Sugar and Spice will need a lot of care and support before they are ready to be rehomed and will be long term residents. Would you like to help?
Sponsor a Pony Today and make a real impact on the lives of rescue ponies. 🌈
We make it our mission to provide a better future for these beautiful , and you can play a crucial role in this endeavor. By sponsoring a rescue pony, you contribute directly to their well-being, ensuring they receive proper care, veterinary attention, and a loving environment.

🌾 Why Sponsor a Pony?

Provide essential nutrition and medical care.

Create a safe haven for ponies in need.

Support rehabilitation efforts for those who have faced hardships.

💙 How Can You Help?

Visit our website , hit the donate button, then "subscribe", this will set up a monthly donation for you you can pick the amount, small or large, every cent will make a difference.

Choose your pony and leave a note eg *Spice Sponsorship
Make a difference by contributing to their monthly care costs.
Please don't hesitate to PM the page if you need help

You will recieve photographs and updates on your chosen pony.

Your generosity will make a lasting impact on these ponies, giving them a chance at a brighter future. Let's come together as a community and make a meaningful difference in the lives of these amazing creatures. 🌟

Thank you for your kindness and compassion. of the major struggles we face is massive worm burdens in rescue horses. T...

One of the major struggles we face is massive worm burdens in rescue horses. This horse has just been rescued and he sadly has huge burden of worms. Whilst we are doing our best to help him, with such an infestation his recovery really could go either way.
Worms, pose significant health risks to horses. They can affect various internal organs, including the intestines, leading to compromised nutrition, weight loss, and, in severe cases, colic. Worm infestations can also weaken the immune system, making horses more susceptible to other diseases. Regular deworming, proper pasture management, and maintaining good hygiene practices are crucial in preventing and managing worm infestations in horses. It is advisable to consult with a veterinarian to develop an effective deworming programme tailored to the specific needs of individual horses and their environment.

We would absolutely love some support for his recovery, if anyone could donate to help cover the costs it would be much appreciated. You can click the link above and just hit the donate button! It would be very much appreciated.

First World Problems, when your armchair is too small to get comfy!

First World Problems, when your armchair is too small to get comfy!




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