Longford SPCA Supports TNR
Longford SPCA wants to control the suffering of cats and kittens - We are asking all cat owners to have their cats spayed or neutered. Even kittens can come into season from 4 months – keep them safe & neuter. To assist with the cost we are offering a voucher (worth approx. €30.00) towards the cost of this procedure. The only conditions to this is that you are a Longford resident and that you use one of the following vets that Longford SPCA use with this voucher Scheme – Available from now until end of May 2018.
Emma Plant- The Veterinary Clinic –Killoe 043 3336456
James Victory – Crandara Vets – Longford Town 043 3346270
Riverinny Veterinary Clinic – Ballymahon 090 6432140