Holistic Vet Dublin

Holistic Vet Dublin Part of an all inclusive service provided at Portmarnock Vet Clinic. A complementary option which works well along side conventional medicine.

Just under 2 years after being awarded my licentiate we had our graduation ceremony. I have been treating the guardians ...

Just under 2 years after being awarded my licentiate we had our graduation ceremony. I have been treating the guardians of my furry patients for a while now. My first love is and will always be animals. In stuck cases treating the guardian can make a big difference. The people I studied with and who taught me are my Homies, my Sangha, my buddies. They kept me same through a very difficult time when the world was going mad and they helped me keep my centre and get through to the other side. Go homeopathy !!!!

Finally, it's happened! The graduation ceremony for students from the years 2021/2022 has taken place after being postponed due to Covid. While not Everyone could attend, we're sending huge congratulations to the new Homeopaths! The ceremony was filled with love, peace, and a family atmosphere.
We wish you the best of success!! The world needs Homeopaths now more than ever!

Enrollment is now open if you're considering studying with the Irish School of Homeopathy. Unsure how it works? Join our one-day online workshop on May 18th! Hurry, only a few places remain. Text us for more information!

In the shadow of giants and the company of some amazing homeopathic vets from all over the world I spent a fabulous 3 da...

In the shadow of giants and the company of some amazing homeopathic vets from all over the world I spent a fabulous 3 days in Slovenia at the IAHVS annual congress. Not wanting to notch up the air miles I drove the 4,500 km from Dublin and back in my trusted camper van. Mad or what??? I enjoyed every minute. Both the congress and the driving !!!!

What a great congress! Thank you everyone for attending, for speaking - for just being with us!
Hope to see you all again next year - whereever that may be!

Lucy was the cutest little Yorkie. She first visited me in 2016. She had a very swollen abdomen. She had been diagnosed ...

Lucy was the cutest little Yorkie. She first visited me in 2016. She had a very swollen abdomen. She had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease affecting her ability to absorb protein and had built up a lot of fluid in her abdomen. She was also losing weight as the food just couldn’t be digested. She was already on steroids and the side effects were severe. She was drinking a lot of water and very tired.

Over time with many different remedies we managed to reduce the steroid dose to the lowest one possible whilst still controlling her symptoms. Once we got the balance right she lived a happy, active life with her family. She would have occasional flare ups of diarrhoea which always responded well to homeopathy. It was early in 2022 when she started to suffer from the long term side effects of steroid use and developed iatrogenic Cushings. Even then she would respond to whichever remedy was uppermost and her symptom picture was very clear. This palliative care went on until just before Christmas last year. Her family were heartbroken and we were in no doubt it was time to let Lucy go over the rainbow bridge.

Lucy’s remedies were related to deep seated grief and trauma which we never got to the bottom of. It may have been epigenetic. Some of these dogs come into this world with the grief of their ancestors. They can carry their trauma. The beauty of the homeopathic treatment is that the remedies can reach back and heal trauma generationally and prevent it from being handed down to subsequent generations. Homeopathy is truly the medicine of our age. It is energetic and fits in with what we know about quantum theory. I am convinced that it will heal the generational trauma suffered by the human population, just as it does in our furry friends. I am now qualified to treat people and I am now in a position to help all living beings and our planet.

Hollie had chronic diarrhoea. Not nice for anyone to experience let alone such a clean, beautiful dog. She had reacted b...

Hollie had chronic diarrhoea. Not nice for anyone to experience let alone such a clean, beautiful dog. She had reacted badly to medication including steroids in the past. She had been to specialist vets who couldn’t find anything. They recommended a biopsy. At her age invasive biopsies were not wanted by the owner and I would tend to agree. It was most likely autoimmune disease as we had ruled everything else out.

She slowly improved on homeopathy until she could tolerate a low dose of steroids and this is what helped her turn the corner. It was touch and go for a while and she had lost a lot of weight. The diarrhoea eventually cleared up and, even though she remained on a low dose of steroids there were few side effects and she led an active and happy life until her whole body gave in at the age of 13.

Hollie was a self contained little dog, always on the alert. She was rescued and had been attacked by two bigger dogs. She had more than her share of grief, which can impact on the immune system. She was a carer and looked after her family. In homeopathy we call it “ailments from nightwatching”. It extends into the canine psyche as dogs are pack animals and do their utmost to take care of their human pack members. They never cease to amaze me the sacrifices and lengths they go to to make sure their human is happy and well.

Doodles first came to see me ten years ago. Already on raw food which had resolved her pancreatitis. She had many fatty ...

Doodles first came to see me ten years ago. Already on raw food which had resolved her pancreatitis. She had many fatty lumps which to me is a warning of the potential to develop cancer further down the line. This is a reason to avoid chemical flea and worm treatments and other interventions which might confuse the immune system.
As she aged she developed arthritis, ear disease and itchy skin. On hierarchy of symptoms I found this reassuring. These conditions (as long as they are not suppressed) can be evidence that the dog has not succumbed to more internal severe diseases and, although unpleasant they can be managed with natural remedies, herbs and supplements. She also came in for regular laser treatment which helped her with her arthritis.
Last October at the age of 14 Doodles was diagnosed with a splenic tumour which had also spread to her liver. The tumours were starting to bleed. With a poor prognosis it was not a good idea to operate. She went on the Ramakrishna regime with other palliative remedies and rallied surprisingly well. She exceeded all expectations. Her energy improved and she lived a relatively active and pain free life for 6 months until she decided to stop eating, a sure sign that she had decided to give up. When I saw her there was no doubt. The light had gone from her eyes and everyone in the family was in agreement that she was ready to leave.
Doodles was a sensitive soul. She supported her family and her adoptive sibling, Harvey who had mental health issues and made her life difficult. She was always patient and kind to him. We had an agreement that she didn’t like her hind limbs being touched and we reached a compromise that I could examine them if I promised not to hurt her. She had a great sense of humour. She thought she looked great in her laser goggles. She will be sadly missed.

Maisey was a determined person like many Westies. A strong woman and made her feelings known. She was a cheeky dog. She ...

Maisey was a determined person like many Westies. A strong woman and made her feelings known. She was a cheeky dog. She was a big part of the lives of all the family and the grandkids.
Maisy suffered from allergic seborrhoeic skin disease and dry eyes. She first came to see me ten years ago. Most of the time she was itch free but she had seasonal flare ups and the occasional upset stomach. We kept her off pharmaceutical drugs like steroids and apoquel. In her later years she developed dementia and seemed to be happy pottering around in her own little world. She continued to eat, drink and went out to enjoy the fresh air until she suddenly deteriorated at age 17. She was ready to go and allowed us to help her on her way with none of the usual resistance we had grown to expect and respect from Maisy.
I am missing her visits and the stories about her latest exploits.

Lovely Lady Luna is a polite and refined soul. I always felt she had poise and presence. She first came to me in 2016 wi...

Lovely Lady Luna is a polite and refined soul. I always felt she had poise and presence. She first came to me in 2016 with itchy feet and nail bed infections which were controlled without the need for drugs. As time went on I saw her for tummy upsets, kidney stones, lip fold dermatitis and itchy skin. Her deeper problems resolved on homeopathy, herbs, dietary modification and supplements. We very rarely needed to resort to drugs.

The bane of Luna’s existence was her itchy bum which was especially embarrassing for a person such as Luna. It was controlled with remedies and topical treatments and she needed the occasional application of steroid cream. As time went on she developed a mild heart condition and had several small lumps removed. Then came the big blow. A lump that was removed from between her toes turned out to be an invasive carcinoma. It came back very quickly. So I got out the big guns and put her on an alternating Ramakrishna homeopathic cancer regime. I combined this with organ drainage and regular acupuncture sessions. The tumour seemed to shrink slightly, got harder and no longer caused her any pain. This was in April 2022.

With regular tweaks of her remedies and visits for acupuncture Luna remained well and happy. She even has another small surgery to remove a wart on her eyelid which was causing discomfort. Then very suddenly just over a month ago Luna went into decline. She failed to respond to treatment and an ultrasound revealed what could only be cancer in her stomach. It was a heart rendering yet obvious decision for her owner to let her go. Luna understood as much as her owner did that her existence in this life was at an end. She passed very peacefully in her owner's arms.

I will never forget Luna. She taught me so much about different remedies and modalities. I am missing her regular visits. I am sure we will meet again one day and I know I did right by her as did her loving, kind, gentle owner. Luna never made a fuss. She is sadly missed. Thanks to homeopathy and integrative medicine she lived her life to the full and when it was time for her to go she left in the same polite, refined and gentle way she lived.

It is Samuel Hahnemann's 269th birthday on the 10th of April this year and we celebrate it with world homeopathy day. Th...

It is Samuel Hahnemann's 269th birthday on the 10th of April this year and we celebrate it with world homeopathy day. The week following is homeopathy awareness week.
I was at a Buddhist retreat at the and it struck me how Hahnemann’s teachings are aligned with that of the Buddha. In his book, the Organon, Hahnmann says that the practitioner's highest calling is to return the sick to health. He then goes on to say that this should happen rapidly, gently and permanently. What I love about homeopathy is that it aligns with Buddhism and does no harm. From the manufacture of the remedies to the gentle return to health.To do no harm is my personal highest mission and informs everything I do and every decision I make in life. I am happy that I am in a job which helps other beings.

Recently some of my treasured long term patients have passed away and I would like to celebrate their lives and the gift they gave to their guardians by featuring one on every day of homeopathy awareness week to show how homeopathy has helped them live full and active lives to the end. “All conditions rise and cease and in their ending there is peace.”

I'm so proud of my team and the great work they do. It has been a labour of love for the last 11 years. Thank you to all...

I'm so proud of my team and the great work they do. It has been a labour of love for the last 11 years. Thank you to all my past and present team members as well who helped make the practice in to such a wonderful place to work.

Be there or be square. Irelands first holistic dog festival. I will be there with Animal Healing with Lisa Tully Can't w...

Be there or be square. Irelands first holistic dog festival. I will be there with Animal Healing with Lisa Tully Can't wait !!!

I have found a home. It is not my forever home but a step in the right direction. Thank you all for your kind wishes and...

I have found a home. It is not my forever home but a step in the right direction. Thank you all for your kind wishes and concern.
It only happened after I renewed my commitment to refocus on the holistic aspect of my work 💪💪💪

Bozo was in for a remedy review and his laser treatment for a sore back.He is aptly named… such a joker. He rolls around...

Bozo was in for a remedy review and his laser treatment for a sore back.
He is aptly named… such a joker. He rolls around on his back on the mat. We had difficulty keeping him still for a picture. He is great fun !!!
He had been suffering from a chronic cough which has now cleared thanks to Drosera
He suffers from a touch of OCD when it comes to stones on the beach. He has a way of persuading total strangers to throw them for him. Then he runs off to chew them. Consequently he has worn some of his teeth down to the gums.
The remedies have improved this behaviour so that it is now manageable. He has had some dental treatment and his gums no longer bleed. He is much more comfortable.
He also chews and licks his paws. There are no visible issues there I think he is experiencing numbness and tingling. He has responded very well to Spider remedies for this (House Spider being the most effective). Homeopathy acts on the whole dog and these remedies are bringing Bozo back into perfect health both physically and mentally.

My home for the night during my travels to The Kingdom.  This is Kilmackillogue bay on the Beara Peninsula. The site whe...

My home for the night during my travels to The Kingdom. This is Kilmackillogue bay on the Beara Peninsula. The site where St Cillian left on his pilgrimage to Rome with 11 companions on in 686. There are so many ancient stone circles in the area. It is a special place and the ancients knew it. Travelling with the dogs is great fun. They are such good company... and they keep me warm at night ❤

I heard this woodpecker on my recent travels in Glengarriff nature reserve. It is so good to hear them return after cent...

I heard this woodpecker on my recent travels in Glengarriff nature reserve. It is so good to hear them return after centuries of being absent 👍

The Great Spotted Woodpecker has not been heard in Cork as a breeding bird for hundreds of years

We are devastated about the death of Chris Day. He will be so sadly missed.

We are devastated about the death of Chris Day. He will be so sadly missed.

Obituary Chris Day

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share the news that Chris Day passed away peacefully in his sleep on Tuesday 18th April after a period of illness.

Words seem inadequate to describe what Chris meant to veterinary homeopathy in the UK and in fact worldwide. There can be few of us that haven’t been inspired or influenced by him during our own homeopathic journeys. He was one of a handful of homeopathic vets in the 1980’s alongside George McLeod, Frances Hunter and John Saxton who brought homeopathy into modern veterinary practice. He was a founder member of the IAVH as well as The BAHVS. He opened the Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre near Oxford, a ground breaking practice where a holistic approach and the use of homeopathy was at the centre of all that he did. He spread the word about homeopathy enthusiastically and energetically, giving hundreds of talks to the general public and also teaching generations of new homeopathic vets. He was one of the founder members of the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons (BAHVS) and the Homeopathic Physicians Teaching Group (HPTG), he also served as the Veterinary Dean of the Faculty of Homeopathy for many years and secretary of BAHVS for over 25 years and was president of BAHVS from 2017 - 2020

Chris’s death really does mark the end of an era for veterinary homeopathy in the UK, he was a truly unique individual; passionate, determined, forthright in his views, a man of a piercing intellect and capacious intelligence who helped bring homeopathy into modern veterinary practice and who inspired the next generation of vets by giving them the confidence to practise homeopathy in their own ways. At this time, as we are all reeling from the shock of his death, the world does seem a lesser place without him, the gap left by his absence almost too much to contemplate but the dreadful sense of loss is tempered by the knowledge that he will continue to guide us in the legacy he left with his work and his teaching and he will always be a presence in our lives. It would give him the greatest of pleasures to see homeopathy grow and flourish, so go on we must and continue spreading the word as he did throughout his life and we should take courage from his example.

The BAHVS is currently exploring ways of honouring Chris's life and work and more details will be released soon.

Our thoughts are with Shelagh his wife and all his family.

CoCo's owner kindly sent me this photo. He was in and out of the practice for 3 years between 2018 and 2021. He had such...

CoCo's owner kindly sent me this photo. He was in and out of the practice for 3 years between 2018 and 2021. He had such severe skin problems and was on long term medication. Bit by bit, remedy by remedy we cured him. His owner stuck with it. Skin problems can be difficult work with and skin issues are always the last to resolve. I have several similar cured cases 😊

Skyler is our hero dog. A few years ago she saved a dogs life by donating blood. Recently developed a very painful ulcer...

Skyler is our hero dog. A few years ago she saved a dogs life by donating blood. Recently developed a very painful ulcerated rash on her nose. She responded very quickly to Cantharis the blister beetle. Cantharis is often used for cystitis. I find it very useful for ulcerative skin lesions which are unbearably itchy and sore.

Reggie is such a sweet guy. He has been diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumour. It is on his sc***um and the only surgical op...

Reggie is such a sweet guy. He has been diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumour. It is on his sc***um and the only surgical option is complete scrotal ablation and castration. If it were anywhere else I would advocate for removal as well as homeopathic treatment. After a rocky start he has begun to respond beautifully and the mass has decreased in size, almost disappearing. At the moment he is on Clematis, such a beautiful flower for a beautiful, sensitive, sweet natured creature.

Parker came to me with very painful deformed nails. He had been sedated several times to have them clipped back. It is a...

Parker came to me with very painful deformed nails. He had been sedated several times to have them clipped back. It is a condition called paronychia and can be immune mediated. Parker has had ongoing chronic skin problems which had been treated with a drug called Cytopoint of which I am not a fan. I find it makes my patients more difficult to cure, but not impossible. He has responded well to the initial remedies and the nails are starting to grow normally. The pain is gone. He has also started to show what we call direction of cure in that some of his old symptoms are coming back in a transient way, indicating that he is healing himself.

Glory has been coming to me for nearly ten years. When we first met she was only 5 years old. I have been treating her w...

Glory has been coming to me for nearly ten years. When we first met she was only 5 years old. I have been treating her with homeopathy with some conventional treatment alongside when absolutely necessary. I have supported her through skin conditions, hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal upsets, dental disease, vestibular syndrome, brain ageing, arthritis and chronic cough. She has had cancer of the gums for 2 years. Her quality of life is good and she is in no pain. She is an old lady and her owners take wonderful care of her. She is a joy to treat ❤


Today it is Samuel Hahneman's birthday. He was born in 1755 in Germany. He was ahead of his time. He was a doctor and disillusioned with the barabaric practices of blood letting and mercury poisonnig he turned to translating medical texts for a living. He was translating one on the practice of using chinchona bark to treat malaria and spotted that the symptoms brought about by giving the medicine were similar to that of the disease. He discovered a pattern and went on to test other substances. Over the years he developed a system of medicine called homeopathy. This principle of "like cures like" has been used from the time of Hippocrates 2000 years ago but Hahnemann formalised it and wrote extensively on it. His most famous book being The Organon of Medicine.

Homeopathy has had its detractors over the years. It was the main system of medicine in the USA around the turn of the last century and is having a renaissance right now. It is very practitioner based and the best results are achieved when the full history of the patient are taken, making it difficult to package. It does not stand up too well in controlled double blind trials due to the individual nature of the practice. More and more studies are coming out, proving its efficacy and showing the highly diluted remedies are different to plain water.

This week is homeopathy awareness week and I will be posting some of our homeopathic success stories and sharing posts from other homeopathic sites. I hope you find it informative and inspiring.


If you have any emergencies outside of these hours please call 0469557551. Happy Easter 🐣

Meet Rajan Sankaran. He is the closest us homeopaths have to a rock star. He developed the sensation technique of findin...

Meet Rajan Sankaran. He is the closest us homeopaths have to a rock star. He developed the sensation technique of finding the remedy that most matches the patient. I learned it when I trained and studied for the MFHom qualification in Bristol. Others such as the Joshi's and Jan Scholten have run with this technique and refined it further. Using the sensation method helps me to quickly find a remedy that will get the patient to heal themself. Sometimes the healing is so complete that the owner or patient has forgotten that they were ill in the first place. We don't do this for the glory 😄

Doodles was in for her laser treatment. She responded well to her initial acupuncture session and then was having none o...

Doodles was in for her laser treatment. She responded well to her initial acupuncture session and then was having none of it. She is now sporting her fancy goggles which protect her eyes from the infrared laser while I use the laser on her body, which she is enjoying very much (except for the fasion faux pas). The holistic treatment has done wonders for her arthritis, tremours and mood. At 14 years of age she is still going strong 💪🙂

Last year I graduated from my human homeopathy course so now I am a member of the Irish Society of Homeopaths and fully ...

Last year I graduated from my human homeopathy course so now I am a member of the Irish Society of Homeopaths and fully licenced to treat people as well as their pets. I have found over the years that the pet guardians often make enquires about this healing art for themselves. Having got to know them through their animals' healing journey I find it fulfilling to take their case and match them to a remedy. Homeopathy has changed my life and those of many people I know. It is safe, effective and free from side effects and can support anyone going through any illness. It works well alongside and does not interfere with conventional medication. My human email is [email protected]

Dora the explorer is going on an adventure. As she is getting older and has arthritis she is happy to be carried in her ...

Dora the explorer is going on an adventure. As she is getting older and has arthritis she is happy to be carried in her new backpack. I see Dora regularly every few weeks and tweak her remedies each time. When she first came to me she had severe breathing difficulties- a classic case of Westie lung. She is now breathing normally and we are managing her westie skin as well. She is nearly 14 years old and aa credit to her lovely owners.

This is food for thought. I have been reluctant to use these products for some time, fearful of what they might be doing...

This is food for thought. I have been reluctant to use these products for some time, fearful of what they might be doing to the environment and our pets' health. There are plenty of natural and effective alternatives available for parasite control. Screening is available and shows these methods to be effective.

Parasiticides are commonly applied as 'spot-on' treatments on dogs and cats to prevent or kill fleas or ticks, but they contain toxic chemicals that are making it into UK rivers and ponds, particularly in urban areas. In a new briefing paper, Imperial College London researchers say the evidence poin...

Duke's Mum sent me this lovely picture. He was diagnosed with severe elbow arthritis. His radius and ulna are twisted, a...

Duke's Mum sent me this lovely picture. He was diagnosed with severe elbow arthritis. His radius and ulna are twisted, a condition called valgus deformity. He is now much happier and off all of his long term painkillers thanks to a few homeopathic remedies.

https://worldhomeopathy.org/World homeopathy week is just around the corner. It begins on Hahnemanns brithday 10th April...


World homeopathy week is just around the corner. It begins on Hahnemanns brithday 10th April. We will be posting some of our success stories. The power of the minimum dose to make magical transformations.

Holisitc Vet care is in high demand. There are very few practicing holisitc vets and the demand is huge. We now have two...

Holisitc Vet care is in high demand. There are very few practicing holisitc vets and the demand is huge. We now have two holistic vets. Sally started with us a couple of years ago. She is very popular and offers, homeopathy, acupuncture and laser as well as being a highly skilled surgeon. It is a joy to have all of these skills under one roof and to work with such an experienced, knowledgeable colleage


Strand Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 1am




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