Friday FAQ!
Q. Do you have that in brown? (black, blue, pink etc)
A. When you think about it this is a slightly odd question but one which comes up again and again.
For the most part I sell used saddles. That means I have to buy used saddles and the criteria I have for choosing them involves style, age, condition, possibility of fitting a horse (believe me, some of them are never going to be good for that), price etc. Almost never colour unless it’s a particularly bad shade of tan which is not going to appeal to anyone.
Consequently every saddle is an individual and unlike the local shoe shop I am unlikely to carry the same thing in more than one colour. I usually have a fairly even mix of black and brown but it comes down to luck, just now for example, a lot of black ones have come in for no particular reason.
It can be quite hard to find a suitable saddle that fits you, your horse and your pocket so if you are going second hand my advice is to be as open minded as you can and get the saddle BEFORE the bridle has you set on a colour way.