WhatsApp to order. Long last chews and High Value treats are a must for this Christmas period. #dogtreats
Another week down in Adventure Daycare. 🗓️Book online to save your spot for December.
❓”What do I do when…? “💫Understanding what is happening and why is the first priority before we do anything. 🐾I work with one-to-one clients to address the underlying issues behind common dog behavior problems, rather than just providing reactive solutions. Treating symptoms often leads to temporary fixes, whereas taking a proactive approach to manage the dog’s routine and environment can more effectively resolve the root causes of issues like chewing, hyperactivity, and more. #DogTraining #PetOwnerAdvice #ProactiveApproach #UnderlyingIssues #DogChewing #DogTeething #DogBehaviorManagement
Pup o war
Murphy and Benjamin bonding
A consistent routine is integral to meeting your dogs needs and controlling unwanted behaviours. Life often takes over where your dog is not the priority. This is where a lot of behavioural problems come along and this time of year is a challenge.Our routines change dramatically in this period, we have less time, less light and less opportunity. Getting them out for a quick walk first thing in the morning, however, short is a great habit for us but will help start the day with them in positive way. Bring some of their breakfast with you and play search games in the leaves. Remember by engaged with them on a walk you make it much more enriching, engaging and enjoyable for them both.After the walk giving them a chew or kong is a great way to calm after the physical exercise.Remember if you are trying to tire your dog out with physical exercise you are only creating an adrenaline junkie and if they are a young dog probably a very fit one too.