'City Cat's' saw there is a great need for the availability of TNR within the city. Numerous cat colonies exist within the city area, and surrounding country areas. 'City Cat's' sees first hand the pain and suffering caused from unneutered colonies being fed in city and country areas. The inspiration for 'City Cat's' was one little kitten in particular who was a feral City Cat, well Kittten, livin
g in the inner city. He was a deaf white kitten and when rescued had obviously been attached by a dog or something. This kitten who was sickly thin and dirty, was roaming the street looking for food while maggots ate from his open wound. This little kitten is now a beautiful healthy cat. TNR programmes allow people to feed stray and feral cats with out worrying about numerous litters of kittens being born each year. City Cats is a totally voluntarily run not for profit organisation. Contributions to enable us continue to help the cats can be made via PayPal at [email protected]
Use the "Friends & Family" option so that All the donation goes directly to City Cats - thanks again
via bank transfer at
Waterford Credit Union
BIC: WACIIE21 # # #
iban: IE51WACI99100158165001
Account Number: 58165
Account Name: City Cats
by Calling City Vets directly and making a card payment to "City Cats Account" on 051 371155 or in person at City Vets Matties Hill, Waterford
Many Thanks for your kind support to allow us to keep on helping the forgotten Cats of Waterford and it's surroundings
Jane & Joanne