We have a new product ready folks - it's called Power Paste!
I know, awesome name, but it really does what it says on the tin.
Power Paste is a vital complementary feed that makes DIY raw-feeding a far simpler process but ALSO serving as a borderline-vital nutritional topper for kibble feeders (hence it's available in both raw AND cooked forms, hopefully bringing a few vets over to the dark side).
The idea actually came to me as one of my stockists says she weeps when they leave her shop with a sack of Royal Canin! Now, if pet shops sell a bag dry, particularly high-carb stuff, the client really NEEDS to add in a dollop of this each meal!
Then, the more I thought about it, it's the product I always wished was in the fridge when making his food. It's everything I think is pretty important.
Power Paste is choc full of all the bits we wish we had to hand when making food for them ourselves but are a bit of a pain to source or put together. It contains ALL the organs (grass-fed beef liver, heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas), fresh Atlantic sardines, some lightly steamed local veg, a number of awesome, organic power additions such as organic hedgerow items, mushrooms, pre-soaked seeds and a teeth-cleaning seaweed addition (yes, no need for any other seaweed supplement with Power Paste), even some collagen, blood and hair!
All DIYers have to do now is, for example, buy some chicken thighs, maybe add some beef meat (mince from shops, heart, tripe, etc), and you're done! Or a whole turkey, and you're done! Or some cheap lamb bits (necks, ribs, hearts, tripe) from a supplier, and you're done!
Twice as nice at half the price of a comparable pre-made (though now you KNOW your dog is getting lots of the good stuff).
Power Paste will also be handy for making a good meal from leftovers (stored in ice cube trays), making treats or even home made dry-food yourself!!!
Check out this link www.dogsfirst.ie/power-paste/ to have all your questions answered, including:
- exact ingredients and why each is used
- videos on how to use
- recipe ideas with total cost breakdown
- nutritional breakdown
Power Paste is NOT a complete raw. It's a complimentary feed, a power addition for meals. It retails around £6 per tray (a touch more for the cooked version). Yep, it costs more than most complete raws per kilo that's because it's lead ingredients are beef organs (3-4 times pricier than most other meat ingredients used in raw dog food) and all the power additions. It's not the WHOLE part of the diet, the rest of the stuff is much cheaper, this is just the nutritionally super stuff.
We (Dogs First) will not be selling individual units of Power Paste direct from our site beyond offering whole boxes of it (25 units) to the public. For now, it is available in pet shops. So far stocking it in the UK is (live links to these shops available in the piece above...):
Bark Raw - Gloucestershire
Bubbles Pet Care - Leigh on Sea, Essex (shop only, no online yet)
DoodleDales - Suffolk
Poochie Park - Leeds
Comfort & Nourish - Surrey
Paws Naturally - Kent
Rawsome Pets - Manchester
Leominster Pet Centre Ltd - Herefordshire
Petcayr - Ayrshire, Scotland
Thumpers Pet Care - Bedfordshire
Of these both Poochie Park and Doodledales have it ready for sale! For Irish customers, check out Barkin Bistro who will have it up on their site today.
Interested in stocking Power Paste? It's available for Irish/UK stores now. We are working on a US supplier to open up that market, hopefully by summer. Sign up to our wholesaler page here where you will find Power Paste and our supplements and, in 3 weeks, our incredible new yeast range! https://wholesale.dogsfirst.ie/
There has never been a better time to learn how to feed a dog yourself. Ready to make the leap? Check out my popular masterclass showing you exactly how to do that...