There are many myths about pets out there that just aren't true! Here are a few to be aware of:
1. Dog noses: The temperature and moistness of a dog's nose is not a good indicator of whether they are sick or not. While a cool, wet nose is normal, but a warm, dry one is not necessarily abnormal.
2. Dogs age seven years for every human year: The notion that dogs age seven years for every human year is a simplified calculation. Dogs age at different rates depending on their size and breed. The first year of a dog's life typically equates to about 15 human years, while subsequent years may vary.
3. Dogs are color blind: While it's true that dogs don't perceive colors in the same way humans do, they are not entirely color blind. Dogs can see a range of colors, although their color spectrum is more limited compared to humans.
4. Dogs eat grass only when they're sick: Dogs may eat grass for various reasons, including simply liking the taste or seeking fiber in their diet. While grass consumption can induce vomiting and help relieve an upset stomach, it's not always a sign of illness.