~ WOLVES AND THEIR INCREDIBLE DNA ~ IF ONLY HUMANS WOULD BEHAVE THIS WAY ~ A must read my friends ~ Wolves are truly my Animal ~ I love them dearly ~ Vegan for the Animals ~ mgfⓋ ~
~ "When a WOLF loses the fight against another wolf and realizes that he has no chance of winning, the losing wolf peacefully offers his opponent his jugular, as if to say "I lost, let's finish it".
However, at that moment, the incredible happens: the winning wolf, inexplicably, paralyzes himself.
~ A millennial force prevents him from killing the one who has the humility to recognize defeat.
A primary mechanism, embedded in DNA or beyond, triggers in the winning wolf and reminds it that species is more important than the pleasure of eliminating its opponent.
What a wonderful instinctive watch!
~ No one would call the wolf that surrenders a coward, nor the one that paralyzes by mercy, miracle just happens.
No winner no winner.
~ The two wolves part ways and the wheel of life goes on.
If only humans would learn from wolves instead of continuing to kill each other out of pride and power thirst!
We find all the answers by observing the language of nature." ~
~ Thank you Jeannie Karaya Payette Mcma for this original post ~
Courtesy : McKenna Grace Fisher