Dr. Saira, a veterinarian in Kerala, was suspended after failing to return calls from an animal owner AFTER working hours. The owner of the cow complained to the Kerala State Government about the occurrence. However, at that time, Dr. Saira was attending to her sick son and was unable to answer the owner's calls.
The Government of Kerala suspended Dr. Saira, who has been faithfully practising for the past 30 years, without seeking any information or conducting an investigation through the Kerala State Veterinary Council.
We vehemently condemn this act of injustice against a veterinarian who has been working for the welfare of animals and the general population.
In response to the government of Kerala’s unjustifiable suspension of Dr. Saira from her duties, the veterinary community all over India is urging all members to take part in the Black Badge Protest on March 1, 2023.
Dr. Saira and the veterinary community in their efforts to expose this injustice. At the end of the day, we veterinarians are also humans with families, towards whom we have a responsibility as well. The majority of our day is spent helping animals in need, but others might not realise that we also have needs and that our families depend on us.