Hello all, Happy weekend. Last night we had a kitty emergency. He was reported with a breathing issue/dyspnoea. Also, he had some bruised, matted hair on his dorsal back. The family mentioned he is a rescue kitty who just came home for food.
On exam, we found that his dyspnoea is most likely due to a URT infection. In cars, viral infections are very common and that’s one reason why YOU SHOULD VACCINATE YOUR KITTIES PERIOD.
Also, we clipped his back to find a huge wound which the family was not aware of, they thought it was a tiny skin problem. Considering him to be a feral kitty none knew how old the wound is.
So, we prepared for a wound debridement,
Kitty was
1. PREOXYGENATED- Do it, especially in cases with dyspnoea/shock/Anaphylaxis basically if your gut tells you, you do it.
2. SEDATED Using- Dexmeditomidine and Butorphanol good combination for young kittens undergoing short procedures.
3. GET AN IV LINE- I always recommend placing an IV line during any procedure short/long, this will help during crises. TRUST ME, you don’t want to try restraining a recovering Tomcat.
4. Wound debridement was done using warm saline 0.9% and povidone iodine. The edges were checked for healthy tissue and injections were given.
5. Since this is an old wound, also the family decided to treat it medically rather than surgical. We planned on medical wound management for now.
With regular wound cleaning oral meds and good care especially with an E COLLAR. He should be fine.
Would you treat this wound medically or surgically? Let me know