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Carbon dioxide enrichment is a method used by commercial greenhouse growers to increase profit by enhancing hydroponical...

Carbon dioxide enrichment is a method used by commercial greenhouse growers to increase profit by enhancing hydroponically grown plants.

For maximum profits, there is an optimum CO2 concentration that should be present inside the greenhouse, which depends on the stage of growth and species of crop, as well as the location, time of year, and type of greenhouse.

Generally, levels at two to five times the normal atmospheric levels (1,000–1,500 ppm CO2) may be taken as the optimum levels.

On cool days, when greenhouses are being heated and air vents are closed, plants will deplete the CO2 in the greenhouse atmosphere.

In 1 h, plants in a closed greenhouse may lower the CO2 concentration enough to significantly reduce growth rates.

Air venting to maintain CO2 concentration at outside levels would increase heating costs substantially.

In these circumstances, special heaters using propane, natural gas, or fuel oil can supply CO2
while simultaneously raising temperatures.

Carbon dioxide enrichment may be expected to increase fertilizer and water requirements,since plants will be growing more vigorously.

Commercial greenhouse operators claim a 20%–30% increase in tomato yields; better fruit set in early clusters, especially when low light levels would normally
reduce fruit setting; and larger fruits.

Lettuce yields have increased 20%–30% per crop, and faster growth rates have allowed production of an extra crop each year.

This practice produces sturdier plants in much less time than conventional systems.

In general, the optimum carbon dioxide levels during the day for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and lettuce are 700–1,000, 800–1,200, 800–1,000, and 1,000–1,200 ppm, respectively.🌱

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There are three main options for greenhouse covering: polyethylene (“poly”), polycarbonate and glass.Of the three, poly ...

There are three main options for greenhouse covering: polyethylene (“poly”), polycarbonate and glass.

Of the three, poly and polycarbonate are the two suggested mostly.

Glass is by far the most expensive option. Even though glass boasts the highest insulation value, it is extremely expensive to construct and repair, and for this reason alone, It is not recommended generally.

Single-layer poly consists of a single layer of thin, flexible polyethylene plastic.

Polyethylene is the same material as the ubiquitous plastic shopping bag, only much thicker.

It has excellent light transmission, which is great for greenhouse growing.

Polyethylene is the cheapest type of greenhouse covering and has the lowest insulation value.

The warmer temperature in a greenhouse occurs because incident solar radiation passes through the transparent roof and walls and is absorbed by the floor, earth, and contents, which become warmer.

As the structure is not open to the atmosphere, the warmed air cannot escape via convection, so the temperature inside the greenhouse rises.

Therefore, Ventilation is one of the most important components in a successful greenhouse.

If there is no proper ventilation, greenhouses and their growing plants can become prone to problems.

The main purposes of ventilation is to regulate the temperature and humidity to the optimal level, and to ensure movement of air and thus prevent the build-up of plant pathogens that prefer still air conditions.

Ventilation also ensures a supply of fresh air for photosynthesis and plant respiration.🌱

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The major factors to consider when selecting a water pump are delivery height, target flow rate, and output tube size.Mo...

The major factors to consider when selecting a water pump are delivery height, target flow rate, and output tube size.

Most systems simply need a pump powerful enough to deliver water to a specific height.

Some systems perform best when water is delivered at a target flow rate.

Most NFT gardens target a flow rate of ½ to 1 liter per channel per minute. Improvements in plant growth is also seen with flow rates up to 2½ liters per channel per minute.

A couple of systems that depend on target flow rates are NFT and aeroponics.

For these systems, it is important to consider how delivery height will impact flow rate.

Example : A pump that delivers 2100 litre per hour (LPH) at 4 feet high only delivers 700 LPH at 10 feet high.

The number of emitters will also impact flow rate.

It is generally better to select a pump that may be slightly overpowered than a pump that could be underpowered.🌱

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Hydroponics is a popular growing technique indoors because it is clean and very productive.When gardeners decide to grow...

Hydroponics is a popular growing technique indoors because it is clean and very productive.

When gardeners decide to grow indoors they often want to maximize the yield in their limited growing area, and this goal is generally accomplished with hydroponic growing techniques.

The primary equipment required to grow indoors is a grow light.

There are many options for indoor lighting and each option has its advantages.

Depending on light intensity, duration, and color, a grow light can stimulate a wide range of desirable plant traits, including enhanced flavor, increased nutrient content, increased plant pigmentation, reduced or increased plant height, earlier or delayed flowering, and increased yield.

LEDs are generally used for Indoor growing.

LEDs are very efficient, using minimal electricity to generate a lot of light.

They produce very little heat relative to their light output and are available in many different configurations, some suitable for mounting high above the crop and some suitable for placing very close to the crop.

LEDs come in many different colors, which can greatly affect plant growth.

The white LEDs are less efficient but more pleasant to work under than red and blue LEDS, which cast a purple light that is great for growing plants but some growers can find it to be aesthetically displeasing.🌱

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Benefits of Hydroponics if you are new here..Plants grown hydroponically are generally healthier than their soil-grown c...

Benefits of Hydroponics if you are new here..

Plants grown hydroponically are generally healthier than their soil-grown counterparts.

They receive a near-perfectly balanced diet, and rarely come in contact with soil borne pests and diseases.

Arid regions where water is scarce can now grow crops using hydroponics.

Since hydroponic systems deliver water and nutrients directly to the plants, crops can be grown closer together without starving each other, and healthier plants also contribute to higher yields.

By growing crops in a clean environment, under ideal conditions, hydroponics saves the costs of soil preparation, insecticides, fungicides and losses due to drought and ground flooding.

When grown outdoors in soil, plants expend a tremendous amount of energy developing a large root system to search for moisture and nutrients.

When grown hydroponically, their roots are directly bathed or sprayed with nutrients dissolved in water.

Since they no longer need to search for food, most of their energy can be redirected into the production of foliage, flowers, fruits and vegetables.

As a result, hydroponically grown produce is usually larger, tastier, and more nutritious than the same produce grown in soil.🌱

Healthy Bok Choy growing at Udaipur!

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A large part of the success in growing hydroponically is planning where to place the plants.One should Grow plants that ...

A large part of the success in growing hydroponically is planning where to place the plants.

One should Grow plants that have similar growing requirements in the same system.

Placing your system 1-2 feet away from a sunny window will give the best results for most herbs and vegetables.

Even your regular house lights help the plants to grow. Make sure that all of the lights are out in your
growing area during the night.

Plants need to rest a minimum of 4 hours every night.

If your plants start to get leggy (too tall and not very full), move the system to a spot that has more sun.

TIP : Once you find a good growing area, stick to it. Plants get used to their home location. It may take
some time to get used to a new place.

Usually, natural sunlight is used for this important job.

However, during the shorter and darker days of winter, many growers use artificial lights to increase the intensity of light (for photosynthesis) or to expand the daylight length.

Different groups of plants respond in physically different ways to various wavelengths of radiation.

Light plays an extremely important role in the production of plant material.

IMPORTANT - The lack of light is the main inhibiting factor in plant growth. If you reduce the light by 10 percent, you also reduce crop performance by 10 percent.

If you intend to grow indoors, avail yourself of some of the knowledge on growing spectrums required by different plants.

If you are having trouble growing good plants, then light is the first factor to question.🌱

Beautiful healthy greens grown by .farmersvarn!

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Rosemary(Salvia rosmarinus) is a herb you can find it growing in every country in the world.Although, Rosemary grows muc...

Rosemary(Salvia rosmarinus) is a herb you can find it growing in every country in the world.

Although, Rosemary grows much slower compared to other herbs grown Hydroponically.

You can expect a harvest time of up to 12 weeks, and the yields from seeds are always very low.

Growing them hydroponically still proves much more efficient.

Rosemary can be used as an aid for a variety of problems such as

Digestion issues


Loss of appetite



High blood pressure

Low blood pressure


Insect repellent

Rosemary plant will need a minimum of 8 hours of light per day.

These 8 hours can be provided by using indoor artificial grow lights.

The nutrient solution’s pH should be kept between 5.0 to 6.0.

The ppm must be maintained in a range between 700 to 1120.

You have to make sure that the nutrient solution level is not high as Rosemary plants are highly vulnerable to root rot.

If you are using an NFT system, then root rot is a lesser factor to worry about.

One of the perks of growing Rosemary is that we don’t have to regrow it from the seed stage again like lettuce and other leafy greens.

Once the Rosemary plant has reached its mature stage, it can live for years if the right growing conditions were maintained.🌱

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Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a highly flavoured herb that grows very well in hydroponic culture.It propagates well through...

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a highly flavoured herb that grows very well in hydroponic culture.

It propagates well through stem cuttings.

It’s an aromatic and attractive plant which likes full sun and will grow poorly in minimum light.

It can be grown from seed, but it takes as long as two weeks to germinate.

It can also be started from cutting simply cut from new growth on an existing plant, stripped of its lower leaves and then placed in a tub
grower with its lower portion in the nutrient water.

Thyme is generally harvested from growing stems and it will continue to regrow as long as it is harvested.

Thyme is kept on grow nutrient to reduce the flowering. It should be ready from picking leaves after about 60 days of growth, and a single plant should provide about three springs a day.

A Thyme plant can live for over a year!

USES : The thyme leaves are used in a wide variety of cooking and have medicinal uses as well. Thyme is also used as a tea.

IMPORTANT : Trace mineral supplements should be added to the water of the plants as they ripen. Some of its flavour is apparently due to trace minerals.
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Nutrient Solution MicrobiologyAll bodies of water possess a dynamic balance of microbiological activity.In hydroponics, ...

Nutrient Solution Microbiology

All bodies of water possess a dynamic balance of microbiological activity.

In hydroponics, one should strive to keep the nutrient solution as sterile as possible.

Nutrient solution is by its very nature the perfect place for things to grow. Some microbes require dissolved oxygen to live (aerobic), and others do not (anaerobic).

IMPORTANT - Aerobic bacteria are “good,” and anaerobic are “bad.”

Methane gas (swamp gas) is a highly flammable “natural” gas that is also a by- product of anaerobic bacteria.

The by- products of anaerobic respiration are acids that wreak havoc with chemical and biological balances within the nutrient solution, which in turn harms the root system.

Can you see how, left unchecked, these bacteria can ruin a crop? Rampant pH swings, swampy smells, root rot and ultimately crop failure are the tell tale signs of a poorly balanced biology within your system.

Warm, stagnant water holds little dissolved oxygen, making it an ideal breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria, many of which (Fusarium, Pythium) cause crop failure as they take up home in the fragile root system and proliferate.

Combating this problem is simple, once you know its causes.

First of all, warm water holds less dissolved oxygen than cool water, so keep your nutrient temperature cool between 68-75 degrees F (20-23 C).

Secondly, keep the nutrient circulating so it’s constantly picking up oxygen.

If you have a large reservoir that circulates very slowly, adding a small aquarium pump can help supply extra oxygenation.

And help you grow healthy greens🌱

Beautifully grown leafy greens by .farmersvarn
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Plant InspectionThere is very little ongoing work required for the plants themselves during their production time other ...

Plant Inspection

There is very little ongoing work required for the plants themselves during their production time other than inspection and correcting problems.

The primary role of an hydroponic farmer is to ensure that the ecosystem is functioning within the parameters specified.

Fluctuations in pH, water temperature, ammonia and nitrites must be remedied immediately.

Plant inspection takes place via a quick daily check and a more thorough weekly evaluation.

Every day, walk down the aisles and observe the rafts and Seedling Table.

Notice any symptoms of disease or nutrient deficiency.

Notice leaf discoloration or wilting.

Notice obvious signs of pests or swarms of pests.

Notice any mold or mildew.

Mostly notice any changes from the previous day.

If you monitor daily, you will learn to spot problems early.

Weekly, do the same but much more closely.

Scan the rafts, growing channels and seedling trays closely and briefly look at each plant individually.

Focus in on any symptoms. If you find a symptom, look more closely at the other plants in that crop and particularly at the other plants of the same variety.

Is the symptom localized to one plant, or in one area, or to one variety, or is it throughout the crop or the whole trough?

Check sticky traps for signs of pests
and focus on plants in those areas.

A quick daily inspection and thorough weekly inspection are your best tools for identifying nutrient deficiencies and preventing the spread of pests and diseases.

With practice you will be able to quickly identify and correct potential issues before they spread and become a serious problem.🌱

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Microgreens are very similar to sprouts, the difference being that they are grown in light,not darkness.They, like sprou...

Microgreens are very similar to sprouts, the difference being that they are grown in light,not darkness.

They, like sprouts, can be grown on a small scale as a hobby at home or as small or large commercial operations.

Some common seeds include red amaranth, arugula, purple basil, Brocolli, fenugreek, chamomile, beets, borage, cabbages, chards, cress, kales, Mizuna, mustards, Pac Choi, purslanes, radishes, Shiso, sorrel, Tatsoi, and others.

Generally, Crops are ready to harvest from 7 to 14 d, depending on the growth rate of the particular species.

For Indoor Growers

Keep the sow tray under two compact fluorescent lights of about 30 W.

The lights should be about 12 in. (30 cm) above the tray. Operate the lights for 12–14 h/d using a simple household time clock.

After germination and the seeds have grown (usually 3 d), start using a dilute nutrient solution (half the normal recommended

Harvest the seedlings after 7–10 d using a pair of scissors to cut off the shoots as the roots are not
consumed. 🌱
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11 important Questions for Hydroponics Nutrients management.To the skilled hydroponic grower, nutrient management repres...

11 important Questions for Hydroponics Nutrients management.

To the skilled hydroponic grower, nutrient management represents an opportunity to enhance plant growth.

To the novice, it represents a challenge to be dealt with.

The difference is in knowledge, understanding and equipment.

Consider the following questions to test your nutrient IQ:

What temperature is your nutrient solution, what is the range during a day and during a season?

What is the "dissolved solids" content of the water you use to mix your nutrient and does this content vary greatly from season to season?

Does your water supplier provide you with good water from one reservoir at one time of the year and bad water from a different reservoir at another?

Are there any components in your water that could affect the availability of nurtrients to your crop?

What is the "EC" or strength of your nutrient?

Do you mix special nutrient blends for different kinds of plants and for each stage of the crop's life-cycle?

Does the pH of your nutrient stay within a reasonable range?

Are there any pathogens in your nutrient from a contaminated water supply or from sick plants that may spread disease to the rest of your crop?

Do you change your nutrient often enough to prevent excesses from salt accumulation or deficiencies from nutrient exhaustion?

Did you know that an important reason to change your nutrient solution is to eliminate the wastes your plants discard into the nutrient?

Did you know that as plants transpire, moisture and nutrient levels drop in your reservoir and the EC or strength of the nutrient can rise to dangerous levels?

These are only a few basic questions you may need to learn to achieve outstanding crops every time🌱

Much like construction and operation, it is similarly challenging to estimate income.The key variables are:(1) The type ...

Much like construction and operation, it is similarly challenging to estimate income.

The key variables are:

(1) The type of plants you grow.
(2) Your success at growing those plants in terms of quality.
(3) The number of harvested plants, determined by the weeks to maturity and percentage of plants grown successfully.
(4) The price you receive per unit.

A professional way to approach Hydroponics to maximise profitability is :

-Start your farming with Market analysis.
-Demand analysis.
-Then product planning.
-Then production or sourcing.
-Build supply chain at your scale.
-Keep a record of market prices and trends(Helps in planning future production cycles).
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Adjusting pH('potential of Hydrogen') There are several chemicals used by the hobby gardener to adjust pH.The most popul...

Adjusting pH('potential of Hydrogen')

There are several chemicals used by the hobby gardener to adjust pH.

The most popular are probably phosphoric acid (to lower pH), and potassium hydroxide (to raise pH).

Both of these chemicals are relatively safe, although they can cause burns and should never come in contact with the eyes.

Always try to find pH adjusters that are diluted to a level that is reasonably safe and easy to use.

Concentrated adjusters can cause large pH changes and can make adjusting the pH very frustrating.

Several other chemicals can be used to adjust the pH of hydroponic nutrient solutions.

Nitric acid and sulfuric acid can be used to lower pH but are much more dangerous than phosphoric acid.

Food grade citric acid is sometimes used in organic gardening to lower pH.

TIP - Always add the nutrients to the water before checking and adjusting the pH of your nutrient solution.

The fertilizer will usually lower the pH of the water due to it's chemical make up. After adding nutrient and mixing the solution, check the pH using what ever means you have.

If the pH needs to be adjusted add the appropriate adjuster. Use small amounts of pH adjuster until you get familiar with the process.

Recheck the pH and repeat the above steps until the pH level is where you want it to be.

IMPORTANT - The pH of the nutrient solution will have a tendency to go up as the plants use the nutrients.

Each system will change pH at a different rate depending on a variety of factors..

The type of growing medium used, the weather, kind of plants and even the age of the plants all effect the pH variations.

So to maintain healthy plant growth check pH regularly🌱.

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Maintenance of Solution Volume.The solution volume must be kept relatively constant in order to secure adequate plant gr...

Maintenance of Solution Volume.

The solution volume must be kept relatively constant in order to secure adequate plant growth.

Plants take up much more water than the essential elements, and at a much greater rate.

As water is removed from the nutrient solution, the volume of the solution naturally decreases.

This effects an increase in the total solution concentration and in the concentration of the individual nutrient ions.

The average daily water loss can range from 5% to 30%, depending on the volume of the unit and the number and type of plants.

Water to compensate for this loss can be added daily as long as the solution is used.

Using NFT systems, one can more accurately determine the rate of water uptake by plants.

It is generally found that on a clear summer day fully grown tomatoes consumes 1.33 L (1/3 gal) of water per plant.

In a study it was determined that tomato plants lost through evaporation - transpiration 15 mL/plant/h during the night, rising to a maximum of 134 mL/plant/h at midday on a clear summer day.

Also, cucumbers consumes water at approximately twice the rate for tomatoes because of their greater leaf area.

Water uptake reaches a maximum of 230 mL per plant per hour during maximum light intensity and temperatures of the afternoon.

A rule-of-thumb estimate of water usage in a greenhouse is about 1 L/ft2/d for vine crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers.
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Coconut fiber is rapidly becoming one of the most popular growing mediums in the world.In fact it may soon be THE most p...

Coconut fiber is rapidly becoming one of the most popular growing mediums in the world.

In fact it may soon be THE most popular. It is the first totally "organic" growing medium that offers top performance in hydroponic systems.

Coconut fiber is essentially a waste product of the coconut industry, it is the powdered husks of the coconut itself.

There are many advantages - it maintains a larger oxygen capacity than rockwool, yet also has superior water holding ability than rockwool which is a real advantage for hydroponic systems that have
intermittent watering cycles.

Coconut fiber is also high in root stimulating hormones and offers some protection against root diseases including fungus infestation.

Dutch growers have found that a mixture of 50% coconut fiber and 50% expanded clay pellets is the perfect growing medium.

One word of caution about coconut fiber, you must be careful when you purchase coconut fiber.

There is a commonly available, lower grade of coconut fiber that is high in sea-salt and is very fine grained.

This lower grade coconut fiber will lead to disappointing results when used in a hydroponic system.

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Water flow in a NFT system :At present NFT is the most popular water culture system.The principle of NFT is to have a sh...

Water flow in a NFT system :

At present NFT is the most popular water culture system.

The principle of NFT is to have a shallow flow of water under the roots.

The flow must be constant and thin to oxygenate the roots of the plants.

If the flow rate is too slow or the film very deep (no longer a film), oxygen demand of the plant roots will not be met and the roots will start to die.

Ideally, the upper portion of the root mat that forms in an NFT channel should be above the water level and exposed to air at 100% relative humidity.

Both the slope and flow rate of the solution affect the dissolved oxygen content of the nutrient solution.

As a root mat forms in the NFT channel a “damming” effect of the root mat can lead to stagnation of the nutrient solution with regions of low dissolved oxygen.

To keep the flow of solution from getting stagnant use a slope of at least 1 in 50 (2%) or up to 3% to 4% with the NFT channels. It has also been found that flow rates of 2 to 3 liters per minute or slightly greater increase oxygenation.

The height of free fall of the solution back to the nutrient reservoir is important in aeration of the solution.

More height causes a finer break up of the solution and introduces air bubbles into the tank.

You can also use an air pump with air stones in your nutrient tank
to enhance the dissolved oxygen level of the solution.🌱

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