The Best Therapist has Fur and Four Legs
Know your pet to love your pet
Whether we belief it or not, things tend to come to the clinic in a bunch. One of the things we see more often is tick fever.
Tick fever is a disease that causes
Anaemia (low in red blood cells)
Fever in dogs
Significant decrease in platelet count
As the name tells you, tick fever got to do with ticks. This condition is transmitted via ticks.
Tick fever can have a very long incubation period, or the dog can become a carrier without showing any clinical signs. However, if a dog becomes clinical, it will usually show initial signs of lethargy and inappetence, this might or might not be obvious to owners.
Sometimes, an owner might think the dog is tired or has gone off food because of palatability. As the condition progresses and worsens, the owner might notice that the gum has become more pale, and the dog more inactive, and might sometimes pant, and have anorexia.
So don’t ignore above mentioned symptoms if your pet go through any.
Click below given link to know more about one the commonly hitting HEMOPROTOZOAN DISEASE
Case paper by Dr. Tajamul