Marriage Counselors / Divorce by Manisha sharma and Ashish Sharma

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Marriage Counselors / Divorce by Manisha sharma and  Ashish Sharma An online marriage counseling alternative: Designed for you and your partner to do together to SAVE your marriage

Having problems in your relationship? Looking for someone to give you advice on matters ranging from couple counselling,...

Having problems in your relationship? Looking for someone to give you advice on matters ranging from couple counselling, divorce, child custody, and more?

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Happy Women’s Day to all the strong and incredible women out there! ✨

Happy Women’s Day to all the strong and incredible women out there! ✨


Hi Everyone !
Good to be back after a long gap !

Are you being stalked ?

What is stalking ?-Stalking is harassment of or threatening another person,especially in a way that haunts the person physically or emotionally in a repetitive and devious manner.Stalking of an intimate partner can take place during the relationship,with intense monitoring of the partner's activities.Or stalking can take place after a partner or spouse has left the relationship.The stalker may be trying to get their partner back, or they may wish to harm their partner as punishment for their departure.Regardless of the fine details,the victim fears for their safety.

Stalking can take place at or near the victim's home, near or in their workplace, on the way to the store or another destination, or on the internet(cyberstalking).Stalking can be on the phone, in person or online.Stalkers may never show their face ,or they may be everywhere, in person.

Stalkers employ a number of threatening tactics :
*Repeated phone calls,sometimes with hang -ups.

*Following, tracking (possibly even with a global positioning device).

*Finding the person through a public records, online searching, or paid investigators.

*Watching with hidden cameras.

*Suddenly showing up where the victim is , at home, at school, or work.

*Sending emails:communicating in chat rooms or with instant messaging.

*Sending unwanted packages, cards, gifts or letters.

*Monitoring the victim's phone calls or computer-use.

*Contacting the victim's friends, family or coworkers,or neighbours to find out about the victim.

*Going through the victim's garbage.

*Threatening to hurt the victim or their family, friends or pets.

*Damaging the victim's home , car, or other property.

Stalking is unperdictable and should always be considered dangerous.If someone is :

*Tracking the victim.
*Contacting the victim when she do not wish to have contact.
*Attempting to control her.
*Frightening her.



Hi Everyone !!
Lets see what are the types of violence against women :

Violence against women encompasses a subset of family and intimate violence including threatening or actual use of physical, psychological or s*xual abuse against a women by her family members or other intimates.Commonly referenced behaviours included within the broad category of violence against women include : homicide, domestic violence, partner abuse, psychological abuse, dating violence, same-s*x violence, spousal abuse, woman battering, elder abuse, courtship violence, s*xual assault, date r**e, acquaintance r**e, marital r**e, and stranger r**e.Some of the root causes of domestic violence include : power and control, growing up in a cycle of violence and abuse, and a distorted concept of manhood.

What are the causes of domestic violence ?-

The single most influential factor of domestic violence in society is the continuation of a generational cycle of abuse and / or a history of abuse in the family of origin.Children who grow up in an environment where control is maintained through verbal threats and intimidation and conflicts escalate into physical violence, are more likely to resort to the same methods of abuse as adults.There are ,however , a number of predictors that may lead to domestic violence :

1) An environment where violence is either taught, by example, or accepted as" normal" will imprint upon a child's psyche.A young boy may see his father come home from work drunk behaviour .The young boy is being taught that violence gets results.He is developing his own ideas about what makes a man.

2) Domestic violence is often linked to poor self-esteem.A child growing up in a violent home is likely to have very little self-worth.As a young man, his frustration and isolation may grow and, along with it, a hidden anger due to his feelings of helplessness.Anger is a major source of fuel that will fan the flames of domestic violence.

3) Drug and / or alcohol abuse may be a precursor to domestic violence.Substance abuse leads to out-of-control behaviour .The number one commonality within the dynamics of most alcoholic families is poor emotional health.

4) Domestic violence is more frequent where individuals experience loss of physical health and/or wage-earning power.The frustration of the inabilty to" make ends meet"increases conflicts in the home.Feelings of helpless mount .Anger flares.In the face of inadequate coping mechanisms, violence erupts in the home.

Most assaults on women are perpetrated by their partners , and statistics vary because there are no consistent reporting procedures from State to State.



Hello Eveyone !!
Today i will throw light on what an aggreived person should expect of a counsellor :
1) To listen without interruption and judgement to her story .

2) To help her identify her feelimgs about the abuse , the abuser , and herself.

3) To guide her in learning about her rights and resources available to her.

4) To get her to identify her inner strength and courage.

5) To identify her power to live without violence and seek her on goals.

6) To help her understand that it is the abuser who is responsible for the violence.

7) To assist her in building her self- esteem and empowering herself.

What a counsellor expects from a counsellee-
Many different types of women come for counselling.

1) Women who are vey nervous , tense ,awkward ,aggressive or overly formal.

2) Women who talk very little.

3) Women who talk to much.

4) Women who exaggerate.

5) Women who are hysterical.

6) Women who are silent.

In everyday life, our initial reaction to any statement is often immediate evaluation,and not a real effort to understand.The counsellor should communicate his/her understanding by carefully watching and mirroring her feelings, and by being verbally responsive.The Counsellor should have good listening skills, remain patient and calm ,should be sincere,should ask open ended questions,should have good body language.



Hi everyone!!

Today i will focus on the signs of emotional abuse of a spouse.

What is emotional abuse or verbal abuse of a spouse or intimate partner?-
Mental,psychological,or emotional abuse can be verbal or non-verbal.Verbal or non-verbal abuse of a spouse or intimate partner consists of more subtle actions or behaviours than physical abuse.Whle physical abuse might seem worse,the scars pf verbal and emotional abuse are deep.

Verbal or non-verbal abuse of a spouse or intimate partner may include:

* Threatening or intimidating to gain compliance.

* Destruction of the victim's personal property and
possessions,or threats to do.

* Violence to an object (such as a wall or piece of furniture)
or pet, in the presence of the intended victim, as a way of
instilling fear of further violence.

* Yelling or screaming

* Name-calling

* Embarrassing, making fun of, or mocking the victim,
either alone within the household, in public, or in front of
family or friends.

* Criticizing or diminishing the victim's accomplishments or

* Not trusting the victim's decision- making.

* Telling the victim that they are worthless on their own,
without the abuser.

* Excessive possessiveness, isolation from friends and

* Excessive checking up on the victim to make sure they
are at home.

* Saying hurtful things while under the influence of drugs
or alcohol, and using the substance as an excuse to say
the hurtful things.

* Blaming the victim for how the abuser acts or feels.

* Making the victim remain on the premises after a fight, or
leaving them somewhere else after a fight, just to
"teach them a lesson".

* Making the victim feel that there is no way out of the relationship.



Hi Everyone!!

Is there a cure for domestic violence?-Even when abuse ends, either by repairing the situation or leaving the situation, survivors of domestic violence experience a high incidence of depression and suicidal ideas; they attempt su***de and have elevated rates of substance abuse, chronic fatigue, anxiety ,sleeping and eating disorders, and nightmares.Professional counseling is very important for survivors of domestic violence.

What is domestic abuse between intimate partners?-Domestic abuse between spouses or intimate partners is when one partner in a marital or intimate relationship tries to control the other person.The perpetrator uses fear and intimidation and threaten to use or may actually use physical violence.Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence.

The victim of domestic abuse or domestic violence always be a woman.Domestic abuse occurs in traditional heteros*xual marriages.The abuse may occur during a relationship , while the couple is breaking up, or after the relationship has ended.

Domestic abuse often escalates from threats and verbal abuse to physical violence.Domestic violence may even end up in murder.

The key elements of domestic abuse are :
* Intimidation
* Humiliating the other person
* Physical injury

Domestic abuse is not a result of losing control ; domestic abuse is intentionally trying to control another person.The abuser is purposefully using verbal, non-verbal, or physical means to gain control over the other person.

In some cultures,control of women by men is accepted as the norm control of intimate partners is domestic abuse within a culture where such control is not the norm.Today we see many cultures moving from the subordination of women to increased equality of women within relationships.



The Importance Of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a major problem in countries around the world.Domestic abuse can be a very isolating experience.If you have experienced domestic abuse,you should never feel ashamed for wanting to keep your experience private.Still- you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone - far from it.
It is completely understandable for someone who has been through domestic violence to be hesitant to seek help.But,"Domestic Violence Counseling" can be a crucial factor in emotionally recovering from your domestic violence experience.Whatever the form of abuse may be, the most important thing to remember s that it is not your fault.Domestic violence is solely the fault of the Domestic violence is a major problem in countries around the world.Domestic abuse can be a abuser, never the person they abuse.

Domestic violence is a major problem, and millions of people suffer from domestic abuse each year.Domestic violence counseling is an extremely important component for anyone who has been through abuse to getting out of the abusive relationship and learning to heal from domestic violence emotionally.

Deciding to leave an abusive relationship can be extremely scary.Abusive relationships are notoriously difficult for an abused person to leave, and even once they do, many people struggle with depression, anxiety, stress or general emotional distress.

Domestic violence counselling can play an invaluable role in helping people overcome an abusive situation.Having domestic counseling services readily available can make people in abusive relationship feel more confident about leaving an abusive partner.

If you suspect that a friend or loved one may be in an abusive relationship, do not hesitate to bring it up with them or a counselor.It is better to take the risk and bring it up, even though it may feel uncomfortable than stand by and do nothing.Taking the first step to getting out of an abusive relationship can be very scary and hard,bit it is more than worth it.

We ,as marriage counselors undertake online counseling which is a great tool for people suffering from domestic violence.Here you have the freedom to message us any time of the day, rather than having to wait for a set appointment time.


Hi Everyone !!

Wishing all of you a **Happy 2019**

Let's see what are the signs of domestic violence?-Domestic violence is when one person purposely causes either physical or non-physical harm to another.Usually the violent person is a husband,former husband,boyfriend,ex-boyfriend,but sometimes the abuser is female.Most of the women in the country have been involved with abusive partners at some point in their's a very common problem and should be taken very seriously.Here are some questions to be asked to the aggrieved:

*Has she ever been physically hurt, such as being kicked,pushed or punched,by her partner or ex-partner?

*Has her partner ever used the threat of hurting her to get her to do something?

*Has her partner tried to keep her from seeing her family,going to school, or doing other things that are important to her?

*Has she ever been forced by her partner to have s*x when she did not want to ?

*Has her partner ever insisted on having unsafe s*x?

*Is her partner very jealous and always questioning whether she is faithful?

*Does her partner regularly blame her for things that she could not control or insult her?

*Is she ever afraid of her partner or of going home?Does he make her feel unsafe ?


Hi Everyone!!
What counts as domestic violence or abuse?-Domestic violence may be anyone or combination of the following:
1) Physical abuse is usually recurrent and escalates in both frequency and severity.Although most assaults on women do not result in death,they do result in physical injury and severe emotional distress.Physical injuries are the most tangible manifestations of domestic violence,yet they are frequently not reported by women and go unrecognized by the professionals who are mandated to intervene.
2) Psychological abuse of women is underestimated,trivialized,and at times difficult to define.Psychological abuse has been reported by abused women to be as damaging as physical battering because of its impact on the self image of the victim.It often precedes or accompanies physical abuse,but it may occur by itself.
3) Sexual assault consists of a range of behaviours
that may include pressured s*x when the victim does not desire s*x,coerced s*x by manipulation or threat,physically forced s*x,or s*xual assault accompanied by violence.Victims may be forced or coerced to perform a type of s*x they do not desire,or at time when they do not want it.For some battered victims this s*xual violence is profound and difficult to discuss.
4) Emotional abuse represents a method of control that may consist of verbal attacks and humiliations,including repeated verbal attacks,against the victims worth as an individual or role as a parent,family member,co-worker,friend,or community member.The verbal attacks often emphasize the victim's vulnerabilities.
Isolation occurs when perpetrators try to control victim's time,activities,and contact with others.Perpetrators may accomplish this through interfering with supportive relationships,creating barriers to normal activities,such as
taking away the car keys or locking the victim in the home,and lying or distorting what is real to gain psychological control.
5) Economic abuse is when perpetrators control access to all of the victims' resources,such as time,transportation,food,clothing,shelter,insurance,and money.He may interfere with her ability to become self-sufficient,and insist that he control all of the finances.When the victim leaves the violent relationship,the perpetrator may use economics as a way to maintain control or force her to return.


Hi...This is in continuation of my earlier note on" What is Domestic violence?"

Violence against women is often a cycle of abuse that manifests itself in many forms throughout their lives.

Examples of Violence against Women throughout the LIfe Cycle.

Phase Type of Violence

Pre-birth - Sex-selective abortion;effects of battering
during pregnancy on birth outcomes.

Infancy - Female infanticide;physical,s*xual and
psychological abuse..

Girlhood- Child marriage;female ge***al
mutilation;physical,s*xual and
psychological abuse;incest;child
prostitution and po*******hy.

Adolescence & Adulthood - Dating and courtship violence(e.g.acid throwing and
date r**e)economically
coerced s*x(e.g. school girls having s*x
with "sugar daddies"in return for school
fees),incest;s*xual abuse in the workplace
r**e;s*xual harassment;forced
prostitution and po*******hy;trafficking in
women;partner violence;marital
r**e;dowry abuse & murders; partner
homicide; psychological abuse;abuse of
women with disabilities; forced pregnancy

Elderly- Forced su***de or homicide of widows for
economic reasons;s*xual,physical and
psychological abuse.

(Source:"Violence Against
Women",WHO,FRH/WHD 97.8)

Even at the very beginning of her life,a girl may be the target of s*x-selective abortion or female infanticide in cultures where son-preference is prevalent.During childhood,violence against girls may include enforced malnutrition,lack of access to medical care and education,incest,female ge***al mutilation,early marriage and forced prostitution or bonded labour.
Some go on to suffer throughout their adult lives-battered,r**ed and even murdered at the hands of intimate partners.Other crimes of violence against women include forced pregnancy,abortion or sterilization,and harmful traditional practices such as dowry related violence,Sati(the burning of a widow on the funeral pyre of her husband),and killings in the name of honour.And in later life ,widows and elderly women may also experience abuse.
Women are traditionally the recipients of violence at the hands of their intimate partners.Domestic violence occurs against a backdrop of emotional,physical,biolgical,familial,residential,and financial ties between the abuser and the abused.



Hi Everyone!!
I am beginning a new series of short writeups on various issues which crop up in a marriage ,Domestic Violence and Cruelty Against Husband.

What exactly is Domestic violence?

The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against women (1993) defines violence as:
"Any act of gender -based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, s*xual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life."

This definition refers to the gender based roots of violence, recognizing that "violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men."
Violence against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and maims-physically, psychologically, s*xually and economically. It's one of the most pervasive of human rights violations ,denying women and girls equality, security, dignity, self-worth , and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms.

Women and children are often in great danger in the place where they should the safest : within their families..For many 'home' is where they face a regime of terror and violence at the hands of somebody close to them-somebody they should be able to trust .Those victimized suffer physically and psychologically.

Family is an institution where individuals seek love, safety, and shelter. But the evidence shows that it is also a place that imperils lives, and breeds some of the most drastic forms of violence perpetrated against women and girls.

Violence in the domestic sphere is usually perpetrated by males who are, or who have been in the positions of trust and intimacy and power-husbands, boyfriends, father, fathers-in-law, stepfathers, brothers, uncles, sons or other relatives. Domestic violence is in most cases violence perpetrated by men against women. Women can also be violent, but their actions account for a small percentage of domestic violence.


Marriage Counselling by Manisha and Ashish Sharma
A message from them:
We are available for private consultations all seven days of the week.

We work from a complete resolution point of view meaning, if couples
commit to working on their relationship, we commit to making ourselves
available for appointments. This may involve before work or after
business hours if required.
Initially time will be spent clarifying both individual's reasons and goals
for seeking marriage counselling as well as the goals of the couple. The
first session will concentrate on ensuring each individual feels heard
and understood, and provide an opportunity to ask relevant questions.
Depending on the complexities of your issues and relationship, we may
find quick strategies and solutions to adopt immediately or work
together over time.
Following the initial meeting, marriage counselling will predominately
involve both individuals, however at times it may be beneficial for
individual sessions to make further progress. Progress will be made at
your pace, with respect to the different emotional stages each individual
is at.
A good marriage counsellor is one who does not take sides, does not
encourage blame or justifications. However we will aim for clarity, respect
for oneself and your spouse, as well as taking responsibility for change.
However, in those cases where the differences are irreconciliable we
offer to take care of the divorce proceedings. Court cases can be a
tedious process so we advise our clients to go for amicable out of court
Our track record speaks for itself.



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm





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