Hi Everyone!!
What counts as domestic violence or abuse?-Domestic violence may be anyone or combination of the following:
1) Physical abuse is usually recurrent and escalates in both frequency and severity.Although most assaults on women do not result in death,they do result in physical injury and severe emotional distress.Physical injuries are the most tangible manifestations of domestic violence,yet they are frequently not reported by women and go unrecognized by the professionals who are mandated to intervene.
2) Psychological abuse of women is underestimated,trivialized,and at times difficult to define.Psychological abuse has been reported by abused women to be as damaging as physical battering because of its impact on the self image of the victim.It often precedes or accompanies physical abuse,but it may occur by itself.
3) Sexual assault consists of a range of behaviours
that may include pressured s*x when the victim does not desire s*x,coerced s*x by manipulation or threat,physically forced s*x,or s*xual assault accompanied by violence.Victims may be forced or coerced to perform a type of s*x they do not desire,or at time when they do not want it.For some battered victims this s*xual violence is profound and difficult to discuss.
4) Emotional abuse represents a method of control that may consist of verbal attacks and humiliations,including repeated verbal attacks,against the victims worth as an individual or role as a parent,family member,co-worker,friend,or community member.The verbal attacks often emphasize the victim's vulnerabilities.
Isolation occurs when perpetrators try to control victim's time,activities,and contact with others.Perpetrators may accomplish this through interfering with supportive relationships,creating barriers to normal activities,such as
taking away the car keys or locking the victim in the home,and lying or distorting what is real to gain psychological control.
5) Economic abuse is when perpetrators control access to all of the victims' resources,such as time,transportation,food,clothing,shelter,insurance,and money.He may interfere with her ability to become self-sufficient,and insist that he control all of the finances.When the victim leaves the violent relationship,the perpetrator may use economics as a way to maintain control or force her to return.