There is genuinely held belief the fourth estate is one of the custodians of democracy in a democratic society,there is nothing that is supposed to be a secret from the public.supreme court has clearly laid down the importance of the right to know of every citizen
The new emerging face of sting journalism is inflicting considerable damage to the values and ethics of journalism.There is profound ar
rogance in the media that prevents it from admitting it can be wrong.There is a growing demand for a MEDIA AUDIT to curb tendentious fabrication of facts.The media should not be allowed to propagate lies and misguide the people
In this background,the has taken up the responsibility of critically evaluating the news reports that appear each day and that are telecast
The apmediawach plays the vital role of "watch dog" over the media,it is essential to scrutiny the newspapers and TV channels to restore and sustain the code of ethics for journalists and media houses such as responsibility,independence,sincerity,truthfulness,accuracy,impartiality,fair play and decency
The apmediawach request you to extend your optimum cooperation in performing our duty effectively.The apmdiawatch expects that you will share your opinions,views and unadulterated feelings after reading a news.article or viewing a bulletin.It will enable us to get the honest feedback and to strengthen and systematise the media audit
Stand by us.