The way your pet’s coat looks has a direct relation with their overall health and wellness. A healthy coat should be shiny, soft, not brittle or coarse, and free from any parasites like ticks or fleas. A lush shiny coat is a result of various factors like – nutritious balanced diet, regular grooming with the right products, and adding essential vitamins for coat health.
A chronic illness or a skin infection can alter the way the skin and coat looks. Stress and anxiety can also be a problem. Many dogs start shedding excessively when they’re stressed. As a pet parent you must know that every dog sheds, they have a shedding cycle and it is normal. But when the shedding becomes uncontrollable, that’s when you know it is a problem.
Food Funda
What you eat shows on your skin, the same is true for your pets as well. If they’re eating a balanced diet their coat will automatically look healthy and naturally shiny. A lot of pet parents have a concern because their pet is a picky eater, so how do they ensure that their beloved is eating right? Well, you can always add supplements to ensure your pet gets all the required minerals and vitamins. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acid supplements also work wonders in improving the coat health. Make sure you consult your vet to know the best supplement for your pet.
When choosing do food make sure to read the nutrition value so that you know it is high grade food that you’re giving your pet. Include high quality treats that you can give as rewards throughout the day to add to the nutrition.
Good grooming goes a long way
One cannot overlook the benefits of regular grooming to ensure your pet has a shiny body coat.
Whether your pet is a short-haired breed or a long-haired breed, grooming is essential. But you need to understand that every breed has different grooming needs. Talk to your vet or a grooming expert to know more about it.
Another key point to remember is not to excessively bathe your pets. This rips off the natural oils from their skin making the coat look dull and lifeless. Always use a dog-friendly shampoo and you can add a generous amount of conditioner for long-haired breeds so that the coat is tangle free and gets extra nourishment.
Choose the right tools
The market is flooded with various kinds of brushes and combs to make grooming easy and enjoyable. Choose the right tools and you’ll see how the entire process becomes a lot more therapeutic for your pet. You can also use coconut oil to massage your pet once in 15 days. It will increase the blood flow, make their skin soft and supple, and give a natural sheen to the coat.
Long-haired breeds need a lot more maintenance as compared to short-haired breeds, so make your effort worthwhile and you’ll surely see shining results. And remember you’ll not see results overnight. Be it their diet or grooming, you need to put in time and effort and ensure that you bring a lifestyle change so that your pet’s coat becomes shiny, soft, and healthy.
by Dr. RN Saini