Zoonic Biotech Lab India

Zoonic Biotech Lab India Top quality and wide range veterinary medicines

Presenting-Zonmec Gold 100 ml inj.2%contains-Ivermectin  - 20mgAs an anthelmintic (“ZONMEC”) medication IVERMECTION can ...

Zonmec Gold 100 ml inj.2%
Ivermectin - 20mg

As an anthelmintic (“ZONMEC”) medication IVERMECTION can be used to treat multiple species of internal and external parasites. Internal parasite species that can be treated with ivermectin include gastrointestinal worms (primarily roundworms) in horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats as well as lungworms in cattle and pigs.

Presenting-  ZUNIC  OXY inj.  ( Oxytetracycline 50 mg inj. for veterinary use)Description -Oxytetracycline is an antimic...

Presenting- ZUNIC OXY inj. ( Oxytetracycline 50 mg inj. for veterinary use)

Description -
Oxytetracycline is an antimicrobial agent that is effective in the treatment of a wide range of diseases caused by susceptible gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, rickettsia and mycoplasma, like respiratory, intestinal, dermatological, genitourinary and septicemic infections in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs etc

विवरण -
ऑक्सीटेट्रासाइक्लिन एक रोगाणुरोधी एजेंट है जो अतिसंवेदनशील ग्राम-पॉजिटिव और ग्राम-नेगेटिव बैक्टीरिया, रिकेट्सिया और माइकोप्लाज्मा के कारण होने वाली बीमारियों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला के उपचार में प्रभावी है, जैसे कि मवेशी, भेड़, बकरियों में श्वसन, आंत, त्वचा संबंधी, जननांग और सेप्टिकैमिक संक्रमण। , सूअर आदि

B complex liver extract and vitamin B12 injections are used to treat deficiencies, improve liver function, boost energy ...

B complex liver extract and vitamin B12 injections are used to treat deficiencies, improve liver function, boost energy levels, enhance digestion, support the immune system, and treat conditions like anemia and neurological problems caused by B12 deficiency.

बी कम्प्लेक्स लिवर एक्ट्रैक्ट और विटामिन बी12 की संक्षेप में इंजेक्शनों का उपयोग कमी का इलाज, लिवर की संरचना में सुधार, ऊर्जा स्तर बढ़ाना, पाचन को सुधारना, प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली का समर्थन करना और एनीमिया और बी12 की कमी से होने वाली न्यूरोलॉजिकल समस्याओं का इलाज करना होता है।


Zoomil Inj 100ml
Thiamine Hydrochloride I.P - 10 mg
Riboglavine - I.P - 3 mg
Niacinamide - I.P. - 100 mg
Vitamin B 12- I.P. - 10 mcg
Liver Inj. crude- I.P. - 0.66 ml
Phenol - I.P. - 0.55 w/v

Levamisole is used to treat infections of the worm. Levamisole is a veterinary drug used primarily for the treatment of ...

Levamisole is used to treat infections of the worm. Levamisole is a veterinary drug used primarily for the treatment of worm infestations in livestock. Experimentally and historically, it has also been used to treat various autoimmune disorders.

लेवामिसोल का उपयोग कृमि के संक्रमण के इलाज के लिए किया जाता है। लेवामिसोल एक पशु चिकित्सा दवा है जिसका उपयोग मुख्य रूप से पशुओं में कृमि संक्रमण के इलाज के लिए किया जाता है। प्रायोगिक और ऐतिहासिक रूप से, इसका उपयोग विभिन्न ऑटोइम्यून विकारों के इलाज के लिए भी किया गया है।

Zompisol Inj. 30ml

Levamisole Hydrochloride 75mg IP

The benefits of Levamisole injection in veterinary medicine include effective treatment and control of roundworm and lungworm infections in various animals, promoting their health and well-being.

Topical VET Sprays are an anti-infective, broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antibacterial wound healer that promotes woun...

Topical VET Sprays are an anti-infective, broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antibacterial wound healer that promotes wound healing by rapid collagenization and epithelialization of tissues.

Introducing our range of Ayurvedic Topical Sprays-


All animals topical application to wound treatment which promotes the healing of shearing and other open and enlarged wound.
Prevents blowfly strike and the contamination of open wound by flies.
Treatment of maggot infested wounds.
Post shearing skin lesion in sheep.

How to use-
Clean the affected part after clipping hair and apply the required quantity twice daily, or as directed by the veterinarian.

Topical VET Sprays are an anti-infective, broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antibacterial wound healer that promotes woun...

Topical VET Sprays are an anti-infective, broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antibacterial wound healer that promotes wound healing by rapid collagenization and epithelialization of tissues.

Introducing our range of Ayurvedic Topical Sprays-


All animals topical application to wound treatment which promotes the healing of shearing and other open and enlarged wound.
Prevents blowfly strike and the contamination of open wound by flies.
Treatment of maggot infested wounds.
Post shearing skin lesion in sheep.

How to use-
Clean the affected part after clipping hair and apply the required quantity twice daily, or as directed by the veterinarian.

Amitraz is a topical treatment primarily used to treat demodicosis, a type of mange. It is also used as a topical treatm...

Amitraz is a topical treatment primarily used to treat demodicosis, a type of mange. It is also used as a topical treatment for flea and tick infestations in animals. It is occasionally used as a general insecticidal and to treat sarcoptic mange.

Liquid Amitraz 12.5% w/v

available in Tin and Alluminium packing
brand names- Zutraz and Tic-Tak

sku- 6ml, 15ml & 50ml.

Ivermectin is FDA-approved for use in animals for the prevention of heartworm disease in some small animal species and f...

Ivermectin is FDA-approved for use in animals for the prevention of heartworm disease in some small animal species and for the treatment of certain internal and external parasites in various animal species.

Ceftriaxone & Sulbactam for Injection is indicated in infections caused by Ceftriaxone sodiumsensitive pathogens and may...

Ceftriaxone & Sulbactam for Injection is indicated in infections caused by Ceftriaxone sodiumsensitive pathogens and may be used in the clinical settings in Sepsis, Meningitis, Abdominal
Infections (e.g. Peritonitis, infection of the biliary tract), infections of the Bones, Joints, Soft
tissue, Skin and of wounds, Renal and Urinary Tract Infections, Respiratory tract Infections,
particularly Pneumonia, and Ear, Nose and Throat Infections, and uncomplicated gonorrhea.
Ceftriaxone & Sulbactam for Injection may also be used for Peri-operative Prophylaxis of
Infections. A single dose given Preoperatively may reduce chances of Postoperative Infection.

Ceftriaxone & Sulbactam इंजेक्शन के लिए Ceftriaxone सोडियम के प्रति संवेदनशील रोगजनकों के कारण होने वाले संक्रमणों में इंगित किया गया है और सेप्सिस, मेनिनजाइटिस, पेट में नैदानिक ​​सेटिंग्स में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।
संक्रमण (जैसे पेरिटोनिटिस, पित्त पथ का संक्रमण), हड्डियों, जोड़ों, नरम का संक्रमण
ऊतक, त्वचा और घाव, गुर्दे और मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण, श्वसन पथ के संक्रमण,
विशेष रूप से निमोनिया, और कान, नाक और गले में संक्रमण, और सीधी सूजाक।
इंजेक्शन के लिए Ceftriaxone और Sulbactam का उपयोग पेरी-ऑपरेटिव प्रोफिलैक्सिस के लिए भी किया जा सकता है
संक्रमण। ऑपरेशन से पहले दी गई एकल खुराक से पोस्टऑपरेटिव संक्रमण की संभावना कम हो सकती है।

ZOMPICEF™ SB 3gm & 4.5gm

Composition -

Ceftriaxone - 3000mg & 2000mg
Sulbactam - 1500mg & 1000mg

Cloprostenol injection is used in veterinary medicine to terminate a pregnancy, induce parturition, and control the bree...

Cloprostenol injection is used in veterinary medicine to terminate a pregnancy, induce parturition, and control the breeding pattern of a herd (e.g., cows) or individual animals (e.g., mare) for effective stud management.
क्लोप्रोस्टेनोल इंजेक्शन का उपयोग पशु चिकित्सा में गर्भावस्था को समाप्त करने, विभाजन को प्रेरित करने और प्रभावी स्टड प्रबंधन के लिए एक झुंड (जैसे, गायों) या व्यक्तिगत जानवरों (जैसे, घोड़ी) के प्रजनन पैटर्न को नियंत्रित करने के लिए किया जाता है।


ZOMPIFLOW® Injection 2 ML

Each ml Contains-
Closprostenol Soduim I.P. 263 mcg
Eq. to Cloprostenol 250 mcg
Water for injection I.P. Q.S

Dosage: As directed by Veterinarian or
Cattle & Buffaloes: 2 ml by IM injection
Horses: 0.5 to 1ml for animals upto 400 kg body weight
Withdrawal Period:
Meat- 1 day
Milk- Nil

Norfloxacin+Tinidazole is used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery. Norfloxacin + Tinidazole is a combination of ...

Norfloxacin+Tinidazole is used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery. Norfloxacin + Tinidazole is a combination of two antibiotics: Norfloxacin and Tinidazole. Norfloxacin works by preventing the bacterial cells from dividing and repairing, thereby killing the bacteria

Norfloxacin+Tinidazole का इस्तेमाल डायरिया और पेचिश के इलाज में किया जाता है। नोरफ़्लॉक्सासिन + टिनिडाज़ोल दो एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं का संयोजन है: नॉरफ़्लॉक्सासिन और टिनिडाज़ोल। नॉरफ्लोक्सासिन बैक्टीरिया की कोशिकाओं को विभाजित होने और उनकी मरम्मत करने से रोकता है, जिससे बैक्टीरिया मर जाते हैं

Presenting Zunci Zompi-TZ™ bolus
Packing- 10 x 4 bolus
Norfloxacin I.P. 1200 mg
Tinidazole I.P. 1800 mg

Dosage- 1-2 bolus per day or as advised by veterinarian

Flumethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide. It is used externally in veterinary medicine against parasitic insects and ticks...

Flumethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide. It is used externally in veterinary medicine against parasitic insects and ticks on cattle, sheep and goats and the treatment of parasitic mites in honeybee colonies.
Flumethrin 1% w/v 10mg (pour-on solution)
availabe in
30ml, 50ml & 100ml sku

New Product launch 💥💥💥🎉Zoonic- spas 100ml Inj. vet.Piroxicam - 10 mgPitofenone Hydrochloride - 2mgFenpiverinum Bromide -...

New Product launch 💥💥💥🎉

Zoonic- spas 100ml Inj. vet.

Piroxicam - 10 mg
Pitofenone Hydrochloride - 2mg
Fenpiverinum Bromide - 0.02 mg
Benzyl alcohol - 4.0% v/v

New product launch 💥Zompisent HD dusting powderContains-Permethrin Sulphanilamide & Zinc Oxide PowderUsage- use on wound...

New product launch 💥

Zompisent HD dusting powder
Permethrin Sulphanilamide & Zinc Oxide Powder

Usage- use on wounds after cleaning the skin with antiseptic solution

Liquid Amitraz 12.5% w/vavailable in Tin and Alluminium packingbrand names- Zutraz and Tic-Taksku- 6ml, 15ml & 50ml.    ...

Liquid Amitraz 12.5% w/v

available in Tin and Alluminium packing
brand names- Zutraz and Tic-Tak

sku- 6ml, 15ml & 50ml.

  wishes all Happy Dussehra !May this Dussehra burn all the gloom and misery on Earth and bring you happiness and prospe...

wishes all Happy Dussehra !
May this Dussehra burn all the gloom and misery on Earth and bring you happiness and prosperity.
Happy Vijayadashami!

New product launch alert Meloxicam, Serratiopeptidase and Paracetamol bolus (vet)highly recommended in lumpy skin diseas...

New product launch alert
Meloxicam, Serratiopeptidase and Paracetamol bolus (vet)
highly recommended in lumpy skin disease

Our new product launch 🥳Zunic Flumeg- Ultra bolusFlunixin Meglumine, Serratiopeptidase, cetirizine, Hydrochloride & Magn...

Our new product launch 🥳
Zunic Flumeg- Ultra bolus

Flunixin Meglumine, Serratiopeptidase, cetirizine, Hydrochloride & Magnesium Trisilicate bolus (veterinary)
Highly effective against lumpy skin disease

Wish you all a very very happy 75th Independence day

Wish you all a very very happy 75th Independence day

Butaphosphan & Cyanocobalamin injections 100ml

Butaphosphan & Cyanocobalamin injections 100ml

Minerlised cattle licking bricksAndNatural calcium and phosphorus supplement with vitamin-D granules

Minerlised cattle licking bricks
Natural calcium and phosphorus supplement with vitamin-D granules

Oxfendazole 22.65 mg oral suspension

Oxfendazole 22.65 mg oral suspension

Liquid Amitraz Dipconcentrate IP 12.5% Available sizes-6 ml15 ml50 ml

Liquid Amitraz Dipconcentrate IP 12.5%

Available sizes-
6 ml
15 ml
50 ml

Meloxicam 5mgMeloxicam 5mg and Paracetamol 150mg100ml injections

Meloxicam 5mg
Meloxicam 5mg and Paracetamol 150mg
100ml injections

Antibiotics bolus-Ciprofloxacin 1500mg & Tinidazole 1800mg bolusEnrofloxacin 1500mg bolusAmoxycillin 1500ml bolus

Antibiotics bolus-

Ciprofloxacin 1500mg & Tinidazole 1800mg bolus

Enrofloxacin 1500mg bolus

Amoxycillin 1500ml bolus

Ceftiofur Sodium 1gm injection

Ceftiofur Sodium 1gm injection

Zoniblot (Anti-Bloat) liq 100mlsimethicone and dil oil oral suspension

Zoniblot (Anti-Bloat) liq 100ml
simethicone and dil oil oral suspension

Albendazole bolus 3gm I.P

Albendazole bolus 3gm I.P

Liquid feed concentrate for livestock250ml500ml1000ml

Liquid feed concentrate for livestock

Lopramide 7.5mgFurazolidone 500mg  & Metronidazole 1000mganti-diarrheal bolus

Lopramide 7.5mg
Furazolidone 500mg
& Metronidazole 1000mg
anti-diarrheal bolus

Flumethrin 1% 30ml50ml100ml

Flumethrin 1%


Eid Mubarak !!

Eid Mubarak !!

Strong liver activator oral liquidUterine tonic oral liquid

Strong liver activator oral liquid
Uterine tonic oral liquid

Ceftriaxone 3gmCeftizoxime 2.5 gm

Ceftriaxone 3gm
Ceftizoxime 2.5 gm

Oxfendazole 22.65mg oral suspensionLevamisol HCl 1.5% with Oxyclozanide 3.0% oral suspension

Oxfendazole 22.65mg oral suspension

Levamisol HCl 1.5% with Oxyclozanide 3.0% oral suspension

Meloxicam InjMeloxicam paracetamol InjBuserelin Inj

Meloxicam Inj
Meloxicam paracetamol Inj
Buserelin Inj

Happy Hanuman jayanti

Happy Hanuman jayanti

Ivermectin 0.08% w/v suspensionTriclabendazole 5%  & Ivermectin 0.1 % suspension

Ivermectin 0.08% w/v suspension
Triclabendazole 5% & Ivermectin 0.1 % suspension

Cloprostenol inj 2ml

Cloprostenol inj 2ml




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