Bhuto, Chhotu, Puchku, Une, Deux, Trois, Buri, Coco, Cola, DIsco, Joey, Geri Goobli & 5 more dogs need your help!
Please come forward!
Please visit them. They don't have enough humans loving them, caring about them. Asking about them.
Their home was ransacked on 5th of August 2016. All their things, their food, medicines, bedding, leashes, collars, along with everything their Mom kept at home in order to run their household - were ransacked, thrown in the nearby swamp.
They have had to deal with the trauma at every level imaginable.
Their Mom lost her teaching job & she has just gotten back to teaching again.
But she is just 1 person - she needs your help to provide for Bhuto, Chhotu, Puchku & the others.
Please, please save 10/- a month for them, from your own pocket. Ask your friends & families to save 10/- a month for them. That way, perhaps, you can help them get back to their feet again.
They need you.
Will you understand that? Please gather the 10/- a month savings & deposit them to:
UCO Bank, Sarat Bose Road Branch Kolkata
Ac # 14810100003945
IFSC Code: UCBA0001481
Thank You & God Bless!!!