A sneak peak into the outrageously mad World of kota animal welfare trust
This is the story of Bali and Ballu, two friends who met in a hospital.
Three months ago , a baby monkey fell from a double storied building in surajpole , kota. The fall wretched it's back . It seemed to be paralyzed for life.
But as the saying goes... where there is will ,there is a way.
With due diligence, Bali was given the right medicines, the right diet and regular physiotherapy and modalities like ultrasonic ultrasound tens.
In the meantime another baby monkey , which had been bitten by dogs, came to our rescue centre. We named it Ballu. Bali and Ballu became thick friends in no time.
Both recovered together and after a long stay of three months we saw them jump out their little abode into the open skies
Little Physiotherapy...feel better..
Lap lap lap lap..Kalu, bhondu, friendly, batuni..... say..."we ❤️ the food .Can we have a second helping🐶"
The sound of our furry buddies in Jodhpur slurping the food cooked with immense love and care makes us forget the trials and tribulations of the day. Kota animal welfare trust doesn't only tend to sick and injured in Kota but its volunteers serve animals wherever possible.
कोटा स्थित कुन्हाड़ी इलाके के एक खेत में पेड़ पर बैठे चार काले बाज अचानक ज़मीन पर गिर गए। चार में से तीन ने घटना के समय ही दम तोड़ दिया।
इस संबंध में KAWT से संपर्क किया गया।
जीव प्रेमियों द्वारा बाज को पशु चिकित्सालय, मोख़ा पाड़ा ले जाया गया। प्राथमिक चिकित्सा के उपरांत उसे चिड़ियाघर में भर्ती करा आए।
संपूर्ण घटनाक्रम के बीच हमे यह ज्ञात हुआ कि गत कुछ दिनों से बाज़ स्वत: ही पेड़ से गिर रहे है व इसी कारण से गत कुछ दिनों 12-13 काले बाज़ ( black kites) घायल हुए है।
इस प्रकरण से यह प्रतीत होता है कि इन बाजो को कोई अज्ञात बीमारी हुई हैं, अतः वन विभाग को इस प्रकरण की जानकारी दे दी गई है जिससे पूर्ण रूप से इसकी तहकीकात हो सके।
Candy is very happy and hopefull...see...
Little mischievous creatures 😂
Meet Bruno ❤
Adjusting really well in his new home 😊
What happens when you adopt a dog?
You'll feel a sense of pride for saving a dog and for helping reduce the homeless pet population. You will totally deserve that pat on the back and it will pay off a thousand-fold with snuggles and pet handshakes and looks of adoration. 🐾
And adopting a dog proves that you are a person of great inner depth who values substance (a mystery dog of unknown percentage) over style (predictable pedigreed purebred).
Big WOOF thanks to DrSarika Mohta for setting an excellent example for others to follow.
Please Adopt, Don't shop
You'll save a life ❤
For adoption enquiries, please contact 7014104457
Share away !!! 😊
Gul Saif Khan Akash Goyal Anchal Goyal
#KotaAnimalWelfare #Kotasmartcitizen #Kotacityblog #doglovers #kotaRajasthan #Grateful #happypuppy #Adopted #HappyAdoption😊 #Volunteer #Donate #SaveALife
Compassion runs in my family. ❤
Watch this video of my father and his four-legged friend. It is such a heartwarming video 😍
I strongly feel that it is high time we really questioned how we are living our lives and treating our fellow living beings and the planet. I do believe that we all have this deep capacity for compassion.
Just think, what will you do to bring more compassion in the world today?
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity can not survive.
~ Dalai Lama
#BeKind #FeedAStrayEveryday #ShowMoreCompassion #ProudDaughter
Video credit: Akash Goyal
Team deserves a huge round of applause...
Everyone 👏👏👏
You have a beautiful heart and a strong spirit.
This world needs more people like you Rocky Denyal
You made my day ❤️
Salute 🙏
Thank you 😊
#Rescued #SavedALife #NagarNigamTeam #Compassion #PleaseShare #KotaAnimalWelfare #Kotasmartcitizen #KotaRajasthan
#CutenessAlert ❤️😊
Adoption Appeal: Kota, Rajasthan
"Angels in white looking for their forever homes."
They are about 1.5 to 2 months old, Dewormed and up to date with their vaccinations.
All you need to do is to take them home and let them show you what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ❤️ feels like.
We are happy to share our knowledge on how to care for them for the first time pet parents.
Please share away, folks! Every share counts and makes a difference. Thank you 🙂
Pre and post adoption house checks are mandatory. For more inquiry, you can reach us at 7014104457 (No Calls Please). Please leave us a text message and we will call you right back.
#AdoptAnIndie #AdoptDontShop #Rescuedismyfavouritebreed #SharePlease