*Selection of Non descript breed females for Weight gain trait.*
Buy animals 5-8 months. in three batches, one batch per month. Animals should be at least from twins.
Ear Tag animals for identity and record keeping.
Take weight of each animals for every fortnight, 3 months- 6 readings.
Ensure same feeding proportional to weight.
Calculate average per day weight gain of each animal.
Calculate mean per day weight gain of batch.
Discard animals having lower than mean value performance.
Repeat this for remaining batches.
When there is retardation in the weight gain ( stable weight), discard animals form whole lot having lower mature weight.
By this you can have good animals for crossing with Boer male. Offsprings will give higher per day weight gain for sure.
Mean per day weight gain = addition of per day weight gain of each animal/ no of animals.