Dhandare African Boer Goat Farm

Dhandare African Boer Goat Farm Dhandare African Boer Goat Farm is a stud quality African Boer goat breeder. We sale best performing African Boer male and female goats.


*Selection of Non descript breed females for Weight gain trait.*

Buy animals 5-8 months. in three batches, one batch per month. Animals should be at least from twins.

Ear Tag animals for identity and record keeping.

Take weight of each animals for every fortnight, 3 months- 6 readings.

Ensure same feeding proportional to weight.

Calculate average per day weight gain of each animal.

Calculate mean per day weight gain of batch.

Discard animals having lower than mean value performance.

Repeat this for remaining batches.

When there is retardation in the weight gain ( stable weight), discard animals form whole lot having lower mature weight.

By this you can have good animals for crossing with Boer male. Offsprings will give higher per day weight gain for sure.

Mean per day weight gain = addition of per day weight gain of each animal/ no of animals.


प्रिय बंधू आणि भगिनींनो,
तुम्ही लोक कटिंग मार्केटमध्ये नॉन-डिस्क्रिप्ट जातींसोबत किंवा कमी वजन वाढवणाऱ्या डिस्क्रिप्ट जातींसोबत काम करत असाल, तर तुमच्या कळपात बोअर नरांची ओळख करून देण्याची वेळ आली आहे.

आमच्या सर्व ग्राहकांना खरोखर चांगले परिणाम मिळत आहेत आणि ते खूप आनंदी आहेत.

लक्षात ठेवा, व्यवसाय केवळ भावनेने नव्हे तर केवळ नफ्यावर टिकून राहू शकतो.

यशस्वी शेळीपालनासाठी तीन गोष्टी तितक्याच महत्त्वाच्या आहेत.
1. उच्च उत्पादकता
2. उच्च रोग प्रतिकारशक्ती आणि दीर्घायुष्य
3. दररोज जास्त वजन वाढणे

हे सर्व केवळ बोअर नरांच्या परिचयाने शक्य होऊ शकते. मी समजू शकतो की तुम्हाला या संबंधित शंका आणि प्रश्न आहेत. कृपया माझ्याशी संपर्क साधण्यास किंवा मला संदेश देण्यास अजिबात संकोच करू नका.

धंदरे आफ्रिकन बोअर शेळीपालक


Dear Brothers and Sisters,
If you guys are working in the cutting market with non-discript breeds or even with discript breeds that are giving low weight gain, it's time to introduce Boer males to your herd.

All our customers are getting really great results and are very happy.

Remember, business can be sustained only by profitability and not by emotion alone.

For successful goat farming, three things are equally important.
1. Higher Productivity
2. High disease resistance and longevity
3. Higher daily weight gain

All of these can be possible just by the introduction of Boer males. I can understand you have doubts and questions related to this. Please don't hesitate to contact me or message me.

Dhandare African Boer Goat Breeder

History of the South African Boer Goats

History of the South African Boer Goats

The Boer goat breed has a fascinating history and originated in South Africa. Developed at the beginning of the 20th century, this breed was the result of cr...


*शेळीपालन कौशल्य*
आयडी टॅग करणे
प्रजातीचे ज्ञान
ॲनिमल सिलेक्शन
औषधोपचार (सुई + जंतनाशकासह शॉट्स)
डिलिव्हरी करणे
दूध काढणे
हाताळणी आणि हालचाल (वर्तणूक ज्ञान, आक्रमकता)
निवारा आणि स्वच्छता
चारा लागवड
आहार देणे
खत (मल मुत्र) हाताळणी
लेबर मैनेजमेंट
बिझनेस अँड फायनान्शियल मॅनेजमेंट

शेळीपालन करताना ही सर्व कौशल्य कमी अधिक प्रमाणात प्रत्येकाला शिकावी लागतात. फक्त पैसे आहे म्हणून गुंतवणूक केली आणि प्रॉफिट होईल अशी आशा बाळगून काही उपयोग नाही. ही सर्व कौशल्य न शिकता कमी वेळेत जास्त पैसा कमावण्याच्या स्वप्नात लोक पैसे गमावून बसतात. तुमच्या व्यवसायाचा प्लॅन हा तुमच्या डोक्यात व कागदावरती नेहमी असला पाहिजे. जो व्यवसाय कागदावरती तुम्हाला फायदा दाखवू शकत नाही तो प्रत्यक्षात कधीही फायदा देऊ शकत नाही. प्लॅनिंग करताना खर्च जास्तीत जास्त आणि उत्पादन कमीत कमी गृहीत धरणे ही एक चांगली स्ट्रॅटेजी असू शकते.

याव्यतिरिक्त आणखी दोन महत्त्वाच्या गोष्टी आहेत
1. त्या व्यवसायाची तीव्र आवड Passion.
2. तो व्यवसाय करण्यामागील तुमचे कारण Reason.
या दोन गोष्टींमुळे तुम्ही व्यवसायात टिकता, कठीण परिस्थितीमध्ये सुद्धा. व्यवसायासाठी जे मोटिवेशन लागतं ते Passion आणि Reason यातून येतं. Passion आणि Reason जेवढं स्ट्रॉंग तेवढं तुमचं सेल्फ मोटिवेशन स्ट्रॉंग.

आपण डोक्यामध्ये सकारात्मक विचार भरले नाही तर नकारात्मक विचार आपली जागा बनवतात. ज्याच्याकडे जे आहे तेच तो इतरांना देऊ शकतो. सुखी सुख, दुःखी दुःख, ज्ञानी ज्ञान, भ्रमित भ्रम, ठग ठगी आणि भयभीत भय वाटत राहतो! काय घ्यायचं ते आपण ठरवलं पाहिजे.



*अनुवांशिक सुधारणा*
शेळीपालन फायदेशीर करण्यासाठी, उत्पादकता (किडिंग रेशो आणि सरासरी दररोज वजन वाढ) वाढवणे आवश्यक आहे.

शेळ्यांची उत्पादकता वाढवण्यासाठी:
अस्तित्वात असलेल्या जनावरांना उत्तम आहार आणि व्यवस्थापन द्या. याद्वारे, त्यांच्या अनुवांशिक क्षमतेच्या पलीकडे उत्पादन वाढवता येत नाही. सर्व रेकॉर्ड करा.

उच्च अनुवांशिक क्षमता (किडिंग रेशो आणि सरासरी दैनंदिन वजन वाढ) असलेल्या प्राण्यांचा उपयोग प्राण्यांच्या भावी पिढीमध्ये किडिंग रेशो आणि सरासरी दैनंदिन वजन वाढण्यासाठी करावा.

यशस्वी अनुवांशिक सुधारणा कार्यक्रमासाठी हे आवश्यक आहे:
मोठ्या संख्येने शेळ्यांचा परफॉर्मन्स ओळखा आणि रेकॉर्ड करा. पुढील पिढीच्या प्राण्यांच्या निर्मितीसाठी सर्वोत्तम कामगिरी करणारे प्राणी (नर आणि मादी) ओळखा - "निवड"

प्रजनन कार्यक्रमात या ''निवडलेल्या'' प्राण्यांचा सर्व बदली साठा तयार करण्यासाठी जास्तीत जास्त वापर करा - ज्याला "गुणाकार" म्हणतात.

प्राणी स्वतः व्यक्त करत नसलेल्या वैशिष्ट्यांसाठी प्राणी निवडणे कठीण आहे. उदाहरणार्थ दूध उत्पादन क्षमतेसाठी नरची निवड करणे. अशा वैशिष्ट्यांसाठी, प्राण्यांची निवड त्यांच्या मादी नातेवाईकांच्या परफॉर्मन्स कामगिरीच्या आधारे केली जाते (आई, बहिणी किंवा मुली) . इथे फक्त वंशावळ उपयोगी नाही. वंशावळ आणि परफॉर्मन्स डेटा हातात हात घालून गेला पाहिजे.

*धंदरे आफ्रिकन बोअर शेळीपालक*

*Genetic Improvement*To make farming profitable, Productivity (kidding ratio and average daily weight gain) needs to be ...

*Genetic Improvement*

To make farming profitable, Productivity (kidding ratio and average daily weight gain) needs to be increased. Productivity of goats can be increased by:

Better feeding and management of the existing animals. However, by this, production cannot be increased beyond their genetic potential. Record all.

Improving Genetic potential for kidding ratio and average daily weight gain in future generation of animals by using animals with high genetic potential for kidding ratio and average daily weight gain as parents.

For a successful genetic improvement programme it is essential to

Identify and record performance of large number of goats.

Identify best performing animals (males and females) for producing next generation of animals – called “Selection”

Maximise use of these ''Selected" animals in breeding programme to produce all the replacement stock – called “Multiplication”

It is difficult to select animals for traits which they themselves do not express. For example selecting males for milk production potential. For such traits, animals are selected based on the performance of their relatives which express that trait (Mother, Sisters or Daughters). Here only pedigree is not useful. Pedigree and performance data should go hand in hand.

*Dhandare African Boer Goat Breeder*


*Feeding Strategies to avoid entrotoximia*

Smart feeding strategies will also enable you to limit the potential for entrotoximia to affect your herd or flock. Since the causative bacteria proliferate in the intestine in response to ingestion of abnormally high levels of starch, sugar, or protein, you need to be careful how you feed certain feedstuffs that contain high levels of these nutrients, such as grains, silage or haylage, lush pasture, milk or milk replacer, and protein supplements. Complete feeds – such as pellets designed to be fed to induce gain in lambs or kids – can also trigger this disease if fed in excess.

When feeding these high-risk feedstuffs, divide the daily allotment for each animal into as many small feedings as is feasible (say, three to four feedings), rather than providing such feeds in a single, large meal. It is also advisable to feed roughages such as hay before feeding these higher-risk feeds, simply to allow the animals to become full on hay beforehand. This helps to limit the potential for overeating on high-risk feedstuffs, such as grain.

Always make feed changes slowly. If you plan to increase the amount of grain fed to a flock or herd, always do so in gradual increments over several days. This helps the bacteria in the stomach to accommodate to the diet, making it less likely that the troublesome bacteria will get access to the nutrients.

Make sure that you watch your animals for signs of dominance by one or more individuals – they can boss the others away from the grain and overeat; alternatively, the shy animals can hold back from feeding and become so hungry that they overeat. Divide your herd or flock as necessary, and make sure to provide an adequate number of feeding sites or feeder space to enable all animals an equal chance to eat.

For animals being turned out onto pasture after being fed hay or other stored feeds, a conservative thumb rule is to begin by allowing only about 10 minutes of grazing time on the first day. Double this with each subsequent day – it will take about a week for them to work up to a full 24 hours on pasture.

Like 10 min on fist day, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 and 640 min on day 7

नमस्कार प्रिय मित्रांनो, जर तुम्हाला तुमचा शेळीपालन व्यवसाय सुरू करायचा असेल किंवा तुम्ही तोट्यातील शेळीपालनात अडकले असा...

नमस्कार प्रिय मित्रांनो,
जर तुम्हाला तुमचा शेळीपालन व्यवसाय सुरू करायचा असेल किंवा तुम्ही तोट्यातील शेळीपालनात अडकले असाल आणि सल्ला आणि मार्गदर्शन शोधत असाल तर, *धंदरे आफ्रिकन बोअर गोट ब्रीडर* तुम्हाला 2023 सालासाठी मोफत सल्ला सेवा देत आहे.

तुमच्या प्रश्नांसाठी सोमवार ते शनिवार दुपारी १ ते २ च्या दरम्यान फोन करा. तुम्ही आमच्या what's app नंबर *📱9168495179* वर संदेश किंवा व्हॉइस नोट पाठवू शकता.

आमच्याशी तुमच्या समस्या आणि प्रश्नांवर चर्चा करण्यास अजिबात संकोच करू नका.

आपलाच नम्र,
मनोज धंदरे
धंदरे आफ्रिकन बोअर शेळीपालक
जिल्हा. यवतमाळ


Hello Dear Friends,
If you wish to start your goat farming business or stuck up in non profit goat farm and looking for consultation and guidance,
*Dhandare African Boer Goat Breeder* is offering you free consultation services for year 2023.

Do call between 1 pm. to 2 pm. Monday to Saturday for your queries. You can send messages or voice notes on our what's app number *📱9168495179*

Don't hesitate to discuss your problems and questions with us.

Manoj Dhandare
Dhandare African Boer Goat Breeder
Dist. Yavatmal


For weight comparison purposes it's advisable to compare adjusted weight of two kids rather than absolute weight.

वजन तुलना करण्याच्या उद्देशाने,
दोन पिलांच्या निरपेक्ष वजनापेक्षा समायोजित वजनाची तुलना करणे उचित आहे.


*बोर शेळीच्या जन्मलेल्या एकट्या जुळ्यातील किंवा* *तिळ्यातील पिलांचं वजन वाढी संदर्भात तुलना कशी* *करावी?*

१. सर्वप्रथम त्यांचे प्रतिदिन वजन काढावे
प्रतिदिन वजन वाढ= ( घेतलेले वजन- जन्माचे वजन)/ जन्मापासून वजन घेतल्याचा दिवस.

४ किलो जन्माचे वजन असलेल्या *जुळ्यातील मादी* पिल्लाचे ६० व्या दिवशी चे वजन १८ किलो असेल तर त्याची प्रतिदिन वजन वाढ = (१८-४)/६०= ०.२३३ किलो किंवा २३३ ग्रॅम

२. यावरून त्यांची ९० व्या दिवशीची अपेक्षित वजन वाढ काढू शकतो
९० व्या दिवशीचे अपेक्षित वजन = (प्रतिदिन वजन वाढ x ९०) + जन्माचे वजन

वरील उदाहरणातील पिलाचे चे ९० व्या दिवशी चे अपेक्षित वजन = (०.२३३*९०)+४= २५ किलो.

३. पिलाचे वजन हे त्याच्या आईचे वय, पिलाचे लिंग, पिला चा जन्म किती पिलांमध्ये झालेला त्यापैकी किती पिल्ल आईच्या व बाहेरच्या दुधावर ती पोसली गेली या सर्वांवर ती अवलंबून असते.
एक किंवा एकापेक्षा अधिक पिल्लं जन्मली असता त्यांच्या वजनात तफावत असते. अशावेळी तुलना करत असताना त्याचे ऍडजेस्टेड वजनाची तुलना करून कुणाची वजन वाढ जास्त आहे निर्धारित करता येते.

४. ऍडजेस्टेड वजन कसे काढावे?
ऍडजेस्टेड वजन = ९० व्या दिवशीचे अपेक्षित वजन x आईच्या वयाचा गुणांक x पिलाच्या लिंगाचा गुणांक x पिलाच्या जन्म आणि संगोपनाचा गुणांक
हे गुणांक खालील तक्त्यात मिळतील.

५. आपल्या उदाहरणातील चार किलोच्या मादी पिल्लाचे ऍडजेस्ट वजन काढण्यासाठी आपण खालील गुणांक वापरू शकतो.
पिल्लू मादी असल्यामुळे लिंगाचा गुणांक =१.११
आई चे वय २ वर्ष धरल्यास त्याचा गुणांक=१.०९
जुळ्यातील असल्यामुळे, जन्म आणि संगोपन प्रकार गुणांक = १.१८

ऍडजेस्टेड वजन = २५ x १.०९ x १.११ x १.१८ = ३५.७ किलो
आता याची ज्या पिला बरोबर तुला करायची आहे त्याचे ऍडजेस्टेड वजन मिळवुन आपण तुलना करू शकतो. अशाप्रकारे आपण वजनाची तुलना करु शकतो.

*शेळीच्या वयाचे गुणांक*
शेळीचे वय १ वर्ष पर्यंत गुणांक १.०
शेळीचे वय २-३ वर्ष गुणांक १.०९
शेळीचे वय तीन वर्षां पुढे गुणांक १.०

*पिलाच्या लिंगाचे गुणांक*
मादी पिल्लू गुणांक १.११
नर पिल्लू गुणांक १.०

*जन्म आणि संगोपन प्रकार गुणांक*
1/1 = एकल एकल म्हणून वाढवले गुणांक १.०
1/2 = एकल जुळे म्हणून वाढवले गुणांक १.१४
2/1 = जुळे एकल म्हणून वाढवले गुणांक १.०४
2/2 = जुळे जुळे म्हणून वाढवले गुणांक १.१८
3/1 = एकल म्हणून तिप्पट वाढवले गुणांक १.०८
3/2 = तिहेरी जुळे म्हणून वाढवले गुणांक १.२३
3/3 = तिहेरी तिहेरी म्हणून वाढवलेले गुणांक १.२७

अधिक माहितीसाठी संपर्क
whats app please


First time pregnant


Yavatmal District

बोअर गोट ब्रीडर्स असोसिएशनची सभासद नोंदणी प्रक्रिया 21 मार्च पासून शुरू होत आहे. सर्व बोअर शेळी पालकांचे स्वागत 🙏🏻🌹Membe...

बोअर गोट ब्रीडर्स असोसिएशनची सभासद नोंदणी प्रक्रिया 21 मार्च पासून शुरू होत आहे.
सर्व बोअर शेळी पालकांचे स्वागत 🙏🏻🌹

Member Registration Process of Boer Goat Breeder's Association going to start on March 21,
Welcome All Boer Goat Breeders🙏🏻🌹

Animal Breeding Systems

Animal Breeding Systems



In animal breeding, *culling* is the process of removing or segregating animals from a breeding stock based on specific trait.This is done to exaggerate desirable characteristics, or to remove undesirable characteristics by altering the genetic diversity of the population.

The process of culling starts with examination of the confirmation standard of the animal and will often include additional qualities such as health, robustness, temperament, color preference, etc.

For livestock, there are broadly three culling methods.

*Tandem Method*
It is a form of selective breeding where a breeder addresses one characteristic of the animal at a time.

*Independent levels*
It is a method where any animal who falls below a given standard in any single characteristic is not used in a breeding program.

*Total Score Method *
It is a method where the breeder evaluates and selects breeding stock based on a weighted table of characteristics. The breeder selects qualities that are most important to them and assigns them a weight.

In order to increase the frequency of preferred phenotypes, the total score method is the most flexible of the three. it allows for weighted improvement of multiple characteristics. It allows the breeder to make major gains in one aspect while moderate or lesser gains in others.

*In my opinion,*
Culling is taking out animals from the breeding program not necessarily killing them. Criteria for culling livestock shall be based on population, production and heritability. Goal of breeding program and ideal for the breed should be very clear.

The first culling criterion should always be health and robustness. Secondly conformation and temperament of the animal should be considered. The filtering process can ends with color pattern etc.

When working with small population, culling should be carried out only for undesirable heritable traits.

Healthy offsprings of animals culled for other than heritable traits, might get chance in breeding program upon confirmation.



*Misunderstanding about Ram selection in goat breeding *

1. A particular ram gives birth to female or male offspring.
2. If ram is selected from twins or triplet, he gives twins or triplet kids too.
3. A ram born alone cannot give birth to twins.
4. Using a particular ram, one can get more kids from does.

The number of kids obtained depends on does. Depending on her hereditary strength, the availability of s***m at the time of ovulation, her pre-conception body score, the supply of food, the supply of minerals decides number of kids. Because all of these factors decides how many ovaries to be release by does.

Care taken after pregnancy is also a important factor. It can destroy some embryos.

* So why choose Ram from twins, triplet or from quad? *
Answer is, by selecting such males genetic potential of the next generation does can be increased. This potential can be increase from 5 to 20 percent.



*शेळी पालनात नर वापरा विषयी पसरलेले गैरसमज *
१. एखाद्या विशिष्ट नरामुळे मादी पिल्लांचा किंवा नर पिलांचाजन्म होतो.
२. जुळ्यातील किंवा तीळ्यातील नर असेल तर तो जुळे किंवा तिळे पिल्ले देतो.
३. एकटा जन्मलेला नर जुळी पिल्ले देऊ शकत नाही.
४. एखादा विशिष्ट नर वापरल्याने पिलांची संख्या वाढते.

मिळणाऱ्या करडांची संख्या ही शेळी वरती अवलंबून असते. शेळीची अनुवांशिक कुवत, स्त्रीबीज मुक्त होताना शुक्राणूंची उपलब्धता, गर्भधारणेपूर्वी तिचा असलेला बॉडी स्कोर, खाद्याचा पुरवठा, मिनरल्स ची आपूर्ती, वेताची संख्या या सर्व गोष्टींवर अवलंबून असते. कारण या सर्व गोष्टी शेळी ने किती स्त्रीबीज मुक्त करावेत ठरवतात.

गर्भधारणेनंतर घेतलेली निगा सुद्धा कारणीभूत ठरते.
यात काही भ्रुनांचा नाश होऊ शकतो.

*असे असताना नर जुळ्यातील, तिळ्यातील किंवा चार पिलातिल का निवडावा ?*
असे नर निवडल्यास येणाऱ्या पुढील पिढीतील माद्यांची अधिक पिल देण्याची अनुवंशिक कुवत वाढवता येते. ही कुवत पाच ते वीस टक्क्यांपर्यंत वाढू शकते.



One month female triplet from Goldsmith
Creep feeding started from day 15, each gained 5 Kg+ in 30 days.

165+ gm/day absolute or
250+ gm/day adjusted

Hope to wean them all in next 4 to 5 weeks- Early weaning.

Restricted milk feeding encouraged solid feed consumption by kids. If solid feed intake can be stimulated, early weaning is possible as well as it's economical.



There was a study carried out to describe age-related changes in anatomic, functional and microbial variables during the rumen development process, as affected by the feeding system (supplemental feeding v. grazing), in goats. Goats were slaughtered at seven time points that were selected to reflect the non-rumination (0, 7 and 14 d), transition (28 and 42 d) and rumination (56 and 70 d) phases of rumen development.

From 0 to 70 d, irrespective of the feeding system, rumen weight, rumen wall thickness, rumen papillae length and area, TVFA concentration, xylanase, carboxymethylcellulase activity potentials, and microbial copy numbers increased (P< 0·01) with age, while the greatest amylase and protease activity potentials occurred at 28 d. Most anatomic and functional variables evolved progressively from 14 to 42 d, while microbial colonisation was fastest from birth to 28 d. These outcomes suggest that the supplemental feeding system is more effective in promoting rumen development than the grazing system; in addition, for both the feeding systems, microbial colonisation in the rumen is achieved at 1 month, functional achievement at 2 months, and anatomic development after 2 months.

Studies on milk feeding and weaning methods for goat kids suggest that kids can be weaned earlier than the traditional weaning age of 3 months. Kids can be successfully weaned at 9 kg of body weight, 8 weeks of age or at the time when at least 30 g/day of solid feed are consumed. Weaning shock is reduced when any of the above criteria are achived.

Restricted milk feeding encouraged solid feed consumption by goat kids. In comparison with feeding milk three or four times per day, feeding milk twice daily reduced labor requirements, milk consumption and increased efficiency of weight gain. If solid feed intake can be stimulated, early weaning is possible as well as economical.

*Delayed weaning is costly and can be harmful to the development of a functional reticulo-rumen.*

Different Research Papers
*Collected by*
*Dhandare African Boer Goat Breeder*


Line breeding for improvement
There are basically two kinds or patterns of selective breeding. One is line breeding and the other is outcross breeding. Line breeding involves breeding to fairly close relatives and thus is a kind of inbreeding, whereas outcrossing involves breeding to non relatives or to very distant relatives, those to which there is no known genetic link.

Each of these breeding patterns has its advantages and disadvantages. Line breeding can accomplish several goals:
1) produce a more consistent and uniform offspring;
2) identify breeding populations that have no genetic flaws, or identify existing flaws so they can be eliminated;
3) accentuate and sustain more consistent excellence;
4) develop linebred progeny that will provide a "genetic kick" or hybrid vigor when they are outcrossed with non relatives.

The advantage of outcrossing is basically what people call hybrid vigor. This gives a genetic kick to offspring that are from parents that are as genetically distant from each other as possible within a given species. This is essentially the advantage derived from cross breeding, but that advantage declines in each successive generation. It is not as sustainable as the strengths developed from line breeding.

The result of line breeding will be a more and more uniform offspring but slower and slower progress toward higher levels of performance. However, the progress made will be sustainable in future generations within the line, and will really provide a genetic kick when those linebreds are outcrossed with non relatives.

Line breeding narrows the normal genetic distribution curve, producing a more consistent offspring and thus more consistently generating the progress made. Outcrossing widens the normal distribution curve, producing more inconsistency but, through the advantages of hybrid vigor, the overall progress will be more rapid. This rapid progress, however, is not sustained in additional generations unless it is, so to speak, locked inby linebreeding.

*Pregnant Goat Care*What to Do During All Stages of Goat Gestation*Prior to breeding:*Make sure your doe is at a healthy...

*Pregnant Goat Care*

What to Do During All Stages of Goat Gestation

*Prior to breeding:*

Make sure your doe is at a healthy weight
Make sure your doe has adequate shelter
Make sure she is up-to-date on vaccines and if necessary, worming
Work with your doe to be sure she can be easily handled, jump up on milk stand, etc.
Keep feet well-trimmed
Begin tracking heat cycle

*Once bred:*

Don’t stress her out 2-3 weeks post-breeding
Feed high quality hay and/or alfalfa
Provide free choice minerals
Confirm pregnancy with blood test or ultrasound
Do CAE test (its a test to detect infection).

*Two months before kidding:*

Dry doe off if in milk
Optional: dry treat with intra-mammary infusion
Adjust feed/hay amounts if over or under weight

*One month before kidding:*

If not currently getting grain, start to gradually introduce grain
Give CD&T vaccine (ET+TT)
Trim hooves
Trim long hairs around tail and back of legs

*One week before kidding:*

Clean/prepare kidding stall
Make sure kidding kit is stocked
Have powdered or frozen colostrum on hand
Have your vet and/or goat mentor’s phone numbers available

*A day or two before kidding:*

Move doe to a private stall or kidding area with a goat companion for company
Watch for behavioral and physical changes that indicate labor is near

Originally published in the January/February 2019 issue of Goat Journal.



Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Sunday 9:30am - 5:30pm




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