And we have a singer on the block as well..cheers to Zeeba
Game of cricket in Munich @7 degrees for 2 hours results in a tired sleepy and snoring dogππ
Good morning !!!! Some happy times at Syd's
Travel planning Day 5
After a one day break we were actually happy to train again!
Mumma taught me to go in and then around and do a down command.
Then she gave me a chewy and I was happy.
Spent an hour inside my new travel partner today!!!
#cccdogtrainers #dogtrainersmakeadifference
#dogforlife #dogs #pets #petlover #kennel #homeboarding #boarding #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogbehaviorist
Travel planning Day 3
Well we did great progress yesterday!!
We managed to get into the crate and also relax for a few minutes .. it wasn't the most comfortable place to be in but something exciting is on the way for sure!! Mummy always has something in store for meπ
#cccdogtrainers #dogtrainersmakeadifference
#dogforlife #dogs #pets #petlover #kennel #homeboarding #boarding #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogbehaviorist
Sometimes Fri Yay nights walk happen on Saturday morning the 2 am walk
Sundays it's good to take a dip
The whiskey dance-A unique style to refuse food!!
We love pampering our babies
Why won't he stop snoring behind my earπ€
Shreddo follows elder bro and dared it