BVC Alumni Association

BVC Alumni Association Renowned Organisation of ex students of BOMBAY VETERINARY COLLEGE,Parel,Mumbai.COLLEGE has its foundation way back in 2nd August 1880'S. Govt. No. 266/1988 G. B.

1886 was the year of historical significance to Animal World in Asia. On 2nd of August that year, an institution,
devoted to animal welfare was born in Bombay. This also marked the rise of one of the noblest professions in India. During last hundred years Bombay Veterinary College affectionately called BVC has presided over the growth and
development of Veterinary Science and Profession, which w

as a saga of many ups and downs and of many obstacles
crossed. Those of us who have passed through the portals of this noble institute and have lived to see it complete
the centenary are really a fortunate lot. We have a responsibility to see this institute on road through the second
century. As Alumni we owe this to our Alma Mater and as citizens, we owe this to posterity of our country. Out of
these feelings, precisely, an idea of an association of BVC Alumni came to the fore and further crystallized during
the centenary year. The lead taken by successive Deans and their colleagues, encouragement by several
distinguished past students, has resulted in the formation of BOMB AY VETERINARY COLLEGE ALUMNI
ASSOCIATION on 4.12.1987 (Registered under Society Registration Act. 1960 vide Mah. S. D.) The Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association has wide scope of animal welfare activities embellished in
its objectives. Presented here after 1986, is the first comprehensive constitution in details alongwith a list of
members till Ma\ 2l H13. During these 17 years the Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association had the administration under an
Agricultural University, the Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth at Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri and now under the state level
Veterinary university-The Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University at Nagpur (since 2000), with a
spread of all five Veterinary and one Dairy Science College under its wings. The Bombay Veterinary College Alumni
Association is proud to state that all these five colleges have most of its graduates in senior placements. The
graduates from Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association are not only spread in Maharashtra but throughout
the world, where there is a Veterinary College, there is a Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association graduate!! Who is deeply involved in the welfare of the animals, the motto being healthy animals - safe foods - healthy man. The Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association graduates are also found in a variety of diverse services such as
the Maharashtra and Union Public Service Commissions and UPSC's where they serve as Deputy Commissioners,
Deputy Collectors, Police Officers (IPS), Technical Officers in Banks, Army Officers (RVC), Registrars, Tehsildars
etc... Our graduates have reached towering heights by holding senior positions in pharmaceutical, as well as
health-care industries traveling all over the world. There are many who have settled down in various parts of the
world and hold very good positions. Therefore the Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association holds its head
high when these men and women fondly visit the premises. The first constitution was adopted by the Managing Committee on 4.12.1987. It was later amended on 31.1.1991. The latest constitution was revised and additional regulations inserted in the year 2003, which may be subject to
change in the forthcoming years. 10
(i) Construction of Scientists Home-A Lodging facility for visiting Alumni for which Bombay Veterinary
College Centenary Celebration Committee had given Rs. 1,00,000/-
(ii) Starting a technical periodical (for which the BVC Centenary Celebration Committee has given Rs.
42,600/-). This activity would include the annual publication of the Journal of Bombay Veterinary
College Alumni Association and if possible a bulletin the "Vetline". (iii) Organizing orations: a sustained activity
a) The noted scientist, industrialist and well wisher Dr. K. H. Gharda, had donated and initiated the
"Gharda Oration Series." b) Well wishers of Dr. S. R. Rao have donated and initiated the "Dr. Rao Memorial Oration Series." (iv) Enrolment of life members. (v) Raising funds for widening the sphere of welfare activities, such as research fund/ workshop fund. Training courses etc. for the public awareness in general of the Veterinary Profession etc. I. CONSTITUTION & REGULATIONS :
1. The name of the Association will be "Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association."
2. The head-quarter and registered office of the Association will be at the Bombay Veterinary College,
Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 (INDIA). II. THE OBJECTIVES : 1987 - 2003. a. To create and perpetuate a sense of love and devotion for the Alma Mater, by enrolment of members of
various categories and to encourage them to donate towards various activities etc. b. To help to maintain a very high professional standard amongst the graduates of the college by
disseminating to them information regarding the latest developments in the field of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry through the establishment of information services, such as a Journal / Veterinary
Bulletin etc. c. To promote educational, research and extension activities in the members of the Association, by
encouraging various departments in the college to conduct training courses, workshops etc. d. To help in establishing the co-operation/laison between our college and public / Government
departments / Industries, Agricultural and Veterinary universities and other institutes for mutual
benefits in the field of research. To operate a placement service for the benefit of our students. e. To make suggestions to modify the existing academic curricula, whenever need is felt for the same. f. To appreciate and encourage outstanding students, alumni and workers in Veterinary profession, by
felicitating them and calling upon them to present Orations, etc.. g. To gear all the necessary efforts which will help to create a sense of comradeship and brotherhood amongst
fellow members and other veterinarians. 10
The Association shall consist of Patrons, Sustaining members, Life members, Members and Donor
members. A) Patrons:
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of which Bombay Veterinary College is constituent and
Director of Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra State will be the Patrons of this Association. The
Managing Committee of the Association may invite eminent personalities in the field to join the
Association as Patrons. B) Sustaining members:
Any individual or organization who donates Rs. 25,000/- or more to the Association to promote the
above objects will be enrolled as sustaining member. C) Members:
Members of the teaching staff (non-veterinarians) of this college, and Veterinary graduates who are
not alumni of this college shall be eligible to become members of the Association by paying
annual subscription of Rs. 250/-. D) Life membership:
A Member or an alumnus will be eligible to become a Life member by compounding his membership
subscription to Rs. 500/- by a single payment. E) Donor member:
Any Veterinary graduate is eligible to avail as donor member for life with onetime payment of
Rs. 1,000/-. Every member from A to E have a right to attend any general body meeting of the
Association and only life members shall have voting powers and right to contest election for a post
in Managing Committee of the said Association. The fees stated above are subject to change. IV. AUTHORITIES, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION
A) President - Associate Dean will be ex-officio. B) Managing Committee, consisting :
a) Chairman
b) Secretary
c) Joint Secretary
d) Treasurer
e) Member Editor — Journal Committee
f) Member Secretary — Scientists Home Committee. g) Member Secretary — Scientific Committee. h) Four Members from throughout Maharashtra State. C) GENERAL BODY
All members (from A to E) will be members of the General Body. Members should have registered at least
a month before the general body, to contest elections/to vote. Executive powers of the Association shall be vested in the Managing Committee. The direction of the Association shall be in the hands of the President, assisted by the Chairman. The 10
President shall call and preside at the meetings of the General Body. In his absence, the Chairman shall perform all
the duties and functions of the President. The Secretary will call the meeting of the Managing Committee and Chairman will conduct it. The day to day
management of the Association shall be handled by Secretary / Joint Secretary and Treasurer. D) ELECTION OF THE OFFICE BEARERS
The Associate Dean will be ex-officio President of the Alumni Association. All the members of Managing
Committee shall be elected by the General Body at the Annual General Body meeting. The election will be carried
out by ballot-paper method. It shall be the combined responsibility of the Chairperson and Secretary to conduct all
the elections. The nomination for various officers shall be invited from the General Body by the Chairman assisted
by Secretary. The posts of Secretary, Treasurer, Member Secretary-Scientists Home Committee, Member Editor and
Member Secretary - Scientific Committee are to be filled from the Alumni working at the Bombay Veterinary College
for smooth operation. Chairperson may be elected from among the life members’ resident in Bombay. In case of
competition for the various posts, the nominations should be received by the Secretary in a sealed envelope at least
4 days in advance. The envelope then will be opened in front of the general body listing the nominee just prior to
voting by ballot. The members should be supplied with blank ballot papers, at least two non-contesting members
should be called as scrutinees for counting the votes cast and act Election Officer, they are appointed by the
President. The office bearers and authorities of the Association will hold the post for 3 years and they will be eligible for
re-election or re-appointment as the case may be. The election during the Annual General Body Meeting shall be by
ballots from among the members present at the meeting. The results will be declared by the President according to
the majority or votes. In case of a tie of votes for two or more members the president shall be entitled to casting a
vote to settle the issue. As far as possible unanimous election of the office bearers shall be the criteria to initiate brotherhood,
amongst the members. V. DUTIES AND POWERS 1. GENERAL BODY
The General Body of the Association shall consist of members of all categories. The following business will be
transacted at the Annual meeting of General Body to be held preferably along with the Annual day celebration of the
College, on the 2nd August. A) To take note of the annual report and the annual accounts of the Association. B) The elections of the members of Managing Committee, if necessary. C) Approving minutes of the previous meeting. D) Consideration of the proposals which have been considered and recommended by the Managing
Committee and other matters which are on the agenda. E) Appointment of auditors and fixing of their remuneration. F) A notice of the meeting of General Body specifying the time, place and business to be transacted
there, shall be forwarded to the members of the Association, one month in advance of the scheduled date,
by the Secretary. G) The President of the Association or in his absence, the Chairman shall preside at such a meeting. 10
H) The quorum for Annual general meeting shall be 25 members. In the event of there being no
quorum, a non-quorum meeting of members present at such a meeting will be held 30 minutes
after the scheduled time. I) After discussion and recommendation by the Managing Committee, necessary items like (I)
change in constitution, (II) expulsion of member. (Ill) vote of censure (IV) expenditure from
reserve fund / fee etc. may be discussed at such a meeting. J) President may circulate any proposals to the members of the General Body for acceptance or
rejection of the proposal by post and the resolution may be passed by the General Body. Proposals for amendment to any part of the constitution duly approved by the Managing
Committee shall be circulated to the members as a part of the business of the General Body
Meeting. K) The Annual General Body meeting shall be called by the Managing Committee within three to five
months of the closure of the account year. L) Special General Body meeting may be called by the Managing Committee to transact urgent and
important business not laid down in details of the business to be transacted at the Annual
General Body meeting by giving a 15 day's notice to all the members. M) Extraordinary General Body meeting shall be called by the Managing Committee within 21
days on a requisition signed by 1/3"1 of total members or 25 members whichever is less. The
requisition shall state the objects of the meeting and must be signed by requisitionist and
deposited at the registered office of the Association. N) An extra ordinary General Body meeting may also be called at any time by President of the
Association with three working days notice.
A) The Managing Committee shall meet at least four times a year to see that the objects of the
Association are promoted. B) The Managing Committee shall hold its first meeting within one month from the date of
declaration of the result of the election of the office bearers, and will manage the working of the
Association. C) The Managing Committee shall have the powers to collect and disburse the funds for the
promotion of the objects of the Association. D) The Managing Committee shall appoint one/two auditors after approval of General Body and the
Chairman shall get the accounts audited before presentation at the General Body meeting
E ) The Managing Committee shall keep a control over the finance of the Association. Viz. current funds, deposits, interests, disbursal of money, finances of training workshops etc.. F) All the applications for the membership and offers for donation received by the secretaries or other
office bearers will be presented to the Managing Committee for approval. The Quorum for the
Managing committee shall be four, with at least one secretary. G) Any member of the Managing Committee remaining absent for 3 consecutive meetings of the
committee "ipso-factor" will cease to continue to be a member of the Managing Committee, a
resolution should be submitted to this effect and later the General body informed. The vacancy
caused by such disablement shall be filled in next meeting of the General Body. H) The Managing Committee shall prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer for the
financial year for presentation to the first General Body Meeting of the Association.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- « 10
I) The Managing Committee shall prepare a final statement of account and a report of work done during the year
for presentation at the General Body Meeting. J) The Secretary shall maintain minutes of the meetings of the Managing Committee and the minutes of the
General Body Meeting of the Association.
Chairperson will be the executive head of the Association and shall work to promote the objects of the
Association, under the direction of the Managing Committee with the help of Secretary and other members of
the Managing Committee.
The Secretary and Joint Secretary will maintain all the records required for the information of the Association. Both will assist the Chairperson in carrying out the work as directed by the Managing Committee. They will
also work under the instructions from the Chairperson, Managing committee. The Secretaries along with the
treasurer will screened proposals for workshops / training courses and other such activities of association. They will grant permission for the conduction of these workshops and monitor other activities.
It shall be the duty of treasurer to keep an upto date account of the Association under the instructions from
Chairperson, Managing Committee. Every year sometime before the budget meeting of Managing Committee, he/she will prepare budget for the
coming, year and present it to the Managing Committee for discussion before recommendation to the General
Body for approval. He/ She shall also get audited the various heads of accounts from the approved auditor.
Member Editor shall form Editorial Board comprising of a Joint Editor, who is from the college and above four
members, from members of the Association in consultation with Managing Committee and shall carry out all
duties pertaining to publication of journals, bulletins, or any such other activity to fulfill objective 11(b) of this
Association with the help of the Editorial Board. He / She shall be responsible to Managing Committee and the
General Body. The journal of Bombay Veterinary College is official organ of the Bombay Veterinary College
Alumni Association and is published twice in a year, June arid December. It is intended for the publication of
the review articles (guest), original / applied research articles, clinical observations, preliminary reports of
scientific importance pertaining to animal health and production. The work conducted during the last five
years will only be considered for publication. The journal of Bombay Veterinary College is official organ of the Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association
and is published twice in a year, June and December. It is intended for the publication of the review articles
(guest), original / applied research articles, clinical observations, preliminary reports of scientific importance
pertaining to animal health and production. The work conducted during the last five years will only be
considered for publication. The official language of the journal is English. The manuscripts are accepted on the basis of scientific
importance and suitability for publication. Contributions that have already been published in part or full in
any language will not be entertained. This however, does not apply to communications that may have appeared
as letter to the Editor / abstract of contribution to a 10
symposium, provided the paper submitted adds significantly to the information already published. The
journal reserves the right for editorial cuts. There are various charges to be paid by the contributors of various categories, of articles :
i) At the time of sending the article Rs.50/- processing chargers have to be paid
ii) At the time of acceptance for publication if the author/s is/are not alumni then Rs. 100/- per
person as subscription fees to be paid -the journal is posted free to BVCAA alumni. The scanning
charges per photo would be Rs.120/- Same charges are levied for illustrations. iii) The payment should be made along with the corrected final version of the manuscript, before
printing the article. iv) An undertaking by the author/s declaring that the article sent by them is not published in any
other journal or sent for publication elsewhere is a must and has to be accompanied as in
no.(iii)before publication. v) All remittances must be made by DD in favour of Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association
and for outstation cheque Rs.50/- may be added extra.
He/She shall form a Scientists Home Committee from members of the Association in consultation with the
Managing Committee and shall carry out all duties pertaining to planning, raising funds, executing
construction and maintenance of any structures, maintenance of records / registers etc. Envisaged by the
association with the help of the Scientists Home Committee. He shall be responsible to Managing Committee
and General Body
I. Booking of the Scientists Home should be by writing a letter addressed to Member Secretary Scientist
Home, Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association, Parel, Mumbai - 400012, accompanied by one
days advance rental. The stay in the guesthouse should not be more than 7 days and in two subsequent stays there should be
a gap of minimum 4-6 days. Before taking the possession of the room, entry in the register is compulsory. No clothes should be dried in the Verandah. VI. Outside eatables / drinks are not allowed. VII. Do not shift furniture, teapoy, chair, table etc from one room to other. A/C Room (VIP Suits): Alumni : Rs.500/- per day
Veterinarians & others : Rs.600/- per day
Non - A/C Rooms Alumni : Rs. 100/- per head / day
Veterinarians : Rs. 150/- per head / day
Others : Rs. 200/- per head / day
Rent of hall Half day : Rs. 1000/-
Full day : Rs. 2000/-
III. The rates of the Scientists home are as follows :VIII. Do not take away any keys from cupboard / lockers / rooms etc. IX. Take away personal belonging at the time of leaving the room of Scientists home. X. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. XI. Any relaxation in the above rules is at the discretion of the Member-Secretary, Scientist Home
only. The Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association decided to build a Scientists Home in Bombay
Veterinary College Campus, Pare!. The land space was granted by Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli,
Dist. Ratnagiri (10,000 sq. ft. land at Bombay Veterinary College, Parel campus). The Director General
ICAR, New Delhi, while laying the foundation stone of the Home had expressed the will to grant funds for
furnishing the Scientists home to the extent of Rs. 10 to 12 lakhs, but the grants have still to materialize. All rates quoted above were approved in 2002-2003 and are subject to change. All donations are
exempted from income-tax under 80G and should be drawn in favour of "Bombay Veterinary College
Alumni Association" as DD/Cheque/ Please add Rs. 50/- extra for outstation cheques.
(Compoent of Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd., Pune - Dr. B.V. Rao's group)
6. DR. M.R. HALDIPUR 10,001
7. DR. T.P. MAHAJAN 10,000
9. DR. M.L. GATNE 12,000
10. DR.V.V.RANADE 12,500
12. DR.(MRS) B.A.TALVELKAR 12,500
13. DR. S.R. PUNTAMBEKAR 10,100
He/ She shall form a Scientific Committee from members of the Association in consultation with the
Managing Committee and shall carry out all duties pertaining to arranging Scientific lectures,
symposia, seminars, orations etc. and any such other activity to fulfill objective IRC) of this Association
with the help of Scientific Committee, he / she shall be responsible to Managing Committee and General
8 (a) Regulations of Bai Ratanbai Gharda oration : 1986
Year 1985 was the centenary year of Bombay Veterinary College. During this year, Dr. K.H. Gharda. a
well known chemical engineer and industrialist donated Rs. 30,000/-in memory of his late mother Bai
Ratanbai Gharda who was a great animal lover. The first oration was held in the year 1986. The
objectives of oration were as follows :
To felicitate an eminent Veterinarian who has contributed to the field of Veterinary Science through his
research and extension work, and to invite him/her to deliver the oration, for the benefit of the Bombay
Veterinary College Alumni Association. It was decided that: I ) The oration would be titled as "Bai Ratanbai Gharda Oration" and it would be held every year on
Bombay Veterinary Colllege foundation day (2nd August) or on preceding / following day if 2nd
August happens to be holiday. ii) The orator would be offered an honorarium of Rs. 500/- in cash and he/she would be offered III
Tire AC Railway traveling expenses, local hospitality and accommodation. The expenditure for this
would be met from the interest earned on the fund. iii) The Professor/Heads of the Department of Bombay Veterinary College, would recommend the
names of eminent veterinarians along with their biodata, to the Member Secretary, Scientific
Committee. The selection committee consisting of Member Secretary Scientific Committee, two
Heads of the Department of Bombay Veterinary College, Associate Dean, Bombay Veterinary
College and one representative from M/S. Gharda Chemicals, Mumbai would select the orator
after scrutinizing nomination forms. In year 1990 the Gharda Oration Fund was transferred to
Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association and the managing committee of Alumni
Association in consultation with one representative from Gharda Chemicals as stated above was
empowered to select the orator. The nomination proposals for the orator are now invited by the
Member Secretary Scientific Committee from the Alumni of the Association.
8 (b) Regulations of Dr. S.R.M. Rao Memorial Oration: 1991
This lecture is delivered in the memory of the late Dr. Sasurla Ram Mohan Rao. Dr. Rao was a
well-known parasitologist of India, he founded the department of Parasitology, Bombay Veterinary
College in 1945 and was the first Professor and head for next 23 years till his retirement. He was born
in 1909 in Andhra Pradesh, and was first D.Sc. (1939) of Zoology, faculty if Banaras Hindu University,
Banaras. He worked at Johns Hopkins Institute, U.S.A. on full bright fellowship in early fifties. As a Professor in Bombay Veterinary College, he taught two generations of Veterinarians. As a Dean of
Faculty of Technology, Bombay University. He was the main force behind starting post-graduate
programme in Bombay Veterinary College in 1960. He guided 15 students for Doctoral degree. He
published more than 100 papers in reputed journals. His main contributions have been in the field of
Coccidiosis, ticks, oribatid mites. Amphistomes, Trichinellosis and Strongyles. He authored a book " A
decade of Progress in Veterinary Science (1960-1970)" published by Indian Science Congress
Association and edited Bombay Veterinary College Magazine for several years. The Scientific community
of India honored him by electing him as president of (Medical and Veterinary Sect.) Indian Science
Congress Association in 1968 and the University Grants Commission honored him by offering him the
chair of "Professor of Emeritus". Dr. Rao passed away in 1988 and his students and admirers came
forward to institute this oration in his memory. Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association readily
agreed to take up the responsibility and funds flooded in not only from his students and admirers but
also from Pharmaceutical companies. The first oration was held in 1991. In all till today the core fund
for Rao Memorial Oration has accumulated to Rs. 37,000/- (Rs. Thirty Seven Thousand only) This is a
meager amount and further donations are solicited from one and all. To meet the expenditure for
organizing this lecture the interest of the core fund is used. It was decided that:
1) The Rao Memorial Oration will be organized every year, in month of December by the
Professor Parasitology, Bombay Veterinary College.
2) The speaker will be preferably an Eminent Parasitologist if not possible, an eminent man
related to the field.
3) The speaker will be decided by Professor of Parasitology in consultation with Member,
Secretary, Scientific Committee and the managing committee of the Alumni Association.
4) The speaker will be honored by citation, a suitable momento, local hospitality and III tire AC
rail fare. REGULATIONS FOR CONDUCTION OF TRAINING COURSE AND WORKSHOPS ETC. The conduction of workshop/training courses, as stated under immediate objectives - page no. objectives no. lib and under immediate Rules and regulations (1994) page no. 1 / (c). The Rules and
Regulation in details are formulated as several departments undertake formal / popular workshops and
training courses for the interested public in general. This activity is mainly for the development of the particular department, the undertaking of courses benefits the P.G. students and the Alumni Association as
well. These courses are conducted under the banner of Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association.
1. The department which wishes to undertake the workshop/training programme, has to give to the
Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association, the details of the nature of the workshop, numbers of
participants, the fees charged, how the fees would be utilized etc. and an undertaking that 15% of the
total fees collected, as well as the balance, would be transferred to the Alumni Association. The
proforma is outlined in Annexure I.
2. Annexure II gives details of the receipting practice i.e., all the fees paid would be receipted in the
Bombay Veterinary Alumni Association receipt book which is returned after the end of the course along
with other accounts. All the money receipted is deposited with the treasurer. The Secretary or Treasurer
will then release the same after deduction of 15%
3. The Annexure IV outlines the details of the materials purchased by the department and the indexing of
these as dead stock in dead stock register maintained for this purpose and the consumable articles in
the consumable register maintained similarly. Each bill has to be certified by the Professor /
Section-in-charge as "Paid by me". All the original bills have to be returned to the Treasurer for auditing
in Bombay Veterinary Alumni Association, in case of any discrepancy the concerned person would be
called for explanation by the auditors. The printing / cyclostyling / Xeroxing of the course contents, certificates, other materials,
accommodation if any, use of BVCAA conference hall, etc; all has to be accounted and paid for, by the
concerned department from the fees generated. This course must also benefit the M. V.Sc. students of that department and therefore it is expected that
at least Rs. 500/- per course may be paid to those M. students who undertake the course curriculum (in
part or whole), and receipts may be obtained from them. If any additional attendant is employed or if some
money is paid to any departmental staff, the receipt may be obtained and accounted for. The Rs. 500/- may
also be paid to retired Alumni or outside lecturers etc., but such a practice is not encouraged generally. The treasurer in conjunction with the secretary and chairperson shall issue a letter to the Professor /
Section-in-charge of the materials in the dead-stock / consumable register maintained for the purpose. As in
Annexure III the dead stock and consumable items should be separately listed out and permission sought
from MAFSU by the concerned department to enter the dead stock items in the departmental register, since
the money which is returned for the departmental use by the Bombay Veterinary Alumni Association is to be
considered as money donated by BVCAA to that department for its improvement and development i.e. of its
extension, education and related activities which comes under the preview of University (MAFSU) statutes no.
123, clause 6 and statue no. 124. Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association can raise and donate the funds for activities such as
research, workshops, training programmes etc., as stated in its immediate objectives no. 5 and II (c) see
A) All the funds and properties l movable and immovable) of the Association shall belong to the
Association collectively and no individual member shall have any property rights over it. B) The General funds of the Association shall consist of membership fees and donations from
members of all categories and well-wishers. C) The current funds shall consist of the subscription fees received during the year and donations
received during the year, which will be budgeted for the expense of the Association after taking
50% of the said amount to reserve funds. The interest accrued from the reserve funds may be
utilized in the same year. Accounting year will be from 1st April to 31st March. All accounts will be
audited. D) All funds received from various sources will be deposited suitably in Scheduled banks of India. E) Funds will be operated by Treasurer and Chairperson / Secretary. F) For routine expenditures, the Managing Committee can take the decisions involving 10 % of the
balance (at the time of taking the decisions). In exceptional cases, the expenditure more than 10%
of the_ balance can also be taken by the Chairperson and the Secretary, jointly. However,
ex-post-facto sanction for the same should be taken from the Managing Committee in its
subsequent meeting. For expenditure, above this amount, the General Body shall permit the
Managing Committee. The General Body will take decisions in line to the outlined in the Alumni
Association's rules. As far as possible the payment should be made by cheque or as per the decisions of
the Committee and the expenditure be authorized by the Chairperson. G) Dissolution of the Association would be as per the procedure laid down in section 13 and 14 of the
Societies Registration Act, 1960. Certified that this is the true and correctly compiled constitution of the Bombay Veterinary College
Alumni Association (BVCAA)
Bombay Veterinary College
Alumni Association
Bombay Veterinary College
Alumni Association
Jt. Secretary
Bombay Veterinary College
Alumni Association
Bombay Veterinary College
Alumni Association

It’s pleasure to inform that To commemorate World Heritage Day the India Post has released a stamp of Mumbai Veterinary ...

It’s pleasure to inform that
To commemorate World Heritage Day the India Post has released a stamp of Mumbai Veterinary College building today

The annual social gathering " Spandan" organised by the MVC students council, kickstarted yesterday after a gap of 3 yea...

The annual social gathering " Spandan" organised by the MVC students council, kickstarted yesterday after a gap of 3 years on 27.03.2023. The Inaugural Function was graced by the Chief guest, Hon'ble Dr. K. K. Sharma, Padmashree and Professor and Head, Department of Surgery and Radiology, Assam.Dr. Rajendra Bhosale, Hon'ble Collector, Mumbai Suburbs, Dr. M. M. Shinde, PS to Hon'ble Education minister and Dr. Sandeep Mane, Deputy Collector and OSD to Hon'ble minister Revenue, Animal husbandry and Dairy Development were the " Guest of Honour " for the inaugural function. The annual social gathering is a platform for the students to show case their various talents besides academics.

अखेर पशुवैद्यकांनाही मिळणार ११,००० रुपये आंतरवासीय भत्ता : "...

अखेर पशुवैद्यकांनाही मिळणार ११,००० रुपये आंतरवासीय भत्ता
Source : "लोकमत"

नागपूर : पशुवैद्यक शास्त्राचा अभ्यास करणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांना आता वैद्यकीय अभ्यासक्रमातील विद


The Heritage Walk initiative by the Directorate of Tourism, Government of Maharashtra (DoT) has been initiated in order to create awareness of the rich heritage, history and architecture of all the monumental structures of Mumbai. The DoT has appointed Maharashtra Tour Guide and Tourist Facilitators Associatio (MGFA), which is a registered trust, to execute the said heritage walk of our very own Mumbai Veterinary College.

With reference to the subject cited above, all the Alumni are requested to share big or small quotes, anecdotes, news, happenings, achievements, funny incidences, historical tit bits, about the college, its architecture, furniture, their years as students or faculty, equipment, etc. which can be shared during the Mumbai Veterinary College Parel campus Heritage Walk with the visitors.

You are also requested to network with your colleagues and alumni for gathering the necessary information.

These will be people from all walks of life and along with sharing the golden history of our venerated institute, it will be an excellent opportunity to chronicle our achievements (both past and present), showcase our potential, dissimilate our capabilities and highlight all the contributions, everyone associated with our institute have rendered.

Please share everything you can about our Alma Mater by email ([email protected]) WhatsApp, voice message, etc
Thank you

दिनांक ६ फेब्रुवारी :-ठाणे जिल्ह्यातील मुरबाड तालुक्यातील नवनिर्वाचित उद्घाटन झालेल्या ICAR नवी दिल्ली अंतर्गत, माफसू ना...

दिनांक ६ फेब्रुवारी :-

ठाणे जिल्ह्यातील मुरबाड तालुक्यातील नवनिर्वाचित उद्घाटन झालेल्या ICAR नवी दिल्ली अंतर्गत, माफसू नागपुर सलग्न, कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र नागाव, मार्फत होणार कृषी व संलग्न क्षेत्रामध्ये क्रांतिकारी बदल.

नुकताच दिनांक 5 फेब्रुवारी रोजी सकाळी 10 वाजता कृषी विज्ञान केंद्रा नागाव यांचे मार्फत घेण्यात आलेल्या शेतकरी मेळाव्यादरम्यान शेतकऱ्यांना "भाजी वर्गीय बियाणे" वाटप करण्यात आले.

या मेळाव्यासाठी प्रमुख अतिथी म्हणून डॉ. लाखन सिंग, (मा.संचालक कृषी तंत्रज्ञान अनुप्रयोग संशोधन संस्था जून -8 पुणे), अध्यक्ष - डॉ.अनिल भिकाने (मा. संचालक विस्तार शिक्षण माफसू, नागपूर), प्रमुख उपस्थिती प्रा.डॉ.अजित रानडे (सहयोगी अधिष्ठाता मुंबई पशुवैद्यकीय महाविद्यालय परळ मुंबई), प्रमुख उपस्थिती श्री संदीप आवारी (तहसीलदार व कार्यकारी दंडाधिकारी, मुरबाड) लाभले होते. तसेच पंचायत समिती सभापती दीपक पवार साहेब, बी व्ही सी चे उपअभियंता गुरव साहेब, नागाव चे सरपंच चंद्रकांत हरट, उपसरपंच सुभाष शेलवले, तसेच ग्रामपंचायत सदस्य दिलीप हरट, पांडुरंग देशमुख, दीपक हरट, चैताली दळवी, इत्यादी.
तसेच असंख्य शेतकरी वर्ग उपस्थित होता.

या कार्यक्रमाचे सूत्र संचालन डॉ मनिष सावंत यांनी केले. कार्यक्रमाच्या सुरुवातीस कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र नागावचे प्रोग्राम कॉर्डिनेटर आणि प्रभारी अधिकारी- डॉ सुरेश जगदाळे यांनी प्रास्ताविक सादर केले. यादरम्यान डॉ जगदाळेनी कृषी विज्ञान केंद्राच्या उद्घाटनप्रसंगी सुरू करण्यापूर्वीचि पार्श्वभूमी सांगितलि. 2015 पासून साकारत असलेल्या कृषी विज्ञान केंद्राच्या उभारण्यास आज अखेर सातत्याचे सकारात्मक स्वरूप निर्माण झाले असे सांगण्यात आले. एकूण देशांमध्ये 722 kvk आहेत यामध्ये महाराष्ट्रामधील 50 व्या kvk चा उभारणी चा बहुमान आमच्या कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र नागावचा आहे असे मत व्यक्त केले. माफसू नागपूर संलग्न सुरू झालेल्या तिन्ही कृषी विज्ञान केंद्रा पैकी सर्वात जास्त आणि लवकरात लवकर पदाधिकाऱ्यांचा जागा भरण्याचा बहुमान मिळवला आहे असे देखील सांगण्यात आले.

या कार्यक्रमाचे नियोजन दोन दिवसांमध्ये घेऊन प्रत्यक्षात दिमाखात पार पडला.
या नवीन केवीके साठी एकूण नऊ पदे भरण्यात आली. नवनिर्वाचित पदाधिकार्‍यांच्या मार्फत सरांनी बारामती kvk सारखेच काही पुढील वर्षात काम करून दाखवा असे आश्वासन देखील दिले. यानंतर स्वागताचा कार्यक्रम पार पडला.

डॉ. रानडेनी शेतकऱ्यांना व सर्व नवीन पदाधिकाऱ्यांना मार्गदर्शन करताना मनोगतामध्ये वेगवेगळे उपक्रम केवीके च्या मार्फत राबवण्या संदर्भाचे आश्वासन दिले. तसेच नवनिर्वाचित पदाधिकाऱ्यांचे स्वागत देखील केले. यानंतर तहसीलदार आवारी साहेबांचे मनोगत झाले. साहेबांनी पूर्णतः प्रशासनाकडून लागणाऱ्या वेगवेगळ्या परवाने तसेच मदतीचा हात दिला जाईल असे आश्वासन देण्यात आले. त्याबरोबर सभापती महोदय दीपक पवार साहेब यांचं ही मनोगत शेतकऱ्यांना लाभले. यादरम्यान दीपक पवार म्हणाले आमच्यासाठी अभिमान व भाग्याचा दिवस आहे की आमच्या या जिल्ह्यातील नागाव येथे होणारे kvk हे 50 हवे असून याचा शेतकऱ्यांना बी- बियाणे, खते व औषधे तसेच शेती मधील नवनवीन तंत्रज्ञान अवगत होण्यामध्ये मोठा फायदा होईल व आमच्या जिल्ह्यातला शेतकरी वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे फळे व भाजीपाल्याचे उत्पादन घेऊन तो परदेशांमध्ये निर्यात करू लागेल. साहेबांच्या मनोगत पार पडल्यानंतर प्रमुख पाहुणे डॉ. अनिल भिकाने सर यांनी सर्व नवनिर्वाचित स्टाफ, शेतकरी वर्ग व इतर अधिकारी वर्ग यांना प्रबोधन केले.

मनोगताच्या सुरुवातीलाच साहेबांनी या सर्व घटकांना एकत्र आणण्यासाठी गेले बरेच वर्षांपासून कष्ट घेत असलेले KVK चे प्रभारी अधिकारी डॉक्टर सुरेश जगदाळे साहेब यांना शुभेच्छा दिल्या व त्यांनी केवीके बद्दल संपूर्ण माहिती विस्तारित स्वरूपात शेतकरी व नवनिर्वाचित स्टाफला दिले.
डॉक्टर भिकाने सरांच्या मनोगत त्यानंतर संपूर्ण नवनिर्वाचित स्टाफ व शेतकरी वर्ग समाधान कारक वाटला. त्यांनी नागावच्या प्रत्येक घटकाने एकत्र येऊन मदतीचा हात पुढे घेऊन आपले केवीके देशामध्ये अव्वल कसा जाईल व त्याला आपल्या लेकरा प्रमाणे नवनिर्वाचित पदाधिकाऱ्यांना आपला मार्गदर्शन करून, सांभाळून घेऊन, पुढे घेऊन जावा असे संबोधण्यात आले. यानंतर त्यांनी पशु संगोपन, मत्स्यव्यवसाय, पोल्ट्री तसेच इत्यादी कृषी आधारित उद्योग वाढविण्यासंदर्भात मार्गदर्शन केले.

देशातील 136 वर्षाचा अनुभव असणारे मुंबई व्हेटर्नरी कॉलेज परेल संलग्न कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र सुरू झाले असून याचा चांगलाच फायदा संपूर्ण ग्रामीण भागातील शेतकऱ्यांना होईल असे मत त्यांनी व्यक्त केले.
डॉ भिकाने सर म्हणाले की डॉ रानडे सर यांनी दमदार नेतृत्व डॉक्टर सुरेश जगदाळे यांच्या रूपाने उभा करून कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र नागाव स्थापनेचा वेग वाढवला. आणि नवनिर्वाचित स्टॉप चे स्वागत केले.

यानंतर प्रमुख पाहुणे म्हणून लाभलेले डॉक्टर लाखनसिंग सर यांनी नवनिर्वाचित स्टाफ व शेतकरी समुदाय तसेच संपूर्ण अधिकारी वर्गाला मार्गदर्शन व प्रबोधन करत असताना वेगवेगळ्या घटकांबद्दल व कृषी विज्ञान केंद्रा बद्दल इथंभूत माहिती समजून सांगितलि. त्यांनी हे कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र उभा राहणे यामागे चे सर्व श्रेय माफसू चे कुलगुरू मा. कर्नल प्रा. डॉ. आशिष पातुरकर यांना जाते असे म्हणण्यात आले. डॉ लाखन सिंग सरांकडून कोणतीही संस्था मोठ्या वटवृक्षाप्रमाणे कशी उभा करायची याबद्दल चे धडे देखील सांगण्यात आले. लाखनसिंग सरांकडे 82 केवीके चे कामकाज तीन राज्याबरोबर इतर केंद्रशासित प्रदेशांचे पण असून त्याचे उत्तम नेतृत्व करत आहेत. डॉ लाखन सिंग सर सांगत असताना महाराष्ट्रातील महिला शेतकऱ्यांचा विशेष अभिमान त्यांनी या ठिकाणी व्यक्त केला व तसेच इंजिनिअर कडून संपूर्ण केवीके ची इमारत उभारणे व शेतकरी होस्टेल उभारणे याबद्दलची माहिती जाणून घेऊन त्याबद्दल विविध फंड देण्यासंदर्भात सकारात्मक आश्वासन देण्यात आले. तसेच कृषी आधारित उद्योगांना चालना देणारे प्रशिक्षण देखील देण्यासंदर्भात देणे आदेश केले. डॉ. लाखनसिंग सरांनी संपूर्ण कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र नागाव ची लागवडीखालील क्षेत्र शेतकऱ्यांपेक्षा उमदे व शास्त्रोक्त पद्धतीने राबून स्वतःच्या संस्थेचे उत्पन्न उभा करण्यासंदर्भात मार्गदर्शन दिले. यामुळे शेतकऱ्यांना काहीतरी वेगळं पाहायला या ठिकाणी मिळेल असेही त्यांच्याकडून सांगण्यात आले.

कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र नागाव यांचेमार्फत घेण्यात आलेल्या शेतकरी मेळावा मुळे सर्व उपस्थित शेतकऱ्यांच्या चेहऱ्यावरती एक प्रकारचं शेती विकासाचं समाधान कारक चित्र पाहायला मिळाले.

अशाप्रकारे वेगवेगळ्या प्रमुख पाहुण्यांचं मनोगते व मार्गदर्शन संपल्यानंतर डॉ. सलील हांडेनी आभार आभार प्रदर्शन करत कार्यक्रमाच्या प्रमुख अतिथींच्या परवानगीने कार्यक्रम संपला असे जाहीर केले.




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