Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated during Shukla Paksha Tritiya in the month of Vaishakha. It is considered an auspicious day in Hindu tradition, marked by significant religious rituals and activities which is believed to bring good luck, lasting prosperity and success. Here are few remedies which can also do to enhance your luck and bring prosperity and success in life. Type “GOLD” in comments as an energy exchange ⚱️🔱✨#thesereneaatman #gunjannautiyall #akshayatritiya #ritualsandremedies #forabundance #prosperity #success #goodluck #happiness #positivity #goodhealth #thankful #grateful #saiblessings🙌 💫
Our pets have a purpose in our lives. If you have ever thought or felt this drop a ❤️ in comments. DM to know more about your animal and plant companions. Follow @the_serene_aatman for more such content. #thesereneaatman #gunjannautiyall #telepathiccommunication #karmicconnection #sacredcontract #pets #animalcompanions #lifejourney #lifepurpose #thankful #grateful #saiblessingstoall💫
Get your ancestors blessings on this SOMVATI AMAVASYA, very auspicious day to remember your ancestors and seek their blessings. * Light a ghee lamp and add black sesame seeds to it. * Offer black sesame seeds to lord shiva directly and you can also add black sesame seeds to water and offer that water to Shivlinga and reciete any Shiva Mantra which you feel guided to and get rid of all the obstacles you are facing. * Add black sesame seeds to water and offer it to lord SUN to bring happiness and prosperity in your life. I wish you all get blessings of your ancestors on this Somvati amavasya. Drop a 💚 to claim this. Follow @the_serene_aatman for more such content. #thesereneaatman #gunjannautiyall #somvatiamavasya2023 #ancestralblessings #powerfulremedies #faithandpatience #divineisguidingus #everyday #love #happiness #saiblessings💫
Swastik is an auspicious symbol, it’s the symbol of good luck since ages. Let’s draw it in the right way to get the best results. Type “1111” to claim this knowledge DM to book your personal consultation. Follow @the_serene_aatman for more such videos #thesereneaatman #gunjannautiyall #rightway #ofmaking #swastik #auspicioussymbol #abundance #maalakshmi #kuber #wealth #attractmoney #happiness #thankful #grateful #saiblessings😇
Attract abundance with this powerful ritual. Put some honey on your left palm and with the help of cinnamon stick draw ♾️ sign or simply draw 8. Do this for 5 times and keep saying money affirmations while doing this.Wash you hands in tap water after the ritual. *I attract abundance easily. *Money flow quickly *I am a money magnet *I am financially free. *Money is drawn to me. Or you can customise your affirmations according to your need. Do this ritual on first day of every month, or on Thursdays and Fridays. Type *1111* to affirm. Follow @the_serene_aatman for more such videos. #thesereneaatman #gunjannautiyall #attractabundance #moneyritual #1june #firstdayofthemonth #theuniversehasyourback #havefaith #karmabeliever #powerfulrituals #thankful #grateful #saiblessings💫
I communicated with a rescued dog and she shared her heart out with me. How she feels when her rescuers keep sharing her story with everyone. She said because of this she isn’t able to come out of that trauma. Lot of respect for all the rescuers but think about it. SHARE SHARE SHARE Follow @the_serene_aatman for more informational videos. #thesereneaatman #gunjannautiyall #animaltelepathiccommunication #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedcases #rescuers #feeders #sharethispost #helpothers #understandyourfurriesbetter #connectwithus #love #light #gratitude #saiblessings 💫