HorsetoHuman- HtoH

HorsetoHuman- HtoH Bodylanguage-Natural Horsemanship- Therapy

A picture worth a thousand words 🫶🦄🫶

A picture worth a thousand words 🫶🦄🫶

Help Us Double Our Impact with AVI USA's Matching Funds Campaign!Dear Friends of Horses to Human,We're thrilled to annou...

Help Us Double Our Impact with AVI USA's Matching Funds Campaign!

Dear Friends of Horses to Human,

We're thrilled to announce that we've been selected for AVI USA's Matching Funds campaign! This incredible opportunity means that every dollar you donate will be matched 2:1, effectively doubling your impact.

Your support will help us:
*Continue to give the best care possible to our rescue horses (feed, vet care, infrastructure etc.)
*Cover our existing debt that accumulated during my absence
*Fund the amazing improvements we have planned for Horses to Human this coming year. Improvements such as a covered round pen so we can work even in the rain and the blistering summer heat. This is key to welcoming a lot more people and thus making a bigger difference!

A donation of just $100 will be matched to become $200, making a significant difference in our ability to continue providing equine-assisted therapy to those in need and maybe even be able to bring home an additional horse to it's forever home!
Your generosity will not only help us reach our fundraising goals but also allow us to continue transforming the lives of countless individuals through the healing power of horses.

Please consider making a donation today and help us double our impact!


For a bit more insight into what we do:

Thank you for your unwavering support of Horses to Healing. Together, we can make a lasting difference!

Happy, Nounours, Flame, Zoey, Pebbles, Chouchou, Monsoon, Banana and our dedicated humans!
A huge thank you to for making this possible!

Everyone meet . My friend, and co-worker, the newest teacher at HtoH!I am beyond grateful to have her on board and am ex...

Everyone meet . My friend, and co-worker, the newest teacher at HtoH!
I am beyond grateful to have her on board and am excited about the things we can achieve together!
Here is a short intro of Sahana, by Sahana:
"Four years ago, I made the transition to Auroville as a 24-year-old, seeking change and personal growth. The incredible transformation I've experienced since then, as I stand at 28, can largely be attributed to my journey with horses. I've shifted my career path, driven by a profound passion for connecting with these majestic animals and guiding others towards personal growth. Horses have become my primary source of inspiration through their unique ability to connect, partner, teach, and reflect emotions. My mission is to assist individuals in developing emotional intelligence and fostering their confidence as leaders through equine connections. The difference between my former self and my current state is remarkable. Gaining a horse's respect may be straightforward, but it does take a profound shift in one's perspective to get there and I want to help you get there and be with you every step of the way."

Introducing  , our main man when it comes to feeding the horses and making sure they get all the love (&food) they need!...

Introducing , our main man when it comes to feeding the horses and making sure they get all the love (&food) they need!
Here is a bit more about him:
Zohar was born in Auroville in 2003 and underwent his schooling in TLC (The Learning Community) in Auroville. He lives in Evergreen forest community where he has had contact with horses since he was a young child.
He has always had a deep love for animals and has worked in various animal-related projects in Auroville including a dairy farm, a self-run chicken farm and, as a young boy, he set up a bird rescue sanctuary where he helped wounded birds to rehabilitate whenever possible.
Zohar has recently joined the HtoH team where he takes care of the feeding and the well-being of the horses. He is an enthusiastic member of the team, bringing his passion and dedication and a deep will to learn and grow. We are so happy to have him on our team!

It's been a month since I had to leave and every day I miss your smell, the warmth of your soft muzzle on my cheek, our ...

It's been a month since I had to leave and every day I miss your smell, the warmth of your soft muzzle on my cheek, our moments of synchronicity.
Being away is beyond hard, but knowing you are well cared for, eases the pain.
Feeling the support from our guardian angels makes the weight less heavy to bear.
Once again thank you to all holding the herd in my absence. I thank you with my whole heart.

Dearest Guardian Angels, THANK YOU! 😭😍😭😍I am so touched by the outpouring of support from all of you: our community, our...

Dearest Guardian Angels,
I am so touched by the outpouring of support from all of you: our community, our support system!
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our herd!
As you know, I recently had to leave the country for a new chapter in my life. This meant that I had to leave the horses in the care of others. I was so worried about them, but your donations have given me peace of mind knowing that they are well-cared for, and that those caring for them have the means to keep them all healthy and happy!
The money you donated will go towards covering the cost of feed, making our stables safer, and any needed veterinary care/intervention for the horses.
With your help, we can continue to provide a safe and loving home for these horses. They (& me) are truly grateful for your support.

As decided by the poll, the updates on our finances will be shared as posts. Swipe to see our pending expenses. So far t...

As decided by the poll, the updates on our finances will be shared as posts.
Swipe to see our pending expenses. So far the donations we received will suffice to cover the first feed bill (slide2), we are however still missing around 12000RS+ for the remaining bills. These expenses are partly for feed (4,846) and the rest is to finish Happy's roof and thus have him safe and dry for the monsoon season, post which the roof will be used as a drying area to make our own grass hay which will help reduce future expenses.
Donations take several days to be processed and reach our account. I am unable to express how grateful I am for all your support and help. You are truly our Guardian Angels 😇💕🐎.

This post has been a long time coming. But the words are so much harder to write than I thought they would be: here goes...

This post has been a long time coming. But the words are so much harder to write than I thought they would be: here goes nothing: The last few months have been extremely difficult for me and my family. Since my father passed away in november of 2021 things have been getting more and more complicated and heavy in our community. As you are all likely aware, Auroville, my home, where I was born, is in a phase of huge change. It makes me sick to think about, and this post is not about that; but that is the reason I have had to leave Mother India.
I have spent the last month going back and forth.... The hardest back and forth... Fighting with the choices: My herd, my life as I know it, but without my husband; or a step into the unknown, but keeping my family together. For my son, for my sanity, I have chosen the unknown, for I know my family belongs together. My son needs his father in his life, especially at this young age. I too need my husband, my love, my rock. Without him, I wander in my mind to places I don't need to go to, with him I find strength and determination to do and overcome anything.
I made the hardest choice I've ever had to make, but I am proud I made my choice and finally took action.
Although I left the herd behind (temporarily I hope) they all live in me at all times! I have found immense support to care for them in my absence. The only thing I couldn't do before leaving was win the lottery, so now I need to reach out to each of you for your help. So many of you have been / are our guardian angels, and I pray you come to our rescue once again.
We are in need of donations to keep the horses fed during my absence. I have bought enough feed stock (from the last of my savings) to last around 2 weeks and hay for the month, but without me there to make ends meet we need you now our guardian angels more than ever.
A huge shout out to one of our angels for taking the most beautiful pictures that make me tear up and feel full all at once.
If you wish to join htoh as a guardian angel please reach out. We really need you 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎💕😇🪽

Guys its the last 2 days for the matching funds Campaign! Please show your loooooveeee

Guys its the last 2 days for the matching funds Campaign! Please show your loooooveeee

Please consider being our secret santa this year by donating to our AVI International Matching Funds Campaign!  It is yo...

Please consider being our secret santa this year by donating to our AVI International Matching Funds Campaign! It is your chance to show your support (and have it doubled!) it is the way for you to be a direct part of HorsetoHuman’s present and future, and to support our journey of healing and leadership!


This year has been quite something, to say the least. Here is my timeline: January: beginning to process my father's death, whilst growing a child in my womb. Trying not to let one diminish the other. February: More loss, Pebbles’ beautiful baby, for whom we fought so hard, but lost despite it all. March: swollen feet, that I can no longer see, lots of doctor’s appointments, and work. April: Frenzied baby arrival prep, more work! Sleepless nights, peeing 8-10x a night. Counting down the days. 10am Water breaks, labor at home, baby heartrate drop, ambulance, hospital, c-section. 10:00pm I get to hold my son: Idris, everything melts away, euphoria. May-June-July: Becoming a mother has been the most beautiful event of my life, I feel whole even though my heart now beats outside my chest, in a little tiny human. Idris has brought my attention back to the little moments of magic that occur every day, the little things: an ant crossing our path on the living room floor,, the gushing sound of the wind in the trees, shadows dancing on the wall; I have been back at work since 3 weeks after he was born, and thanks to donations from our guardian angels, I was able to take time off whenever Idris needed me. August: work, work, work. Repainting all the metal structures at HtoH. Exhausted worried about finances, but Idris’ smile makes it all dissipate. September: the paint is coming along, working hard is paying off for the painting work. Horses go to the field and manage to break the fence in 3 places. Idris makes me smile and have faith that it will all be fine. October: my dad's birthday comes, and with it lots of unexpected, unprocessed emotions. Idris is my rock, his laughter a burst of bliss. November: 1 year since my father’s death. The date creeps closer, emotions arise, almost raw all over again. Idris playing on the floor, I call his name and he turns around, squealing with joy at the sight of me. My heart, although heavy, is full and overflowing with love. December: funds dwindling, cyclone, repairs, stresssssssss! Idris crawls to me and touches my face. My heart bursts with love. AVI USA announces Matching Funds Campaign, time to get the word out and update our supporters and audience, but Idris is teething and glued to me, all my love and attention poured joyfully into him, every smile a treat, and thus work is left undone.

December 24th
So far our expenses for December are as follows:
Granite pillars: 10×500=5000 (+18%GST)
Labor charges : 19people × 700= 13,300
Fencing mesh: 18,177 +18% GST= 21,450
Binding wire: 140×4 kg = 560
Coconut rope: 25× 100 bundles= 2500
Plumbing works and material= 1250
Traffic Cones: 925 INR
Total Infrastructure maintenance cost: 33,460 INR
24/11/2022- 13,800 INR from Pune (feed for all)
12/12/2022- 19,020 INR from Noida (beet pulp, stallion feed, PPID-safe feed)
15/12/2022- 5850 INR from Pondi (millets)
19/12/2022- 5715INR From Chennai (pony feed)
Feed Milling- 1800 INR
Total cost for feed: 46,185 INR
Materials: 1800
Feed: 3850
Total: 5650
Grand total: 91,775 INR

Please consider being our secret santa this year by donating to our AVI International Matching Funds Campaign!  It is yo...

Please consider being our secret santa this year by donating to our AVI International Matching Funds Campaign! It is your chance to show your support (and have it doubled!) it is the way for you to be a direct part of HorsetoHuman’s present and future, and to support our journey of healing and leadership!


This year has been quite something, to say the least. Here is my timeline: January: beginning to process my father's death, whilst growing a child in my womb. Trying not to let one diminish the other. February: More loss, Pebbles’ beautiful baby, for whom we fought so hard, but lost despite it all. March: swollen feet, that I can no longer see, lots of doctor’s appointments, and work. April: Frenzied baby arrival prep, more work! Sleepless nights, peeing 8-10x a night. Counting down the days. 10am Water breaks, labor at home, baby heartrate drop, ambulance, hospital, c-section. 10:00pm I get to hold my son: Idris, everything melts away, euphoria. May-June-July: Becoming a mother has been the most beautiful event of my life, I feel whole even though my heart now beats outside my chest, in a little tiny human. Idris has brought my attention back to the little moments of magic that occur every day, the little things: an ant crossing our path on the living room floor, th

December 24th
So far our expenses for December are as follows:
Granite pillars: 10×500=5000 (+18%GST)
Labor charges : 19people × 700= 13,300
Fencing mesh: 18,177 +18% GST= 21,450
Binding wire: 140×4 kg = 560
Coconut rope: 25× 100 bundles= 2500
Plumbing works and material= 1250
Traffic Cones: 925 INR
Total Infrastructure maintenance cost: 33,460 INR
24/11/2022- 13,800 INR from Pune (feed for all)
12/12/2022- 19,020 INR from Noida (beet pulp, stallion feed, PPID-safe feed)
15/12/2022- 5850 INR from Pondi (millets)
19/12/2022- 5715INR From Chennai (pony feed)
Feed Milling- 1800 INR
Total cost for feed: 46,185 INR
Materials: 1800
Feed: 3850
Total: 5650
Grand total: 91,775 INR

Every horse owner believes they have the BEST horse, 🦄❤🐎None of them are wrong! 😍💯                                      ...

Every horse owner believes they have the BEST horse, 🦄❤🐎
None of them are wrong! 😍💯

Somewhere between a moment ago and in an instant, there is this magical space:  the present. and Monsoon living in the d...

Somewhere between a moment ago and in an instant, there is this magical space: the present.

and Monsoon living in the depth of the present 😍

"If you change the way you look at things, The things you look at change."👆One of my favorite quotes that I apply to my ...

"If you change the way you look at things,
The things you look at change."

One of my favorite quotes that I apply to my interactions with horses.

👉What is yours and why?
👇Comment below.

I have often gotten stuck on trying to fix, or change things, taking my perspective, my logic, as initiative to finding a solution. Basically putting in a lot of energy blindly; instead of just paying attention and listening with all my senses.
The biggest change I have had to make, the skill I have to learn again every day, is to respect the individuality in perspective of this experience called life.
In other words, every horse, every human, every sentient being experiences life slightly differently, and being able to listen (instead of applying my own logic) has made all the difference.
It has given a space to what we humans like to call Empathy.
👉Check out our Fundraiser!😁
👆👉Link in BIO.❤❤❤🌐

Oh how I love that nose and those ears 😍! Check out our fundraiser,  link in bio.                                       ...

Oh how I love that nose and those ears 😍!
Check out our fundraiser, link in bio.


💪🥇🥇🥇 BAREFOOTERS take GOLD in the team showjumping at the OLYMPICS! COME ON 💪

**BREAKING NEWS!!** Yep you heard it, Swedish 🇸🇪 barefoot horses are TOP OF THE WORLD, taking GOLD to beat the USA in a breathtaking jump off for the top position.

👉 No more will the world say that barefoot horses cannot compete at the highest level!

👉No more will the world say “well it’s not gold is it”… because IT IS!!


🥇Peder Fredricson riding H&M All In - BAREFOOT - rode an incredible final round, he had to go clear and he had to ride faster than the US - and the two of them did it!

🥇 Henrik Von Eckermann riding King Edward - BAREFOOT - went first, stayed composed and did a blinding round completely clear - he didn't knock down one fence in the entire competition!!!

Even though we are celebrating the barefoot achievement here, it is a team event and we have to also congratulate their other awesome team rider, Malin, who with her horse really jumped their hearts out!👇

🥇Malin Baryard-Johnsson riding Indiana - SHOD - had to go clear...and fast... and they did! Fantastic round!


All 3 riders not only went clear and fast - but they were the most consistent riders in the whole competition - only knocking down 2 fences in the final stages.

👉BOTH the barefoot horses were previously SHOD and were transitioned to barefoot.

H&M All In - who took SILVER in the individual showjumping, is now being recognised as probably the BEST all round showjumper IN THE WORLD…

….and he is BAREFOOT! 💪

King Edward - didn’t drop ONE POLE in the entire competition - an incredible horse! 🙌


All the info from our previous post when Peder and H&M All In took SILVER and Henrik and King Edward came 4th.👇👇👇

“Well done to Grevlunda Fredricson Show Jumping & Henrik Von Eckermann for pushing our tradition based sport towards evolution. For those interested Peder Fredricson’s barefoot horses are:

💙 H&M All In
❤️ Catch Me Not S
💛 H&M Christian K
💚 Hansson WL
💜 Jumper d’Oase
🧡 Sienna SN

Henrik Von Eckermann’s barefoot horses are:

💙 King Edward
❤️ Hera de Landetta II
💛 Hollywood V
💜 Hugo Boss
🧡 Tovek’s Mary Lou

…and probably more, those are just the ones I’ve looked into” Katie Pontone (thanks Katie for such amazing work on finding out all this information about these two BAREFOOT OLYMPIC PIONEERS!) and of course your own success at top levels showjumping barefoot in the USA!

Show jumping is a TOUGH sport for horses and riders, and the equine world has always perpetuated the narrative that horses just could not compete and succeed at these lofty high levels unless they were SHOD…


… and now these amazing horses and riders HAVE PROVED IT TO THE WORLD!!🙌🌎

So come on EQUINE world… stop believing that horses need metal nailed to their feet to be the TOP COMPETITORS ON THIS PLANET!

We SALUTE YOU… 🇸🇪 Peder Fredricson & Henrik Von Eckermann & SWEDEN 🇸🇪 … and all your brilliant BAREFOOT HORSES! 🇸🇪

We hope to have more in depth info for you in Issue 32 coming out in the Autumn - don’t miss it!

Bust those traditional myths and read The Barefoot Horse Magazine… and shout it from the rooftops…


👉ISSUE 31 just released👉

👉or SUBSCRIBE and never miss an issue👉

GOLD WINNING HORSE athletes can do it BARE! 🥇 💪

The BHM Team ❤️

Loving the new round pen.Wanna know how you can help us make a difference, have a read through our fundraiser:http://m-l...

Loving the new round pen.
Wanna know how you can help us make a difference, have a read through our fundraiser:

My dad and our gentle giant. Thank you dad for always believing in me, most of all when i didnt believe in myself. You h...

My dad and our gentle giant.
Thank you dad for always believing in me, most of all when i didnt believe in myself. You have always known what to say to make my heart ache go away, and have always challenged me to be better. I love you so much, and i am so grateful that my soul chose you as my dad 🥰

More memories of last year.           #2020

More memories of last year.

Each of our horses is a different age, breed, size, workload, which makes dietary planning quite the mental gymnastics. ...

Each of our horses is a different age, breed, size, workload, which makes dietary planning quite the mental gymnastics. We take into account many factors when deciding on a feeding plan. What is an essential feed ingredient that you feed your horses and why?
In the pic you can see happy cleaning out the Raggi porridge pot.

The Centaur. Half human half horse.   👱‍♀️🐴

The Centaur. Half human half horse.

Happy 🐴HAPPY used to be a race horse, his career cut short by an injury to his right hind leg. He kicked out in the star...

Happy 🐴

HAPPY used to be a race horse, his career cut short by an injury to his right hind leg. He kicked out in the starting gate at the races this ripped open his leg so severely that he was scheduled for euthanasia.
When we came across him, a week or so after his accident, the day before his scheduled demise, we saw the wound and noticed it was severely granulated(full of proud flesh), but that none of his vital structures had been affected, so we took him home. The next morning he came home, he was unloaded at the Matrimandir and walked home...
His wound was like a large cauliflower protruding from his leg, but with daily cleaning and attention he healed fully within 6 months.
What is taking longer is rehabbing his extremely flat Cracker brittle hooves.
However, he is finally growing decent hooves! 🐎



Our equivalent of a seat belt.

Our equivalent of a seat belt.

A clear Neutal make everything else mean more. It's the difference between consistency, building a language and simply g...

A clear Neutal make everything else mean more. It's the difference between consistency, building a language and simply guessing..

Monsoon the mare with fire in her hair 🔥.

Monsoon the mare with fire in her hair 🔥


Leadership is solidified & proven through teamwork.

Leadership is solidified & proven through teamwork.

Every person in the world believe they have the best, most beautiful, most intelligent horse, and none of us are wrong 🦄...

Every person in the world believe they have the best, most beautiful, most intelligent horse, and none of us are wrong 🦄💥💞📸


Sharnga Guest House, Auroville


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